Financial Proposal


(Biometric Attendance and Smart Card System)


(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


(Duroob Technology)

Submitted on: 05th Nov 2012


1Pricing Executive Summary



1.1.2MOFA Vision

1.1.3MOFA Background and Context

1.1.4Requirements Summary

1.2DUROOB and Partner Summary


1.2.2DUROOB Summary

1.2.3DUROOB Partners

1.2.4Solution Highlights

1.2.5Smart Card System

1.3Embassy Architecture

1.3.1Distributed Management

1.4MoFA HQ Architecture

1.4.1Central Management

1.5Implementation approach

1.5.1Major Milestones

1.6Pricing Assumptions and Recommendations

1.6.1Pricing Assumptions

1.6.2Pricing Evaluation Recommendations

1.6.3Middleware structure

1.7Spare units for Embassy Installations

1.8Pricing Details

1.8.1Summary of Costs

1.8.2Rresources proposed to work

1.8.3Software Proposed

1.8.4Hardware Proposed

Biometrics Attendance and Smartcard System

1 Pricing Executive Summary

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Background

DUROOB TECHNOLOGY (DUROOB) hereby provides its proposal in response to the RFP Requirements. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) requirements are specified in the RFP “Request for Proposal for “Biometrics Attendance and Smart Card System””.

1.1.2 MOFA Vision

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in KSA is looking to deploy a Biometric Attendance and Smart Card System that will help in facing the challenge of managing attendance and both logical and physical access control for its employees and contractors at the headquarters and ministry branches in KSA, as well as the embassies and consulates worldwide.

1.1.3 MOFA Background and Context

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the main government entity that handles all the foreign affairs matters for the Saudi Arabian government in addition to issuing visas. The organization consists of the main Headquarters building in Riyadh, multiple ministry branches and 125 Embassies and Consulates across the globe. MoFA has a total of 7500 employees and contractors worldwide.

Currently the employees and contractors of MoFA are required to register their entries through biometric attendance and access control systems utilizing three separate systems, two systems at the Saudi headquarters and branches and another system at the worldwide embassies and consulates.

MoFA monitors the attendance of its staff through the reports generated at headquarters from these biometric attendance and access control systems.

The system employed at the embassies and consulates has been experiencing several issues that range from losing entry logs of some of the employees, inability to generate some useful business attendance reports; missing local time zone and daylight savings conversions; or limitations on integrating the entry logs with other MoFA systems. Which is mainly due to the proprietary closed architecture of the attendance and access control system technology? Furthermore, the existing biometric readers show tendency to break easily and require extensive efforts to be replaced.

1.1.4 Requirements Summary

Two (2) Main Systems:

  1. Biometric Attendance Platform
  2. Smart Card System

1.2 DUROOB and Partner Summary

1.2.1 Introduction

This section provides a quick summary of DUROOB and a summary of the offered solutions

1.2.2 DUROOB Summary


DUROOB technology was formed with a wide array of technical and business skills. Our singular mission and desire was to pioneer a new way in the Business revolution, which we did, naming the new venture after our collective vision: DUROOB technology.

Today, company and colleagues are leaders in every aspect of e-business enterprise from initial strategic consulting, Technical support, management and marketing of services. DUROOB technology has harnessed the power of the Internet to empower its clients, its customers' clients, and business partners to achieve maximum success.

Service Management

It’s no secret that businesses depend strongly on the reliable and stable day-to-day provision of Information Technology (IT) systems and services. However, many IT organizations struggle with satisfying their business customers as they strive to balance the need for agility in responding to business demands with the need for standardization, efficiency and cost containment. In addition, communication issues between teams often plague IT organizations, as do disagreements about quality of service

IT Sourcing & Shared Services

Sourcing and shared services are increasingly applied today, ideally to pass the benefits of increased efficiency and reduced costs directly back to organizations. Sourcing and shared services are popularly utilized for both business processes and supporting processes, especially in Information Technology (IT) management, Finance and Human Resource activities.

Strategy & Governance

In today’s globalized world, information technology (IT) has become one of the key contributing factors for top performing organizations in achieving their business objectives. However, the lack of understanding of IT in many organizations has become an inhibitor to an organization’s business performance, mainly due to the lack of knowledge in aligning business and IT strategy

Identity & Access Management

Centralize and automate your users' identity life cycle—creation, modification and deletion—and ensure that only authorized users can access your critical IT resources.

A complete IAM solution, supporting a wide range of IT environments from the Web to the mainframe Modular design and component integration that provides easier and less costly administration and compliance.

