Supplementary Bachelor of Physiotherapy I (First) Year Annual Examination 2014-15

Course Code: BPT102 Paper ID: S111131

Human Anatomy

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt the questions as per instructions Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Choose the correct alternative: (1x10=10)

i) Which is an example of synovial joint:

a) Pubic symphysis

b) Manubrio sternal join

c) Xiphisternal joint

d) Shoulder joint

ii) Which is an example of fibrous cartilage:

a) Thyroid cartilage

b) Cricoid cartilage

c) Costal cartilage

d) Intervertibral disc

iii) Which is the nerve supply of biceps brachii:

a) Musculocutaneous nerves

b) Radial nerves

c) Ulnar nerves

d) Median nerve

iv) Temporo mandibular joint is an example of:

a) Fibrous joint b) Synovial joint

c) Cartilaginous joint d) None of the above

v) Thyroxine hormone is secreted by:

a) Thyroid gland

b) Adrenal gland

c) Pituitary gland

d) Pancreas

vi) Which artery supplies kidney:

a) Hepatic artery

b) Renal artery

c) Gastric artery

d) Coronary artery

vii) What is the nerve suplly of muscle of facial expression:

a) Facial nerve

b) Hypoglossal nerve

c) Trigeminal nerve

d) Glossopharyngeal nerve

viii) Which is the cavity of hind brain:

a) Lateral ventricle

b) Third ventricle

c) Fourth ventricle

d) None of the above

ix) Coronary arteries are the branches of:

a) Ascending aorta

b) Arch of aorta

c) Descending thoracic aorta

d) Abdominal aorta

x) Which is an example of secondary cartilaginous joint:

a) Pubic symphysis

b) Elbow joint

c) Wrist joint

d) Costo chondral joint

2. Write briefly about any six of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (6x5=30)

a) Blood supply of thyroid gland

b) Flexor retinaculum

c) Quadriceps femoris

d) Attachments on upper end of femur.

e) Contents of popliteal fossa

f) Muscles of mastication

g) Movements at shoulder joint

h) Oesophagus

i) Right kidney

3. Attempt any two of the following.

a) Describe shoulder joint in detail. (15)

b) Discus blood supply of heart. (15)

c) Describe thyroid gland in detail. (15)

