Newham and University of East London (“NUEL”)Swimming Club Business Rolling 4 year plan 2013-2017
Club Aims / Ambition: achieving the highest possible swimming performance and the best professional reputation.
Opportunity: giving every swimmer and coach the chance to maximise their personal development; making the Club accessible to all, including those with disability. Developing opportunities for access to other water sports over the longer term. For example water polo, diving, synchronized swimming and open water.
Innovation: improving performance in and out of the pool by exploiting new techniques and ideas.
Responsibility: running the Club with integrity and diligence and in accordance with ASA standards; expecting all club members, including swimmers, coaches and parents, to represent the club well and behave responsibly.
Serious Fun: creating an environment in which swimmers enjoy their sport amid the company of friends and succeed through learning, hard work and mutual respect and support.
Affordable:keeping fees and charges at levels comparable with other clubs.
Strategic Aim / Deliverables / Actions / Outcomes / Delivery Risks
Top performance in the pool / Improved representation and results at County, District, and National levels
Improved team results in [TBA] League(s) /
  1. Increase pool time and capacity at all levels.
  1. New squad structure introduced.
  1. Introduce East London Beacon Programme via Team East London.
  1. Increase talent pool through better marketing and links to schools, and establishment of improved relationships with GLL and LBN.
  1. Implement continuous improvements in training programmes, camps and clinics at all levels.
  1. Improve attendance levels at training through introduction of recognition schemes
  1. Design and implement individual competitive programmes for committed swimmers, making greater use of open meets etc
/ Year-on-year increase in numbers of qualifiers and finalists at each level.
Year-on-year improvements in final position of Club in [TBA] Leagues / No access to extra pool time.
Insufficient support for Team East London from host Boroughs
Insufficient talent in squads
Insufficient or inadequate coaching
Insufficient volunteers to support
First-rate governance of the Club / Swim 21 ‘performance’ status maintained /
  1. Identify individual to monitor implementation of Swim 21
  1. Institute formal review mechanisms with the Executive Committee
/ Implementation of Swim 21 improvement Plan develops Club in all aspects, meeting all compliance requirements etc / Unable to identify suitable individual.
Club fails to implement requirements or retain accreditation..
Governance bodies function well /
  1. Realign functions and responsibilities of committees in line with Swim 21 and other requirements.
  1. Produce Annual Business Plan by [TBA] each year
  1. Fully staff the Executive Committee with committed volunteers to fill all key workforce positions in the Club
  1. Make appointments to all key roles in Club
  1. Increase the body of general volunteers and licensed officials under one or more Workforce Coordinators
  1. UEL effectively integrated into the Club management
  1. SLA with LBN agreed and in place
/ The Club is run well, with integrity and diligence, and in a future direction set by this Business Plan
All SLA targets achieved / Low numbers of volunteers identified.
Rate of change by third parties
Club finances secured and properly managed / Secure long-term sponsorship /
  1. Identify potential sponsor(s).
  1. Produce good quality presentation to market Club.
  1. Invite sponsor(s) to meet Club.
/ Long –term sponsor(s) identified to work with Club on a partnership basis. / Failure to attract sponsor(s)
Club finances are secure and properly managed /
  1. Produce Annual Financial Plan by [TBA] each year
  1. Produce accounts in support of the Financial Plan each term and on an annual basis
  1. Secure maximum revenue from a Council grants, sponsorship deals, the hosting of open meets, fundraising projects, and other initiatives
  1. Maintain an appropriate fee structure
/ Club finances are always in credit
Overheads covered by internally generated funds (i.e. membership subscriptions and gala profits)
Enough funds are generated to support the delivery of strategic aims including new activities set out in the business plan / Level of Council grant falls
Failure to attract sufficient members to deliver business plan
Failure to raise sufficient revenue from fundraising projects
First-rate Communications / Improved internal communications /
  1. Appoint Marketing/Communications Coordinator by[TBA]
  1. Increase use of internet site to communicate
  1. Annual timetable of competitions and events published on-line together with applications
  1. Establish annual meeting between Committee/coaches and parents
  1. Develop work of Squad Parent Reps
  1. Head coach conducts meeting with all coaches at least [TBA]
  1. At least one review meeting per year with each major stakeholder (GLL, ASA, Borough, UEL, Parents)
/ Increased awareness among Members of Club and positive feedback from all stakeholders. / Failure to appoint Communications Coordinator and/or parent reps for each squad.