Nearly unlimited scalability and proven success in the largest and most complex IT environments in the world Extensive consulting services and demonstrated success in large-scale IAM deployments

1.2.3 DUROOB Partners

DUROOB has selected the following partners for their solution offering

  • TRICUBES Malaysia
  • Time & Attendance System
  • Card Readers (RFID and Biometric)
  • Kiosks
  • Card Issuance and Enrolment
  • Cameras
  • Management Systems
  • GemAlto
  • Contact ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 Hybrid Cards
  • Muhlbauer
  • SCP 60 Desktop Card Personalization Printers (CPS)
  • ActtivIDentity
  • ActivID CMS
  • Dell Blade Servers
  • 2 TB SAN

1.2.4 Solution Highlights

DUROOB offered solutions include:

Offered Solutions

1.2.5 Smart Card System


The offered CMS solution is an integrated solution of the Card Enrolment and the Card Management requirement

Card Enrolment

The Card Enrolment part of the CMS extracts all data captured by the Biometric Time and Attendance system and places this in the CMS Database. At that time no card is related yet to this data. The moment this data has been validated the CMS can then format this data in the MoFA required card surface personalization and chip encoding and when selected either automatic or by MoFA CMS monitoring employees send this to the CPS system for card personalization and printing

Card Management System

DUROOB offers the ActivID CMS for these requirements. Some information about the ActivID CMS is provided below:

  • As large organizations move away from the use of traditional user name / password mechanisms for access control, they face the challenge of managing a large and fluctuating number of end users, dispersed locations, and heterogeneous environments.
  • ActivIdentity ActivID™ Card Management System provides a complete, flexible, and highly configurable solution to manage the issuance and administration requirements of successful smart card deployments. With ActivIdentity ActivID Card Management System organizations can manage their authentication devices (e.g., smart cards and smart USB tokens), data (e.g., static passwords, biometrics, and demographic data), applets (e.g. one-time password applications and Personal Identity Verification [PIV] applets), and digital credentials (including public key infrastructure [PKI] certificates) throughout their entire life cycle.
  • In conjunction with ActivIdentity ActivClient™ security software as well as public key cryptography standards (PKCS) #11-compliant middleware, ActivID Card Management System issues and manages smart cards and smart USB tokens that can be used for a wide variety of desktop, network security, and productivity applications. In its fullest use case, it becomes a “Smart Employee ID Card” for both logical and physical access control.


The offered Card Printing system is based on a close relationship between the CMS and the CPS and includes:

  • Secure connection with CMS
  • Personalize cards based on data prepared from CMS
  • Can personalize in user mode and batch mode
  • Interface with installed printers
  • Provide full status communication with CMS
  • Support Laser Engraving
  • Multi-level authorization for user credentials
  • Verifies if card holder biometric data is stored on card before issuance
  • Perform card quality check\Capture biometric and photo data if not available at central database

The offered Muhlbauer SCP 60 printer meets all requirements and prints in Laser Engraving mode and even supports high security engraving such as CLI and MLI. DUROOB is offering 5 Printers which will allow for a daily printing capacity of approximately 5000 cards per day.

The proposed system is based on networked devices sitting on a single platform. The system can be linked remotely as long as it is linked to the network.

This will simplify management of the system by MOFA for enrollment of staff and monitoring.

Furthermore, the system is capable of going Wireless if required and when there is a wireless network in place. This will avoid the need for extensive network cablings.

The Access Control & Time Attendance Web-based software for the system is able to capture daily, weekly and monthly attendance of staffs, overtime, holidays and leave management, multiple shift management and also reporting.

The management of the Web-Based software can be managed by the Administrator and also User by themselves according to their level of administrator. Smart Cards

DUROOB offers a Hybrid card solution provided by GemAlto and includes a contactless chip as well as a contact chip as per the RFP requirements. The Contact chip is ISO 7816 compliant and meets the requirements as specified for this chip in the RFP. The Contact chip is the Infineon SLE 88CFX4000P. The Smart cards are the cards, for details see technical information on the next pages and attached datasheets


DUROOB will provide services by providing a project team that will provide the required integration of the offered Smart Card System with:

 Active Directory

 Physical Access Control Systems

 Biometric Attendance Platform


1.3 Embassy Architecture

1.3.1 Distributed Management

1.4 MoFA HQ Architecture

1.4.1 Central Management

1.5 Implementation approach

Our project implementation schedule is fully compliant with your RFP requirements as stated below:

The bidders are requested to describe their offered solutions and the pricing in the proposals and MoFA will award the contract to the best economical solution. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is expecting to have the new biometric attendance and smart card system operational at MoFA headquarters and branches in KSA within 6 months from contract signature. The embassies and consulates worldwide shall be operational in the following 6 months (1 year for total completion) with a phased approach that the vendor shall propose. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is expecting to issue one contract for all the services described in this document. An additional 2 years for support starting from project go live date bring the contract to a total of 3 years.

