Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on13th December 2011
at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meathat 2.30pm.
Members Present:-
CathaoirleachCllr. T. McElhinney, Cllr. B. Carey, Cllr. J. Fox, Cllr J. O’Shea (TrimTown Council Cathaoirleach), Cllr. J. Fegan
Officials in Attendance:-
Senior Executive EngineerVincent Collins
Area ManagerTadhg McDonnell
Area AdministratorBrian Murphy
Clerical OfficerÁine Brennan
1.0Confirmation of Minutes:
1.1Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on the 21st November 2011.
Proposed by Cllr. Carey and Seconded by Cllr. Fox
2.0Matters Arising from the Minutes:
Cllr. O’Shea:Asked what the situation was in relation to the junction at Marcie Regan’s, Newtown.
Area Engineer:Informed him of the proposal to change the junction which involves closing the bridge to all vehicles and create parking in the area. He stated that the proposal is subject to funding and a Part VIII planning application approval.
Cllr. Carey:
- Stated that after stating at the previous meeting that he had no problem with the lighting situation in Enfield he later discovered that there are 2 lights out in the village.
- Stated that the potholes in Clonard still need to be filled in.
- Stated that he has informed the residents of EnfieldVillage to contact this office in relation to the 3 hour parking.
Administrator:Stated that a letter has issued to Enfield Garda Station and the Superintendant in relation to the enforcement of the 3 hour parking in the village. He also advised that the issue should be raised at the Joint Policing Committee meeting.
McElhinney:Enquired about a developer asking if there was funding available from the Council to help complete unfinished housing estates.
Area Manager:Informed the members that there is funding available from the Department of Environment to provide grants nationwide for unfinished housing estates. However the estates are assessed on a scale of 1 – 4 and none of the estates in Meath have qualified for the grant.
Cllr. Fox:
- Asked for a completion date on the sewerage works in Summerhill.
- Asked if the Green bollards had been erected at the Ballyclare junction.
- Informed the members that he does not have a completion date as the works have failed the tests that have been carried out as there is water leaking into some of the pipes.
- Stated that bollards are being erected today and would check to see if Ballyclare is one of the areas.
Cllr. O’Shea:Asked if the “Deer Signs” had been erected at the Moy, Summerhill.
Area Engineer:Stated that the signs were to be erected.
3.0 Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations.
Expressions of sympathy was passed to the family of former councillor Tom Dempsey on his recent death.
Congratulations were passed on to Ballivor GFC on winning the Leinster Junior Cup Title.
4.0Correspondence and matters raised by the Manager.
5.0Statutory Business
5.1Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001. Disposal of land at Loman Street, Trim, Co. Meath to Michael & Brendan McCormack for the purpose of implementing and affecting a rectification of boundaries already in situ.
The Area Administrator and Area Manager outlined the background to the Section 1863.
The above Section 183 was approved on the proposition of Cllr. Jimmy Fegan and seconded by Cllr. Joe Fox.
6.0Notice of Motion
Administrator:Asked Cllr. Carey if he wanted to forward his Notice of Motion in relation to the junction at Enfield on to the full council.
Cllr. Carey:Asked the Engineer if he had looked at the junction in question.
Area Engineer:Stated that he has inspected the junction and that it was his opinion that works needed to be carried out in order to make the junction safer.
Cllr Carey:Stated that he did not want the motion to be brought to the full council.
7.0Update on works ongoing from Area Engineer
Cllr. O’Shea:Stated that he had received a number of representation in relation to the leaves on the road at Dr. Doyle’s surgery in Navangate and asked if the area could be cleaned.
Area Engineer:Stated that he would get the leaves cleaned up.
Cllr. Carey:Stated that the manhole cover at the traffic lights in Enfield still needs to be repaired.
McElhinney:Complimented the staff for gritting the roads.
A lengthy discussion followed in relation to gritting routes in the area in particular the areas from Brannoxtown to Ballivor and from Enfield to Laracor, however they acknowledged that fact that resources were limited and all routes could not be gritted.
8.0Any Other Business
Cllr. Carey raised the following:
- Asked if planning permission was granted to a Mr, Maguire at Moyfin, Longwood as there have been report of some large lorries going in and out of the old quarry.
- Enquired about the water pressure being turned down in Enfield as part of a cost savings scheme as asked that the members be informed in the future if it was to happen again as people with water softener systems area experiencing some problems when the pressure is turned down.
- Asked if there was any further developments in relation to taking in charge of Delmere housing estate and that he wants it on the next agenda.
Area Engineer:Stated that the pressure was not turned down very low and that the particular water softener in question requires a very high pressure to operate. He also stated that the exercise has been postponed until after Christmas and that he will notify the councillors when it is to go ahead.
Administrator:Stated that there was no further update in relation to Delmere housing estate.
Cllr Fegan raised the following:
- Suggested that the junction at the end of Patrick Street coming onto the ring road be changed to include no right turn from the junction as this junction particularly at school times is dangerous and also creates delays with traffic when a car is waiting to turn right.
- Informed the Engineer that there are 3 public lights out at Lackanash.
- Stated that there is some pothole repair required at Ballyboggan.
- Asked if surface dressing was to be laid on the Athboy road as it is very slippery .
- Stated that gullies adjacent to Scoil na Boinne on the Dublin Road needed to be cleared.
- Stated that he has received many complaints in relation to the slippery surface on the roundabout on the Summerhill / Kilcock road.
Area Manager:Requested that an auto tracker be carried out on the Summerhill / Kilcock road roundabout.
Area Engineer:Stated that the suggestion to alter the Patrick junction had some merits and that he would look into the possibility of same.
Cllr. McElhinney raised the following:
- Stated that there is a section of the road at Tircroghan not filled in.
- Enquired about graveyard ownership.
- Stated that a tree outside Maureen McGeraghty’s house is gone and that there is a pothole at the same location.
- Stated that there is a footpath needed across from the primary school in ballivor to go back towards the village.
The members wished the Manager well in his new role as Navan Town and Area Manager in the new year.
Meeting Concluded at 3:55p.m.
Minutes of December 2011 area meeting.docPage 1 of 4
Trim Town Council and Area Office, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, County Meath