1.  Welcome and Apologies

In attendance were Kelly Clarke, Alison Conlin, Shona Smith, Bryony Capaldi, Caroline Danks, Anne McIntyre, Lorna Baron and Gail Campbell.

Before discussing charity status Lorna asked for a debrief on the actions from the PTA’s November meeting which are as follows:-

·  LB still to speak to Jill Wareham re Sports Relief dress down day and possibility of moving AGM to Meet the Teacher dates.

·  GC has sent Wish List to AJT for action.

·  AM/LB still attending to Accounts.

·  CD still to speak to Sally re website.

·  Sally had moved PTA page on website back to where it had been.

·  PTA had read through Constitution/charity status website.

·  CD had spoken to her husband who was on board regarding advice on setting up charity status.

Action Required: AC to speak to AJT re Wish List and ask for costings from teachers.

LB/AM to finalise Accounts.

CD to speak to Sally re PR/website.

2. Charity Status

LB advised that she had spoken to Jill Wareham who was on board with the PTA proceeding with this if that was what was decided was best for the school and was happy to become a Trustee. CD advised her husband who would be happy to help with our application as he has experience. LB then asked SS to Chair the evening’s meeting as she was the lead in researching the prospect of the PTA gaining charity status. SS advised she had spoken with Lynsey Shiels who had also agreed to assist re applying for Gift Aid.

·  Why change status?

SS’s summary was noted in the previous Minutes of 13th November 2015 re structure and the pros and cons of gaining charity status. SS suggested that the best way to proceed was via an umbrella structure with different divisions/sub-sections under the PTA such as Project Play. SS explained the benefit of gaining charity status to Kelly Clarke from Project Play and the 20% uplift on funds raised that could be achieved from schemes such as Gift Aid etc.

She asked if this was something Kelly and the Project Play team would be interested in. Kelly advised that Project Play may co-exist for some time but probably not forever. The PTA were permanent and therefore it would make sense to be under the PTA in the structure. The PTA and Project Play were both working for the benefit of raising funds for the school. Kelly advised that the Project Play aim was to raise £40k and a 20% uplift would be of great assistance towards achieving that aim.

SS advised that the structure was important and we would need someone from Planet Play on the Committee.

SS advised that having done quite a bit of research the PTA were in a very good position to apply for charity status as most of the structures were in place already such as the Accounts procedures and Constitution.

·  Gift Aid

The aspect of Gift Aid was very important due to the 20% uplift on funds raised. LS was happy to take the Gift Aid Aspect on and to apply as it has to be registered with the Inland Revenue. LS will have to formally join the PTA Committee. Gift Aid is received approximately 90 days after submission of the application.

Planet Play would benefit the most with the larger events they will be hosting. Parents also need to approve funds. A caveat needs signed when donating and applying for Gift Aid. Regarding the “Onesie Day” for example a Gift Aid envelope would have to be provided with the parents donating to tick the box. Would be a lot of work collecting envelopes and BC asked if these would all need to be filed with the application forms to Gift Aid/Accounts. GC asked if we could speak to those involved at the High School and Nursery to see what their procedures were in this respect.

It was thought that for the smaller “cash in bucket” events that it probably would be too much work for the money raised. However, it would be beneficial for the larger events such as the Monsters Ball etc. AM advised that we were unable to claim VAT back for Cauliflower Cards this year as it is not allowed for “profit”. However, if we gained charity status we could. Kelly advised that they had been able to claim VAT back through the Council on various fundraisers and she had gone through Val Clarke in the office to achieve this.

CD wondered if perhaps we could ask Jill Wareham if we could go down the route where parents, who would wish to, could donate say £2 - £5 per month by Direct Debit/Standing Order into an Account with an agreement we could apply for Gift Aid. This would be a good way to raise funds and easy for parents to set up. The Committee thought that this was a very good idea.

·  Procedure/Application Form

SS advised that it looked pretty straightforward to set up. We needed a permanent Trustee and it was felt this should be Jill Wareham. We also required to change the PTA Constitution.

The change over of Committee members every two years would create work regarding updating paperwork to reflect nominees changing and the need to tee up new Committee members would require to be done well in advance. However, we already have a Constitution and as we are an established PTA fundraising Committee so there should be no issues filling in aims and objectives. Fiona Reville already audits the Accounts and is out with the Committee which is a requirement.

Kelly advised that Anneli Lyon deals with the finances for Planet Play. She would keep the monies separate from the PTA but could liaise with the PTA when applying for Gift Aid – or whether it required to be joined together.

·  OSCR reporting duties

SS advised that what we produce for our AGM is exactly what is required so we are already set up in that respect.

Regarding our aims/objectives it would be a good process for the PTA moving forward.