Improved marketing of Club /
  1. Adopt marketing/media strategy by [TBA]
  1. Appoint GLL/schools liaison officer to implement the above by [TBA]
  1. Develop internet site
  1. Club to seek to address the issue of clothing and kit, making them seek a professional outlook and appearance
/ Increased awareness of Club in the community, leading to higher general profile and sustained growth in membership.
(Target:TBA% year-on-year increases in membership of Club)
Bigger talent pool to feed higher squads / Failure to build links with local schools and GLL
Low potential membership base in catchment area
Continuous development of governance, volunteers, coaches, and swimmers / Professional development of governance team and volunteers /
  1. All committee positions have job profile summarizing responsibilities in line with ASA recommendations
  1. Identify best practice governance from ASA and other Club practices.
  1. Ensure sufficient skills in place to hold licensed meets
/ Maintain Swim 21 accreditation.
Positive feedback from stakeholders (UEL, sponsor(s), swimmers, parents, GLL, Council, schools, ASA) / Failure to maintain swim21 accreditation
Failure to deliver business, financial and marketing plans
Failure to run galas and open meets effectively due to lack of skills
Professional development of swimmers /
  1. Implement continuous improvements in training programmes at all levels
  1. Improve attendance levels at training through introduction of recognition schemes
  1. Formalize criteria for movement between squads as a way of increasing levels of motivation and opportunity by [TBA]
  1. Design and implement individual competitive programmes for committed swimmers, making greater use of open meets etc
  1. Adopt swimmer and parent education programme (lifestyle and time management, nutrition and sports science, mental skills)
  1. Establish regime of regular meetings between coaches and parents/swimmers
  1. Develop Masters Squad
  1. Develop opportunities for members to discover different swimming experiences (water polo, diving. Open water swimming)
  1. Arrange regular social events through Club Captains or a Social Secretary
/ Improved Club results at Championships and other meets
Continuous improvement in a majority of swimmers at all levels, as judged by coaches’ assessments and parent feedback
Improved morale and team spirit
Each swimmer has a profile/log book setting out progress and goals. These form basis for discussion with coaches.
Bigger Masters Squad.
At least one swim camp per year. / No access to extra pool time
Poor response from parents and swimmers to education programme and regular meetings with coaches.
Poor response to other opportunities.
Lack of coaching resources.
Coaches fail to meet with parents and swimmers on a regular basis
Professional development of coaches /
  1. Adopt development plans (CPD) for each coach, to include formal training (ASA and UKCC qualifications) and other initiatives as agreed with the Head Coach
  1. Head Coach holds regular meetings/ training sessions (at least every six months) with whole coach team
  1. Institute six-monthly performance appraisal system
/ Increased levels of coaching excellence
Increased levels of satisfaction and motivation among coaching staff / Insufficient numbers of good coaches attracted to Club
Poor performance not addressed
UEL continue to partner Club / Effective programme deliveredforUEL /
  1. Identify UEL objectives and develop long term plan with them to ensure achievement.
  1. Identify individual to take responsibility on behalf of Club for UEL relationship.
  1. Ensure students have excellent access to participation opportunities at all levels within the club structure.
  1. Club and UEL to produce a combined and targeted marketing campaign to attract and recruit University age swimmers
  1. Integrate UEL swimmers into club via social, competition and club organization
  1. Work with UEL in using student volunteers to assist their personal development and Club administration
/ UEL achieve their objectives and continue funding Club. / Failure to identify and carry through UEL objectives.
Insufficient numbers of students attracted to swimming

DRAFT document version 2 –consultation