Cascade School District
Field Trip Information Packet


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Field Trips, Excursions and Outdoor Education

The board recognizes that field trips when used as a device for teaching and learning integral to the curriculum are an educationally sound and important ingredient in the instructional program of the schools. Such trips can supplement and enrich classroom procedures by providing learning experiences in an environment beyond the classroom.

Trips out of state, or with an overnight stay, must be approved in advance by the board. Outdoor education resident school plans will be presented to the board for annual approval. The superintendent has the authority to approve all other field trips. Athletic and academic competitions may also be approved by the superintendent.

The superintendent will develop procedures for the operation of a field trip or an outdoor education activity which will insure that the safety of the student will be protected and that parent permission is obtained before the student leaves the school. Each field trip must be integrated with the curriculum and coordinated with classroom activities which enhance its usefulness. Private vehicles may be used to transport students if approval is obtained in advance from the principal.

No staff member may solicit students for any privately arranged field trip or excursion without board permission.

Cross References: (cf. 8121F Non-Bus Driver Assurance Form)

(cf. 3520 Student Fees, Fines, Charges)

Legal References: RCW 28A.330.100(5) Additional powers of board

RCW 67.20.020 Parks--Contracts for cooperation

WAC 180-87-090 Improper remunerative conduct

Adopted: August 23, 1984

Revised: March 13, 2000, May 10, 2004, March 27, 2006, February 24, 2014

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Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education -

The purpose of these guidelines is to assist teachers and supervisors in following appropriate procedures and completing necessary forms for a safe and successful field trip.

Field Trip request forms should be submitted to the superintendent two weeks prior to the activity, or six weeks prior if the trip needs board approval. School Board approval is required for any trip out of state or with an overnight stay.

Teacher Responsibilities:

1. Field Trip Request Form

2. Electronic Trip Slip

3. Field Trip Permission Slips

4. Medical Authorization Forms

5. Arrange for and direct volunteers on their duties

6. Communicate with cafeteria if lunch is impacted

7. After trip be sure students are picked up by parents before leaving school

8. Report any concerns to the principal

9. Have drivers complete non-bus driver assurance form

10. Review bus rules and guidelines for the trip with students and volunteers

11. Travel to and from activity with the group

12. Review any emergency procedures that are appropriate for this trip

13. Complete non-bus driver assurance forms if driving

Student Responsibilities:

1. Return Permission Slip

2. Behave in appropriate manner at all school activities and abide by school rules

Volunteer Responsibilities:

1. Review bus rules and guidelines for the trip with the teacher

2. Travel to and from activity with the group

3. Review any emergency procedures that are appropriate for this trip with the teacher

4. Complete non-bus driver assurance forms if driving

5. Closely supervise a small group of students as assigned

Reviewed February 28, 2000 & May 10, 2004, February 24, 2014

Trip Slip Submission Instructions

Please follow all instructions exactly to ensure a timely submission.

Requests will be returned to sender if instructions are not followed.

Submission Distribution for CHS & IRMS:

·  Trip Slip submissions must have a file name that distinguishes it from others by using the format who_what_when_where (i.e. HS_JazzFest_ 2-21-2015_MoscowID)

·  A minimum of two weeks prior to the event, email completed trip slip or packet to:

1.  Transportation ()

2.  School Nurse ()

3.  Bookkeeper ()

4.  Superintendent’s Office ( or superintendent upon request)

a.  As per instructions located in procedure 2320P: If overnight or out of state, six weeks prior send to superintendent’s office for board approval.

·  Esther approves account code by initialing in the “Funding Confirmed By” box and forwards to Building Administrator.

·  Building Administrator approves trip and account code by filling in the “Building admin approval” box with initials. Save and send as an email attachment to Transportation as listed above.

Submission Distribution OS, PD and BV:

·  Trip Slip submissions must have a file name that distinguishes it from others by using the format who_what_when_where (i.e. 1st_ChCoFair _ 9-5-2015_Cashmere)

·  A minimum of two weeks prior to the event, email completed trip slip or packet to:

1.  Transportation ()

2.  School Nurse ()

3.  Building Administrator and Building Secretary

4.  Superintendent’s Office ( or superintendent upon request)

b.  As per instructions located in procedure 2320P: If overnight or out of state, six weeks prior send to superintendent’s office for board approval.