AM was getting up to speed with the Accounts – there were still some missing invoices but only for small amounts.

·  HMRC duties

This is something that also requires to be done and we will receive advice on this moving forward from LS and FR.

LB asked for those in favour to proceed in the application of gaining charity status to raise their hands and vote. All PTA members present as noted above (6 parents and 1 teacher) voted Yes to proceed. Kelly Clarke from Project Play also advised she was in favour of the proposal.

SS advised there were things that required to be done:-

We need to amend our Constitution and structure and prepare a 5 year plan. The procedure for doing this is contained in the Constitution. We also need a Special Meeting where 30 parents could approve the new Constitution. SS advised that she could draft the Constitution for approval by the Committee and BC advised we could send a draft out to parents by email inviting them to the Special Meeting to approve. AC advised that we could hold it on a Friday at 11.30 am in the GP room – just before school finishes and that way we could probably achieve the 30 parents required to push the Constitution through. GC mentioned the next PTA meeting was due to be held on Thursday, 5 February and it would be helpful if we could hold the Special Meeting before then in order that we can push things forward at the PTA meeting. It was agreed that we would invite parents on Friday, 30 January 2014 to the Special Meeting as suggested by AC.

SS suggested a 2 point Agenda at the Special Meeting – still to be worded but around:-

  1. Changing Constitution.
  2. Agreeing to move forward.

Re changing Constitution, SS advised at the moment we require 7 parents and 2 teaching staff as per the Constitution before decisions can be made and as a minimum on the Committee. SS thought it might be beneficial to change to 6 or 5 members and discussion followed re perhaps providing a Mandate to other members of the Committee giving authority in absence to act on their behalf. KC advised this would be useful as she cannot attend every meeting but could send a member of Project Play on most occasions. BC asked if we could email Minutes for agreement by members who cannot attend. SS to have a think about this. SS also asked if CD could arrange for her to speak to her husband Eddie Danks for some background and advice before proceeding to ensure she had not missed anything.

Points in the Constitution discussed that should be changed:-

Change Clause 6 to Clause 5. Clause 6e should be amended to 5 members to form a quorum to include 1 member of teaching staff and also requires a section on rotation of Committee – provision should be made for those wishing to leave within 1-2 years. SS also asked if we wished a provision where members are forced to be re-elected after a certain amount of time should they stay on the Committee for over 2 years. It was thought sensible that Committee members should stand down or be re-elected after 2 years – to enable parents who may wish to join the opportunity to stand for a position.

Roles need to be clarified. Need to add Project Play under “Other Committee Roles”. BC advised it would be good to have an “Events Co-ordinator/Planner” role for occasional events. Also a “General Parent Member” role would encourage parents to come on board if they are not required to come to every meeting.

The Associate Members clause needs clarified as other sub-committees such as Project Play may require to come under the umbrella structure in future years.

Clause 8 should be moved to join with Clause 6 and have headings. A section on “Running of Business” should also be added.

Clause 9 and 11 re funds and Accounts seemed in order.

CD advised that she would send the Nursery Constitution to SS for her attention.

GC mentioned posting on Facebook that we could ask for feedback from parents on any experience negative or positive in gaining charity status.

Action: GC to book room at Council for Friday, 30 January at 11.30 am

CD to send Nursery Constitution to SS and provide contact details to SS for her husband Eddie Danks to discuss charity status.

SS to draft new Constitution and send to PTA.

BC/CD to liaise re sending new Constitution to parents and post on Facebook what we are seeking to achieve/feedback.

LB to put charity status proposal in next school newsletter. LB to discuss with Jill Wareham the prospect of asking parents for £2-£5 per month.

3.  AOB

CD advising that she was meeting with AJT to go through website. CD would liaise with Project Play regarding posting on Facebook for PTA and Project Play. CD thought it might be beneficial to add wider fundraising appeals in the Community on the website. After discussion, it was felt that it should concentrate on the school – however there could be a link to wider community appeals.

GC advised that the monies were now sitting and ready for the teachers Wish List. It would be good if we could now have costings. AC advised that she had another request re Wish List for 15 cameras for teachers to borrow out and use in class. PTA members seemed happy with this. She would find out the cost of these. AC would circulate items on the list to the teachers and get costings for the items such as basketball nets etc.

BC asked if we could proceed with a Ceilidh as the families really enjoyed it last year. LB advised that if she wanted to cost it and perhaps try to get a company to sponsor the band then it would have a higher fundraising capacity.

Regarding the May Fair, it was agreed that Saturday, 30 May 2015 would be a good date where most Committee members were free.

Action: CD to meet with AJT re website and liaise with Kelly Clarke re PTA/Project Play events for posting.

BC to investigate sponsorship of the ceilidh by local companies.

GC to book halls for May Fair