Our implementation schedule as presented below has several major milestones and technical assumptions, which are presented below the Project schedule diagram

1.5.1 Major Milestones

Key Milestones

  1. Letter of Intent
  2. Contract Signing
  3. Detailed Scope of Work and Requirements Document
  4. Customization of software as required
  5. Delivery all software and hardware
  6. Installation at MoFA HQ and Embassies
  7. Systems Integration Testing
  8. Acceptance Testing
  9. Training
  10. Maintenance and Support

Main Deliverables

  1. SOW and Requirements Document
  2. System Packaging and documentation for Embassy Installations
  3. Training
  4. Delivery of all (customized if needed) Software and Hardware
  5. Integration Test results
  6. Acceptance Test results
  7. Maintenance and Support plan and documentation

Our main approach to integrate the offered designed and developed central Management solution will be based on a high tech “Middleware” interface between our Distributed Management and Central Management solutions and the existing MoFA systems which will guarantee efficient and flexible data exchange between all systems newly implemented and existing systems already in place,

1.6 Pricing Assumptions and Recommendations

1.6.1 Pricing Assumptions

  • Our offered prices are based on our offered project schedule and are fully compliant with the RFP requirements
  • Our offered pricing is also based on our offered phased project implementation approach as listed under section 1.5 of this document
  • Our pricing is also based on our technical approach of providing standard middleware software interfaces between the Distributed Management and Central Management components as well as between the Central Management and existing “integration” required components. See our technical proposal for more details

1.6.2 Pricing Evaluation Recommendations

Our offered high technology and capacity desktop smart card printers are based on the required quantity of 5 printers as per the RFP.

1.6.3 Middleware structure

1.7 Spare units for Embassy Installations

Reference Compliancy Matrix Requirement BC8

DUROOB is providing 5 complete ready to ship to any Embassy with a failing Kiosk component Kiosks. The approach is that we will ensure that we provide MOFA with a complete new KIOSK for that Embassy with data updated as per the local data requirements. MOFA can then ship and replace the complete unit and ship back the failing KIOSK. DUROOB will then fix this KIOSK and make it available as a new spare part.

This will save considerable time and expenses since maintaining all specific spare parts or changing components at each site is not efficient

1.8 Pricing Details

1.8.1 Summary of Costs

Item # / Item / Cost in SAR
1 / Cost for providing Solution delivery, manteinance and support services for MoFA Biometric Attendance and Smart Card System [Provide cost for providing all the services exclusive of hardware, software AND exclusive of taxes] / SAR 1,891,000
1.b / Taxes and Duties for (1) / SAR -
2 / Cost for providing Software for MoFA Biometric Attendance and Smart Card System [Provide cost exclusive of Solution Development and implementation, Maintenance & Support, Hardware costs AND exclusive of taxes] / SAR 2,885,010
2.b / Taxes and Duties for (2) / SAR -
3 / Cost for providing Hardware for MoFA Biometric Attendance and Smart Card System [Provide costs exclusive of Solution delivery, manteinance and support services, Software costs AND exclusive of taxes] / SAR 9,203,900
3.b / Taxes and Duties for (3) / SAR 383,495

1.8.2 Rresources proposed to work

Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Resource number / Resources profile (e.g. project manager, SW Architect, SW Developer, etc.) / Area of assignment (e.g. Solution development, HW, Support, Training, etc) / Task Description / Proposed
man/day / Cost per man/day / Total Cost / Proposed
man/day / Cost per man/day / Total Cost / Proposed
man/day / Cost per man/day / Total Cost
1 / Project Manager / Project Management / 200 / SAR 3,000 / SAR 600,000 / 60 / SAR 3,000 / SAR 180,000 / 60 / SAR 3,000 / SAR 180,000
1 / Technical Manager / Technical Management / Cost included in Tricubes services / 120 / SAR / SAR / 0 / SAR / SAR / 0 / SAR / SAR
1 / PMO / Invoicing and Document control / 30 / SAR 1,500 / SAR 45,000 / 24 / SAR 1,500 / SAR 36,000 / 24 / SAR 1,500 / SAR 36,000
1 / Technician / Customization, Packaging, Support / 200 / SAR 1,150 / SAR 230,000 / 220 / SAR 1,150 / SAR 253,000 / 220 / SAR 1,150 / SAR 253,000
1 / Trainer / Training CM, Training the trainers / 60 / SAR 1,300 / SAR 78,000 / 0 / SAR 1,300 / SAR - / 0 / SAR 1,300 / SAR -
TOTAL COST YEAR 1 / SAR 953,000 / TOTAL COST YEAR 2 / SAR 469,000 / TOTAL COST YEAR 3 / SAR 469,000

