Present: / J Addison / Chairman
S Chick / Harbour Master / (HM)
R Page
N Taylor
J Carr
N Munro
3557 / Apologies for Absence
3558 / Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings held on7th October 2015
It was agreed these were a true record.
Proposed R Page, seconded J Carr.
3559 / Matters arising from those minutes
The recent Harbour Users’ Survey was discussed and it was agreed that R Page and the HM will provide a summary of the findings for publication. It was further agreed that surveys should be conducted in the future and whilst the response rate to the recent one was encouraging, its distribution needs to be reviewed. The content and timing of the next survey will be discussed early next year.
3560 / Finance Report
The monthly finance report was discussed, and at the mid-point of the year with the majority of income received it was accepted that some success was being achieved in driving down costs. Preparatory costs (approximately £15k with a further £35k committed) for the forthcoming dredging programme have only just been attributed to ‘customers’ within the accounts and will not be reflected until next month’s figures. Overall including capital depreciation it is expected to break even at the end of the financial year.
An analysis of the last ten years’ accounts was presented by the HM and will serve as a background for further discussion and development of next year’s budget.
3561 / HM Report (To include SMS & H&S)
The HM report was circulated prior to the meeting. Key points were:
  • There has been one ship into the wharf loading woodchip.
  • The hydrographic survey of the Creek and approaches has been passed to the UKHO for publication and a small chartlet will be produced for local users.
  • All defects to navigation marks identified in the Trinity House inspection in July have been rectified and a Trinity House administrative inspection is scheduled for 11th November.
  • A survey of the Town Jetty has identified defects in a further three sections. The HM will produce a report and recommendation on the way ahead for the Town Council.
  • Support is being provided to Wivenhoe Town Council for proposed dredging of their quay.
  • The breach of the sea wall as part of the Fingringhoe Wick project has impacted upon the fairway and is being discussed with the Environment Agency.
  • An initial PR release on dredging plans will be developed for release in December.
  • Application for authority to issue harbour directions are being sought by the Department of Transport for next year. The HM will take this forward as part of SMS work.

3562 / Dredging
The HM provided an update on preparation for dredging. The draft results on the hydrodynamic modelling has just been received and are being analysed. Both the Habitat Regulation Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment have been produced, whilst the Archaeological Assessment is expected shortly. CEFAS have confirmed that the mud sampling previously produced for the marina are sufficient for any future dredge of this location. An initial meeting has been held with the planning office at Tendring District Council and an on-site meeting with the Environment Agency is scheduled for 12 November.
Current schedule is to address approvals for the marina dredge by 13 November. A decision on the EU USAR project is expected imminently.
3563 / Staff
The HM reported that the new Deputy Harbour Master’s position has been advertised with applications requested by 19th November. It was agreed that an interview schedule would be developed with the Chairman, HM and one Commissioner comprising the formal board, with an opportunity for all Commissioners to meet the candidates.
3564 / Annual Meeting 22 Oct
It was agreed that the Annual meeting was generally a success and that the large turn out by stakeholders was pleasing; of particular note was the support shown by Brightlingsea Town Councillors. Whilst the Commissioners were encouraged by the support shown, there were several points (environment, survey distribution and speeding/antisocial activity) raised by members of the public which will be addressed.
3565 / 2016 Schedule of Charges
The ten year historical analysis of accounts identified some underlying trends and the limited options available to the Commissioners to affect change. The HM will present a budget and schedule of charges together at the January meeting. It was also proposed to convene a separate meeting to discuss the level of service currently provided and identify other business opportunities.
3566 / Correspondence
A letter of thanks for support from the East Coast Old Gaffers’ Association has been received. The recently published report on ‘Brightlingsea Hard and the Right of Way’ was brought to the notice of the Commissioners.
3567 / Matters raised by Members
The Chairman advised the meeting that the vacant Commissioner’s post was being advertised, and that interviews would take place in December, with the board comprising of a panel of three.
The Chairman raised the issue of nominating a Vice Chairman, which was generally accepted as necessary; this will be considered in advance of next month’s meeting.
The HM informed the meeting that the Hard fireworks event had been cancelled and it was agreed that BHC should provide support to ensure the event occurs next year.
Next Meeting / Wednesday 9thDecember at 1830.
Meeting closed / 2035