
Period / Block: ______

Honors Human Anatomy & Physiology

Teacher: Jason McCutcheon Room B101


Wiki page:

Initial Contact: Parents, sometime this week please contact me with an email address you would like to use for correspondence this semester.

Honors Expectation: In order to earn the extra quality point associated with honors coursework, students are

expected to take greater responsibility for learning; produce higher quality work than

those in standard sections; learn the material in greater depth; read and present orally and

in writing recent scientific findings; and complete projects related to content they

research outside of the class.

Course Description: This class surveys the major organ systems of the human body. It provides students with the fundamental concepts of bodily structure and physiology. This should be a challenging course that will prepare you for further study in biological sciences or in health-related professions. I hope you enjoy it.

Textbook: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 7th edition, Marieb; 2003

Required Materials: -Textbook -Pen / Pencil, Highlighter, & Loose Leaf Paper

-3 Ring Binder -Colored Pencils & *Small sharpener (*optional but recommended)

Students are required to keep a notebook that will include all notes, handouts, and objectives taken during class, as well as, any other information determined by the teacher. This notebook will be checked and graded periodically. Students are expected to bring the list of required materials to class every day.

Donation Item: (from posted class list)______

Please consider that these items will greatly improve our classroom and laboratory as well as enhance your learning experience. Turned in within two weeks, thank you!

1st quarter 2nd quarter

Test Timeline: Intro to Anatomy Feb Muscular System Apr

Biochemistry Feb Nervous System Apr

Histology Mar Special Senses Apr

Integumentary System Mar Endocrine System May

Skeletal System Mar Circulatory System May

Midterm Mar Respiratory/Digestive/Urinary May

Human Anatomy & Physiology continued...

Tests: Tests will vary in format. All tests will be announced several days in advance. Every effort should be made to be present on test days. Makeup tests will be arranged by the teacher and will be on your own time within five school days.

Other Assignments: Notebooks may be taken up periodically. Daily assignments, homework, and labs should be kept up to date in the notebook and ready to turn in. Quizzes will be given from time to time and may be announced or unannounced. I would like to emphasize organization and study skills in order to help you succeed. Please see the teacher if extra individual help is needed. Extra credit not available.

Tutoring: Mondays 2:30 – 3:00; other days except Wednesdays by appointment only.

Late Work: Assignments are due on the date determined by your teacher. Only late work for an illness or excused absence will be accepted for full credit.

Absences: Makeup work is the responsibility of the student after an absence. The student is to ask the teacher about work missed. All missed work not made up will receive a zero.

Grading: Grades will be determined as follows:

70% Formal……………………………… Tests, Quizzes, & Projects

30 % Informal……………………………. Homework, Classwork, Labs, etc

Class Rules: 1. Respect yourself, your school, & others. 4. Always give your best effort.

2. Be on time. 5. Do your own work on independent assignments.

3. Bring all required materials to class. 6. Never eat or drink in class (except water).

Honor Code: Copying homework and giving or receiving help on quizzes, tests,

and other independent assignments will result in zeroes for both

the person copying and the one who allows it. All students are

expected to do their own work and required to abide by the

following Honor Code:

“I have neither given nor received assistance on this work.”

Student responsibilities: My signature indicates I have read and understand the rules and procedures of this class. Also, in signing this I agree to have the Honor Code applied to all my independent classroom work. (Please sign attached sheet)

Parent responsibilities: My signature indicates that I understand the purpose of the classroom rules and the Honor Code and support this attempt to emphasize academic credibility. (Please sign attached sheet)