Present:Battalion President, Chaplain, 15 Officers/Leaders representing 10 companies, 2Honorary Members of Council and 7 Reserve Officers.

Apologies:Apologies were intimated on behalf of E J Matthew MBE HMC, N Joss (RO), J Ritchie and A Scott (Hon Vice-Presidents), B Bremner (30th Dundee), L McFarlane (1st Monifieth), D Low, P Duthie and B Lovegrove (2nd Forfar)and H Smith (1st Kirriemuir).

Col J Hensman OBE DL, Battalion President, in the chair.

1.opening devotions

The Battalion Chaplain, Rev Barbra Ann Sweetin,conducted opening devotions. The Chaplain indicated that she would be pleased to visit companies and to help with their opening devotions.


The minute of Battalion Council held on 28 February 2013 was approved and adopted. Amendment agreed for Mr Bob Crichton to be shown correctly under 44th Dundee Company.

Matters Arising

It was noted that Mr Joss had followed up on the 4 volunteers who offered their services at the University Volunteering Fayre but none had replied.


The Secretary presented a report on the activities and events held over the past year and thanked the Battalion President and other office-bearers, officers and leaders who had served on Task Groups and everyone who had attended meetings throughout the session to contribute to the Battalion’s work. Tribute was also paid to those companies that had been successful in local and national competitions. A copy of the report would be available on line for perusal.

It was also reported and noted that the death had recently occurred of His Honour Judge Lockett, Brigade Honorary President, who had been appointed to the position at Brigade Council held in Dundee in 1999.

4.task group reports

(a) Activities

Mr Bill Grant reported on the National Cross Country event which had been well attended although one or two Battalions had been late in entering. Catering had been provided for 200 but, in the end, only 123 arrived. Nevertheless, it had been a successful event and Mr Grant thanked all who had assisted in any way including the 1st Carnoustie Company for the car parking, 1st Monifieth Company for supervising the dressing rooms and the 44th Company for most of the marshalling on the course. The Honorary Battalion President, Lord Provost Duncan, had been very impressed with the event.

A summary of the Battalion Sports Day was also heard and congratulations were expressed to the 1st Carnoustie Company who were senior champions and the 37th Dundee Company who were Junior Champions.

A question was raised to clarify the number of boys in a figure marching team and it was agreed to make this clearer in future.


Kay Husband reported that the Holiday Leadership and Campcraft Course too place at BBHQ on 21 April with 10 entries, 5 for each part. Seven companies were represented, 5 from our own Battalion, 1 from Fife, Kirkcaldy and 1 from Stirling.

Details of courses for the new session were given also and details would be available on the website.


Mr McGregor appealed to members of Council to use the local Supplies Depot whenever possible. Sales were down from approximately £8,500 to £7,500 this year but the Battalion was now receiving 7.5% discount from the Brigade which would help the Battalion get the most out of its Supplies sales. The new delivery arrangements also meant that orders were received within a few days. The store closed this evening until the start of the new session (opening 20 August) but urgent items could be ordered by calling the office or Mr McGregor.

(d)Scott Lodge

Mr Fordyce thanked the Management Team and other volunteers for their support and assistance throughout the year. Users of the lodge were not always reporting faults and this would be something to be looked at. The lodge would be repainted before long and more volunteers would be needed. Details will be circulated.

The Management Team proposed a review of fees for the lodge as follows:-

Dundee and Angus Battalion Companies – from £160 to £165

Other Companies/Youth Groups – from £225 to £250

All others – from £300 to £325

The new fees were approved for introduction for all new bookings from 1 September 2013.


The Battalion Treasurer circulated copies of the Battalion Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013 taking members through them page by page. The accounts were duly noted having been previously approved by the Battalion Management Team as Trustees under the relevant legislation.

A statement of accounts for the current year as at 28 May 2013 was also circulated and noted.

It was agreed that the Battalion Subscription for 2013/14 should remain at £2.50 per leader and boy but capped at a maximum payment of £300 for any single company.


(i)Honorary President –Lord Provost Bob Duncan, Dundee City Council (Unanimously approved).