·  Building secretary creates PO for the cost of the trip, enters the appropriate information in the “PO or Account Code” box, type initials in the “Funding Confirmed By” box and then forwards to Building Administrator. SEND COMPLETED PO (YELLOW COPY) to Marcia at the District Office when approved.

·  Building Administrator approves trip and account code/PO by filling in the “Building admin approval” box with initials. Save and send as an email attachment to Tim Bentz, Transportation as listed above.

Submission Distribution for Athletics:

·  Use only current year trip slip form from the transportation department.

·  Email completed forms directly to the Transportation Department at least two weeks before trip date.

Submission Distribution for CHS, IRMS:
1) At least two weeks prior to the event, email completed form to:
1) Transportation, 2) Esther
2) Esther approves account code and forwards to Building Administrator
3) Building Administrator approves and forwards to Transportation. / Submission Distribution OS, PD & BV:
1) At least two weeks prior to the event, email completed form to:
1) Transportation, 2) Building Administrator
2) Building Administrator will forward to Transportation with acknowledgement of approval & accurate account code to charge. / Submission Distribution for Athletics:
1) Email completed forms directly to the Transportation Department.

Trip Information

Date: / Submitted by:
Trip Date(s): / Destination:
(i.e., Pioneer Middle School, Wenatchee)
Leave Time: / Depart event for return home:
Bus driver will arrive at the designated pickup point 15 min prior to departure time for loading. / Pick up Point/Bldg:
Approx # of Passengers : (including driver) / Trip supervisor:
Purpose of trip: / Below section for trip drivers only!
This is an approved field trip? / YES / NO / /
Extra Curricular? / YES / NO / /
PO or Account Code: / /
Funding Confirmed By: / Building Admin Approval:

Vehicle Requested

Bus / YES / NO / Max capacity- HS/52, MS/55, Elem/58
Van (transporting students) / YES / NO / Max capacity is 8 (#44, #45, #51)
Van (Cheer Only) / YES / NO / Max capacity is 8 (#53)
·  Passengers and drivers must use seat belts in vans.
of driver: / Completed the yearly assurance form on: / First aid card holder is:

Post Trip Report

Driver to complete and sign when returning vehicle
Driver Operating Time / Assigned Vehicle #:
Pre Trip: / min / Mileage End:
Leave Garage: / am/pm / Start:
Returned to School: / am/pm / Total Mileage:
Returned to Garage: / am/pm
Post Trip: / min / Sub: AM Mid PM
Total Driving time: / Driver Signature:
Please write all equipment failure/safety concerns on the vehicle post inspection sheet or the van return checklist.

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This form must be submitted to the superintendent
six weeks before if the trip is overnight or out of state (board approval is needed).


Today’s Date: / Date of Trip:
Destination (city, state, school, location name):
PURPOSE: What is the educational objective of the experience?


Staff Supervisor(s): / Class or Group:
Number of Students: / List Additional Adult Chaperons (one per 15 students):


Total estimated cost: / Funding source:
Cost to each student: / If there is a cost to students, are scholarships available for low income families?


Trip Slip completed: / Date:
Departure time: / Return time:


Is there any time during the trip when students would not be directly supervised?
If so, please explain. Also, be sure to indicate where overnight lodging is occurring:
Detailed itinerary:
Requesting Staff: / Date:
Principal Approval: / Date:
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I grant permission for (Insert Student Name) to participate in a school sponsored and supervised field trip on (Insert Date).
The trip will depart from (Departure Location) at approximately (Time) and return to (Return Location) at approximately (Time). Students will travel by (Mode of Transportation) and will be supervised by (Staff Supervisor) .
Detailed itinerary:
Cost to be paid by student: $
(Contact the trip supervisor if these costs may make it impossible for your student to attend.)
Please contact the trip supervisor if you wish to request any
special accommodations for your student on this trip.
Signature of parent or guardian ______Date ______
Home phone ______Mother work phone______
Father work phone ______Emergency phone ______



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Dear Parent,

This form has been developed to enable your child to obtain emergency treatment during extended school-sponsored field trips. It will authorize your child’s treatment if emergency medical care is needed. If such an emergency arises, every attempt will be made to contact parents, guardians, or other emergency contacts before providing medical assistance. Without this written consent, however, medical care may be withheld until contact can be made.


