Minutes of meeting of Stromness Primary School parent Council – 29th February at 7.30pm

Present – Jacqueline Argo (Chair), Lee Inkster (Vice-Chair), Kirsty Groundwater (Secretary), Linsay Wright, Sam Phillips, Shona Hamilton, Vicky Millen, Karen Bevan, Elspeth McClellan, Keely Donald


Apologies had been received from LianneScollie.

2.Fundraising – school fayres

The Christmas fayre was a great success, raising £2100. The areas of the fayre that had made the most money were the raffles, the home-bakes and Christmas stalls and the café.

It was noted that during the set up on the Friday there were a lot of kids running around and entering the classrooms, which was problematic for the school. It was agreed to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.

The Summer Fayre will take place on June 4th, with the Christmas Fayre taking place on 12th November. The Summer Fayre will include another Grow it and Show It competition – we’ll provide pupils with sunflower seeds earlier this year.

We’ll be increasing the cost of the tables from £5.00 to £7.00 or two for £10.00.

It was discussed how the money that was raised was being spent and whether we should be making this clear to parents. It was agreed to include this in a future Parent Council newsletter along with other useful information.

A meeting of the fundraising sub-committee will take place shortly.

Action – Elspeth to convene meeting of the fundraising sub-committee

Kirsty and Lee to work on a newsletter

3.Financial contribution to early years area.

The early years class are currently fundraising for improvements to their outside area, alongside staff from the co-op. It was agreed that the Parent Council could make a donation towards this but that we’d need further information on the budget they were looking at.

Action - Linsay Wright to report back on budget for project.

4.Notice Board

We need photos of Keely, Vicky and Shona on the notice board. All three to send images to Lee.

Action:Karen, Vicky and Keely to provide photos to Lee.

5.Boys Brigade

A letter had been received from past officers of the Stromness Brigade asking for the Parent Council’s support in getting the Boys Brigade running again in the town. They don’t want the Parent Council to run it, they just need support in contacting parents. It was agreed that we would post something on the Facebook page, send a letter to parents and create a survey for parents to fill in to ascertain interest in getting it up and running again and most importantly identify officers and helpers.

Action:Kirsty to write a reply to EwartOmand.



Keely said that the Parent Council area of the website was really out of date. Lee to speak to Neil Macintosh about getting it updated.

Action: Lee to contact Neil Macintosh.

Badminton Club

Elspeth said that the badminton group at the school were in need of new equipment. It was agreed that if a wish list were drawn up we could look at providing funds

Action: Elspeth to provide list of equipment that club needs

Stromness Town House Garden Project

Kirsty asked whether we could provide a donation to the Stromness Town House Garden project. Jacq said we’d need to check the constitution

Action: Jacq to check constitution.


New volunteers are required to help coach the netball team. A number of names were suggested and they will be approached to see if they can help out

Action: Jacq to approach suggested helpers.

7.Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place at 6.15pm on Monday 21st March in the school. Jacq is unavailable so Lee Inkster will take the chair.