School Building Committee




March 20, 2014


Co-Chairman Holloway called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm, a quorum was present


(Voting Members Bold)

James Holloway - City Council - Co-Chair

Jack Banton - City Council - Co-Chair

Lydia Martinez - City Council Member

Jon Urquidi - City Engineer

Perag Agrawal - OPED

Terri Coward - Deputy Finance Director

Jorge Garcia - Director of Public Facilities

Alan Wallach - BOE Facilities

Andre Baker - Board of Education Member

Howard Gardner – City Council Member

Michael Mulford - Board of Education - Superintendants Office

John Bagley – Board of Education Member

Ruben Felipe - Office of the Mayor

David Kooris – Director of OPED

Scott Baillie - O&G Industries

Larry Schilling - O&G Industries

Robert Hedman - O&G Industries

Linda Lambeck - Connecticut Post

Carmen Lopez - Constituent

Approval of February 20, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes

Motion: A motion by Ms. Martinez and second by Mr. Garcia

Discussion: Mr. Urquidi noted the Proposed Silver Petrucelli change order for Central High School is noted as approved. Mr. Baillie indicated that is incorrect and will discuss the change order approval process after the finance subcommittee report.

Action: Approved

III.  General Matters

A.  FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Review of approved February invoices; Mr. Baillie read the report.

A.  Black Rock Elementary School - $203,606.58

B.  Central High School - $88,514.58

C.  Discovery Elementary School - $3,515.61

D.  Harding High School - $196,286.72

E.  Longfellow Elementary School - $80,480.81

F.  Multi Magnet High School - $36,978.92

G.  Roosevelt Elementary School - $1,652,614.24

Discussion: Mr. Baillie clarified the change order approval process; The Director of Public Facilities is authorized to approve C/O’s up to $15,000, the Project Subcommittee is authorized to approved C/O’s up to $50,000, finally any C/O’s that exceeds $50,000 must be presented to the School Building Committee for approval.


Silver Petrucelli - ADD $65,400

Central High School – Programming & Construction Document Changes

Motion: A motion by Mr. Baker to table this matter until additional information is provided and second by Mr. Banton to table the change order request.

Action: Approved

**Mr. Hedman provided the requested back and presented it to Mr. Baker.

Motion: A motion by Mr. Urquidi and second by Mr. Garcia to approve the Silver Petrucelli Change Order in the amount of $65,400.

Action: Approved

V. Project Status Reports

Detailed Status reports are attached dated March12, 2014.

A.  Roosevelt Replacement: Steel erection is ongoing, concrete is being poured, and the CMAR is making up for time lost due to weather conditions. Completion date of 4/1/2015

B.  Harding High School: PCT process is nearly complete, still waiting for ED-042 sign-off by BOE, Mr.\. Schilling will deliver environmental and soil management reports to the BOE for review. Currently awaiting Flood Management approval as well as Board of Education approval.

C.  Dunbar Elementary School Alteration: $8.8 million dollar project to include Boiler, Roof Top, ADA Code Compliant. Enrollment projections have been requested by BSF.

D.  Fairchild Wheeler High School: Commissioning and Punch Out ongoing. School is within budget. Gold LEED

E.  Central High School Additions/Renovations: Continued efforts to prove the Stadium is a separate entity from the school. 6 to 8 months behind schedule. Must resubmit EPA Report.

F.  Longfellow Elementary School: Demolition to begin April 2014. Occupancy date of September 2015.

G.  Black Rock Addition/Renovations: Came across unanticipated hazardous material.

VI.  Dunbar Elementary School – Approval of Project Labor Agreement.

Motion: A motion by Mr. Urquidi and second by Ms. Martinez

Action: Approved

Discussion: None

Next meeting is April 20, 2014 in the Margaret Morton Government Center

VII.  Adjournment

Motion: Mr. Coward made the motion to adjourn at 5:00pm and second by Ms. Martinez.

Action: Unanimously approved

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Baillie Senior Program Manager

O&G Industries, Inc.,

Schools Construction Program

School Building Committee Minutes 3-20-2014

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