The undersigned hereby authorizes the field trip supervisor as our agent to give consent to surgical or medical treatment by any licensed physician or hospital for our child,

(birth date______), when such treatment is deemed necessary by such physician and we cannot be reached within a reasonable time.

Such consent may include, but it not limited to, administration of necessary anesthetics, medical treatment, rests, X-ray examinations, transfusions, injections, or drugs, and the performing of whatever operation may be deemed necessary or advisable.

It is understood this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care being required, but is given to provide my child the medical care and treatment deemed advisable based on the medical providers best judgment in consultation with my child’s physician.

This authorization will remain effective until ______unless sooner revoked, in writing by the undersigned.

Student Name:______

Parent/Legal Guardian signature: ______

Home address:______Mailing address:______

Home Phone:______Work Phone:______Cell Phone:______

Emergency Contact:______Phone:______


Family Doctor: ______Phone: ______

Does your child have any chronic diseases? Yes____ No____

If yes, please explain: ______

Does your child have any drug, food, or other allergies? Yes____ No____

If yes, please explain: ______

Is your child currently taking any medication? Yes ____ No____

If yes, please list medications and dose: ______

Are medications taken at home or during school? HOME______SCHOOL_____**If taken during school hours, please reference Medication Information below.

Medical Insurance Information: ______

Insurance Company: ______Employer:

Group #: ______Subscriber #: ______

Date of last tetanus immunization: ______

Does your child wear eyeglasses or contacts? Yes______No______

Medication Information: If your child requires medication during the school day, sports, or a field trip, as per State Law/Cascade School Board Policy, medication usage in school by self or administered by staff, requires a specific medication permission form signed by a parent/guardian and doctor. This includes all usage of over the counter or prescription medication. Medication information must be brought to the office for review by school nurse. If you have any questions regarding this policy please contact Joan Zega, 548-5839 ext 2038,Cascade School District Nurse.


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Estimado padre/madre/guardián,

Este formulario ha sido desarrollado para que su hijo(a) obtenga tratamiento de emergencia durante las excursiones debajo de la responsabilidad de la escuela. Lo va a autorizar que hagan un tratamiento si se necesita la acción de emergencia de médico. Si ocurría una emergencia, cada intento posible lo hacen para ponerse en contacto con los padres, guardianes, u los otros contactos de emergencia antes de proveer la ayuda de médico. Sin este consentimiento escrito, sin embargo, se van a negar el tratamiento de médico hasta que pueda ponerse en contacto con alguien.


La persona que firmó debajo autoriza al supervisor como nuestro agente de dar permiso de tratamiento de médico o quirúrgico a un médico licenciado o un hospital para nuestro(a) hijo(a),

(fecha de nacimiento______), cuando tal tratamiento estima necesario por tal médico y no nos encuentran dentro un tiempo razonable.

Tal consentimiento puede incluir, pero no se limita a, la administración de anestésica necesaria, tratamiento de médico, exanimación con radiográficos, transfusiones, inyecciones, o drogas y la acción de cualquier operación estimada necesaria o aconsejable.

Se entiende que esta autorización se entregue adelante de cualquier diagnosis o tratamiento, tiempo en el hospital específico requerido, pero se le da para proveer a mi hijo(a) con el tratamiento estima aconsejable basado en la mejor decisión de los proveedores de médico con la consulta de mi médico.

Esta autorización va a continuar ser efectivo a partir de ______excepto si revoca, por escrito por la persona que firma debajo.

Nombre de estudiante:______

Firma de Padre/Madre/Guardián: ______

Dirección de la casa:______Dirección de correo:______

Teléfono de casa:______Teléfono de trabajo:______Teléfono celular______

Contacto de emergencia:______Teléfono:______


Médico del niño: ______Teléfono: ______

¿Tiene su hijo(a) alguna enfermedad crónica? Sí____ No____

Al ver que sí, favor de aclarar: ______

¿Tiene su hijo(a) una alergia a una droga o comida u otra alergia diferente? Sí____ No____