Minutes of Moculta Recreation Park and

Soldiers Memorial Hall Committee


Meeting Commenced: 7.32pm

Present:Rick Pfeiffer (Chair),Carmel Pfeiffer,David Boehm,John Angas,Graham Keynes, Steve Hausler, Bruce Henderson andDeb Chinca

Apologies:Trevor Bromley, Lesley Thomson and Cliff Thomson.

Rick Pfeiffer welcomed everyone to the meeting

Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting confirmedBruce Henderson and seconded by Carmel Pfeiffer

Business Arising:

  1. Hall exit doors repairs. Rick Pfeiffer to get a quote from Shane Atze after SALA
  2. Guard rails around disabled toilet- Lance Davidson will measure and quote
  3. Pie Warmer requires alfoil on bottom shelf. Rick to speak to Trevor Bromley.
  4. Irrigation Controller. Rick has checking the backup battery and advised that it is rechargeable
  5. Australian Flag:Tony Pasin (Member for Barker)) has supplied an Australian Flag to the Committee for the Community
  6. There have been no new Initiatives grants approved for Moculta. John Angas to follow up with Council to get more information
  7. BC Future Model for Section 41 Committee. John Angas gave the Committee an update advising that the new model has been adopted by Council.
  8. Cleaning Cupboard is being made. Design altered to fit current cleaning equipment.
  9. Hall replacement rain water tank. Rick Pfeiffer advised that the price for a galvanised flat tank $1600. Steve Hausler moved that we purchase a Denyer galvanised tank. Seconded David Boehm. Carried

Rick to advise Committee members when tank arrives so that it can be placed straight onto tank stand

  1. Pavilion hole were pipe from old tank was plumbed to the kitchen to be repaired by Shane Atze. David Boehm moved that the repairs be undertaken . Seconded Steve Hausler. Carried



  1. Kleen heat gas invoice for yearly hire of cylinders
  2. Australian flag Tony Pasin
  3. Meal on Meals – use of Hall for catering.
  4. Natalie Mudge (B.C.) advising of Council elections and asking for candidates

Finance: Presented by Carmel Pfeiffer as at 31/07/14


Total Revenue:$ 134

Total Expenditure$ 2846


Total Revenue:$ 0

Total Expenditure$ 4671


MOVED Carmel Pfeiffer That the following list of authorised transactions (purchase orders) raised for the period 12/07/2014 to 15/08/2014 be endorsed by the Committee:

Purchase Order Date Supplier Amount


M03515 15/07/2014 Wesfarmers Kleenheat Gas $67.10

Re: Moculta SM Hall

1 x yearly facility fees for 2 x 45kg


M03516 15/07/2014 TheGlassmiths $1300.00

Re: Moculta Recreation Park

Supply & install a cleaner’s storage


M03517 21/07/2014 Carmel Pfeiffer $25.50

Re: Moculta SM Hall

Re-imbursement for the purchase

Of bird deterrent.


Rick PfeifferCARRIED

General Business:

1.Caretakers Report: None tabled

2.Caretaker feedback Steve Hausler outlined a number of general maintenance issues that need to be addressed by the Caretaker

3.Caretakers Contract. Discussion in regards to the present caretaker’s contract

Next Meeting:16/09/2014

Rick Pfeiffer thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting

Meeting Closed:9.05 pm

Signed: ……………………………………………..

Rick Pfeiffer