1.8.3 Software Proposed

Year 1
Item Number / Environment (E.g. Test, Production, etc) / Proposed
Software Product (Vendor name, SW name) / Proposed
Software Product
System, Release,
Version, Year / Proposed
Number of
licenses / Cost per software licenses / Total Cost
1 / ActivID CMS
Prices of this item are based on volume order of 10,000 Cards/ Licenses / ActiveIDentity, Card Management System / 10,000 / SAR 153.60 / SAR 1,536,000
2 / Web - based Software (ASP.Net)
* Login Module
* Reporting Module
* Activitiy Module
* Approval Module
* Email Notiifcation Module
* Door and TimeZone Module
* Touch panel user interactive application / TriCubes, Software / 1 / SAR 660,510 / SAR 660,510
3 / Enrollment System
* Image Capture
* Data Capture
* Read/Writing to the Card
* Biometrics Capture/Verify
* Interface to Card Printer
* Testing & Commissioning
* Documentation, Training & PM
* Software Installation & Configuration / TriCubes, Professional Services / 1 / SAR 688,500 / SAR 688,500
TOTAL COST YEAR 1 / SAR 2,885,010

1.8.4 Hardware Proposed

Year 1
Item Number / Item Description / Environment (E.g. Test, Production, etc) / Proposed Hardware
Vendor, Model & Operating
System / Proposed Hardware
Specifications (CPU, Processors, Memory, Disk space, others) / Proposed
Quantity HW / Cost per unit / Total Cost
1 / Hybrid Smart Cards / Production / Gemalto / IDPrime . Net Mifare 4KB / 10,000 / SAR 90 / SAR 900,000
2 / Time and Attendance Devices (kiosks) / Production / Tricubes Kiosk / CPU Intel Core i3, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 120 GB Sotorage, 5 inch touch screen, 1000 VA UPS, Fingerprint scanner, 500 dpi, USB 2.0, smartcard and mifare reader, high resolution IP face recognition camera / 125 / SAR 34,000 / SAR 4,250,000
3 / Spare KIOSKS / Test / Tricubes Kiosk / See above / 5 / SAR 34,000 / SAR 170,000
4 / 4 Dell servers / Production / Dell Poweredge M520 Blade servers / Intel XEON 2.20 Ghz, 2 processors, 8 GB memory, RAID level 1 2 drives each 600 GB / 4 / SAR 19,200 / SAR 76,800
SAN / Production / Equallogic / V 3.5" SAS 15K with 7.2 TB Capacity, offered is 2 TB / 1 / SAR 78,000 / SAR 78,000
Windows 2008 Server R2 Enterprice / Production / Microsoft / 4 / SAR 4,500 / SAR 18,000
Windows 2008 Server R2 Enterprice client licenses / Production / Microsoft / R18-02926 / 125 / SAR 150 / SAR 18,750
Microsoft SQL Server / Production / Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition 2012 / SKU 228-09884 / 2 / SAR 5,000 / SAR 10,000
Microsoft SQL CAL Device Clients / Production / Microsoft SQL CAL 2012 / SKU 359-05715 / 125 / SAR 1,000 / SAR 125,000
5 / Central Management UPS 15KVA / Production / APC Smartups 15 KVA / PN SURT15KRMXLI / 3 / SAR 48,750 / SAR 146,250
6 / Enrolment upgrades / Production / Tricubes Biomini & DUALI DE0620 / Fingerprint sensor, 500 dpi, USB 2.0 Windows or Linux, DE-620, ARM 32 bit CPU, 128KB Flash, 20 MB SRAM, ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 / 10 / SAR 3,750 / SAR 37,500
7 / Fingerprint access units / Production / Tricubes Biostation T2 / 667 Mhz CPU, 1GB Flash, SD Card, Wifi, RF Card, Mifare, face recognition camera / 140 / SAR 7,840 / SAR 1,097,600
8 / Smart card readers / Production / Tricubes XPASS / 400Mhz CPU, 8 MB flash memory, wifi TCPIP, RF Card, Power over Internet / 100 / SAR 1,640 / SAR 164,000
9 / Card Personalization Printers / Production / Muehlbauer CP 60 / Fully contact and contactless personalization, capacity up to 200 cards per hour, laser engraving and color, MCES Software controlled / 5 / SAR 356,400 / SAR 1,782,000
Card Printers, training, and spair parts kit, etc / Production / Muehlbauer / See above / 1 / SAR 330,000 / SAR 330,000
TOTAL COST YEAR 1 / SAR 9,203,900

Financial Proposal Page 1