Minutes of Monthly Meeting November 2, 2015

ROLL CALL: Dennis Fontaine, Kevin Emery, Tobin Yager, and AminBahour (Trustees), Paul Stanley arrived 7:10, Ann Arsenault, Office Manager, and Tom Harmon (Administrative Assistant).

CALL TO ORDER: Dennis Fontaine called to order the monthly meeting at 7:01 PM

MOTION TO ACCEPT BERWICK ROAD ASSESSMENT MINUTES: Kevin Emery made a motion to accept the Berwick Road Assessment Meeting minutes with one amendment, Sue Roberge will be added to the public audience list. Tobin Yager seconded the motion, AminBahour abstained. All others in favor.


Tobin Yager made a motion to accept the Meeting Minutes of the October 5, 2015 meeting as presented, Armin Bahour seconded, Motion passed all in favor.

PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Jonathan Douglas, Albert Roberge, Eric Flinkstrom


Eric Flinkstrom requested the board dismiss the interest due on his assessment mortgage due 10/01/2015. Discussion of the date and time sequence of the lien placed in 2011 verified the 2011 lien was a valid lien. Discharge prepared in June of 2011 was recorded by the York Registry in June of 2011, but not listed under South Berwick, and book referenced in the lien discharge included an additional digit. Dennis Fontaine passed the meeting to Paul Stanley. It was determined that it is the South Berwick Sewer Districts responsibility to discharge correctly, and the additional registry fee incurred by Eric Flinkstrom should be refunded. The mortgage debt is owed with interest. Paul Stanley made a motion to deny the request to forgive all interest due on the assessment mortgage. Dennis seconded the motion, all in favor. Tobin made a motion to reimburse the fee of $19.49, and Kevin Emery seconded the motion. All in favor.


  • Dennis Robillard requested consideration to waive interest fees on the additional amount due for unbilled usage. The Board made a decision to waive any interest incurred to date if the amount due is paid in full upon notification. Paul Stanley made a motion to deny the request for no interest fees to pay the outstanding bill for previously unbilled usage. AminBahour seconded the motion. All in favor.
  • Jonathan Douglas will discuss the Berwick Academy unbilled usage sometime soon. It will be tabled for next month.
  • David Ewing submitted an odor complaint. Skip will be asked to get in touch with David Ewing
  • Cummings Mill for Information Only
  • Eric Flinkstrom, already discussed under OLD BUSINESS

NEW BUSINESS Kevin requested the operations cost of the I & I Study. Tom Harmon will have that information for the next meeting. The Budget Workshop is scheduled for November 10, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Civil Consultants. A Public Hearing will be set up for next month.


Odor Control: complaint submitted by David Ewing

Septic – some delinquencies. Statements have been sent out for all delinquent accounts, and finance charges have been accessed.

PAYING OF BILLS Kevin Emery made the motion to pay the November bills in the amount of $85,355.17, and Tobin Yager seconded. All in favor.

Kevin Emery made a motion to conclude the meeting, Paul Stanley seconded it. Meeting adjourned 8:20 PM

Submitted by Ann Arsenault

Office Manager

J:\SBSD\minutes\2015\20151102 minutes.docx