(ii)Honorary Vice-Presidents – Council agreed to continue the appointment of the following as Honorary Vice-Presidents:-

Mr G Scott

Mr W Spence

Mr J Ritchie

Mr A Scott

Mr G Tasker

Provost Helen Oswald, Angus Council

Mrs Georgiana Osborne, Lord-Lieutenant of Angus

(iii)Honorary Members of Council – The following were unanimously reappointed:-

Mrs Wilma Matthew

Mr Bill Allan

Mr Jim Craig

Mr John McRae

Mr Charles Paterson

Mr Earl Matthew MBE

Mr Peter Christie

(iv)Battalion President - Col Jake Hensman OBE DL

(v)Vice-Presidents – David Husband and Murray McGregor

(vi)Battalion Chaplain – Rev Barbara Ann Sweetin

(vii)Battalion Secretary – Mr Gary Miller (standing down on 24 September 2013)

(viii)Battalion Treasurer - Mr Alex Black (standing down on 31 March 2014)

(ix)Management Team –Mr A Peaston, 1st Monifieth Company ( 2 vacancies)

(x)Internal Auditor – Mr Bill Allan for Scott Lodge Accounts

Mr Gordon Tyndall for General Accounts

(xi)Independent Verifier – Mr Stewart McDonald


Mr Taylor, 44th Company, reported that his company had, for some time, been seeking to acquire a new marquee and Mr Alistair Scott, Honorary Vice-President, had donated £4,000 to enable the acquisition to proceed but on the basis that, although the 44th company would act as custodians, the traditional style marquee (40ft by 20ft) would be available for use by the Battalion and its member Companies.. It would be available by the end of June or thereabouts.

The Management Team would consider arrangements for its hire while insurance would be covered by the 44th Company. Thanks were expressed to Mr Scott for the generous donation and for the arrangements led by Mr Taylor.

8.“130 CAMPAIGN”

Council was reminded of the contents of a letter sent earlier by the Director for Scotland inviting Battalions to participate in the new PR Campaign by organizing an event or events to take place between 4 August and 4 October 2013. Mr Fordyce suggested that an event could be arranged around Scott Lodge with perhaps 130 boys taking part towards the end of September. It was agreed that further discussions about this idea should be held and that a suitable weekend be booked at the lodge for this.

Mr Taylor reported that the 44th Company’s band had been invited to Northern Germany in September to take part in a military tattoo with Edinburgh Battalion and the 1st Tulliallan Brass Band. Details would be discussed with the Bands Committee.


Mr Mark Wilkie read a list of boys who had won their Queen’s Badges this year. He indicated that he was still having difficulty obtaining information about boys who had completed their President’s Badge work so that they could be registered for their Queen’s Badge work. The Presentation Ceremony and Parade would be in St Andrews on 9 June 2013 and Company Captains were asked to ensure that replies were sent to the invitations sent out so that numbers could be confirmed.


Mr Joss reported that he had now attended his 3rd AGM of 6 this year as a member of the Scotland Committee. He had been encouraged by the number of companies still supporting the national competitions. A Conference for Presidents and Secretaries had been successfully held this year in Glasgow and feedback was available for anyone who wished to see it.

Christian Faith was presenting challenges within the Brigade across the country and new ways of promoting Christian Faith were being examined. A leaflet giving some ideas was now available for this. He reminded everyone of the World Mission Fund Picnic being held in June also.

He commended the Company Health Check form for use by Companies and also the Brigade’s national website for activities that young leaders could take part in nationally. Finally, he drew attention to the motions to be presented to Brigade Council this year which could have significant implications for the organization and he urged the use of Proxy Voting where necessary.

11.6/8th PIPE BAND

Mr Gordon Finday drew attention to an evening of Scottish andcontemporary music featuring the 6th/8th Dundee Boys' Brigade Pipe Band and the Ypres-Surrey Pipes andDrums from Belgium to be held on Saturday 8 June 2013 in Morgan Academy. There would also be a parade in the City Centre.


The next meeting of Battalion Council would be held on Tuesday, 24 September 2013.