Marathon Racing Committee

Minutes of Marathon Committee meeting

held at 9.00 am on 15 November 2014 at

Village Hall, Cropredy

Present:Stan Missen (Chair)

Diane Bates
Roland Lawler
James Smythe / David Enoch
Sue Hawthorn
Melvin Swallow / Alan Laws
Mick Nadal / Dyson Pendle
Graham Warland
  1. Apologies:Dan Golder
  2. Approval of minutes: April 11 and Annual Consultative Meeting, approved and signed.
  3. Matters arising: to be dealt with in meeting.
  4. Domestic racing:
  5. Boat buoyancy. It was decided that issuing guidance would take away the responsibility of the paddler to ensure that their boat is sufficiently buoyant. Action: Stan to write to Paul Ralph.
  6. Boat numbering
  7. Stan tabled a paper outlining the problems of unclear number boards. It was agreed that using electrical tape to make numbers on the boards is clearer and easy to change for a subsequent race. It was also agreed that a larger number board than at present would enable 4 numbers to be used when necessary. Stan proposed a size of 25cm x 15cm. The committee agreed to a timetable of requiring numbers to be made from electrical tape from 1 January 2015 but using current boards as necessary. From 1 January 2016 all boards to be white and opaque, of a size to be agreed. The white sample provided by Mike Clark was very suitable, but without the masthead. It was further agreed that it is the responsibility of each paddler to have the correct number board displayed and that they would not appear in the results if they have no number and/or cannot tell the finish line what their number is. Note: Scotland have their own set of numbers for general use so would be exempted from the changeswhilst racing in Scotland. Action: Stan to write note for website with all details.Diane to write to Mike Clark to get price for larger boards.
  8. In view of these changes, Southern Region will defer the order of number plates.
  9. Alan will report to the committee on the use of the electronic system being used internationally at the November 2015 meeting.
  10. Starters
  11. Alan reminded the committee that he had rewritten the rules for starting races only two years ago and that these are clear, starters need to adhere to them. Pre-starts, walking each class very slowly towards the start line, are helpful. Starting rules should be included in all race briefings.
  12. List of starters – decided that all on list should be asked if they wish to remain on list and be sent what the expectation of them is when starting races. ( It was further agreed that the starter for major events should be decided on well beforehand, so that he/she can ensure all equipment is available well in advance. Action: Diane to email all with relevant part from Handbook. Kevin Dennis and Paul Wells to be included.
  13. K2 Divisions at Hasler races.
  14. It was agreed to modify the classes offered to try to improve the racing in divisions 1 to 3. With effect from 1 January 2015 race organisers will offerK1 racesin all divisions at every event. K2 races will be offeredat all eventsfor division 2, division 3/4 and divisions 5 to 9. There will, therefore, no longer be a need for race organisers to specify which races they are offering. Action: Diane to modify Racing Handbook rules. Diane to write notice for website. Also contact Wiki with changes needed for HRM.
  15. The retention of the 3/4 K2 division will mean division 4 paddlers still race 12 miles in K2 in their class.
  16. It was agreed that allowing division 4 to 6 paddlers to race 4 miles with lower ranked paddlers was popular in a lot of clubs so was to be retained. This will be reviewed again at the next November meeting.
  17. BCU cards
  18. Alan reported that the BCU is very close to providing an online entry system that will remove the necessity to check BCU cards. This is due to be ready in January. Action: to be reviewed at next meeting.
  19. Problems surrounding those who cannot show membership may be solved by online system. Action: as above.
  20. It was agreed that day tickets should be available to those in higher divisions if they are not already on the system – in other words those trying the sport but who are too fast to be entered in the lower divisions. However, as in lower divisions, these should only be purchased for the first race. Subsequent races require BCU membership. Action: Diane to amend racing rules and note in race organisers’ letter.
  21. HRM program
  22. Club colours – the wearing of club colours can only be managed at local level and is something that needs enforcing at races. It was suggested that organisers check this either as competitors get on the water or as they cross the finishing line. This should also include Assessment races. Action: Diane to include in race organisers’ letter.
  23. Promotions – The Rankings Officer is happy that the HRM program should suggest promotions in divisions 2 and 3, which would solve the problem of some paddlers getting lower points when there is a much faster paddler in their race. This also happens in K2 racing, but it was agreed that recalculating points after K2 promotions was unwieldy and unnecessarily complicated. Action: Diane to contact Wiki to ask her to put suggested promotions in division 2 and 3, which would then need ratifying by the Rankings Officer.
  24. The Rankings Officer was concerned that the number of paddlers being promoted two divisions is still too high. It was agreed that anyone doing so would forfeit Hasler points. Action: Diane to ask Wiki to make necessary adjustment to HRM.
  25. Vicky Metcalfe had written to suggest that all races have marshals at turns and portages. It was agreed that this is the ideal, as already outlined in the rules, but not always practical. Vicky had also suggested that if boats are not seen through pre-race checking then they are removed from the start list. It was agreed that this is useful if enough manpower is available. Action: Diane to put in race organisers’ letter.
  26. Risk Assessments and Regional Marathon Advisers’ liability – it was noted that there is now an event organiser module that is being given at regional forums. It is free for one person from each club, with a fee of £10 for the second. It will be mandatory from April 2016 for one person from an organising club to have attended a course. Kevin Dennis will attend the February meeting to deliver the course to MRC members. It was agreed that the organisers of the Hasler Final and Nationals should be invited. Action: Diane to email Kevin to reiterate invitation. Diane to write to Regional Marathon Advisers.
  27. Lightnings
  28. It was confirmed that there are rules in place for the use of non-Lightning craft in Lightning races. Action: Diane to include in race organisers’ letter.
  29. Lightning certificates – James to design, following overly complicated designs submitted via competition.Action: James Smythe
  30. Disability paddlers – Brian Greenham’s experience with a blind paddler was noted. It was further noted that some disabled paddlers are not waiting at portages for the crews they arrived with. Action: Diane to reiterate rules in race organisers’ letter.
  31. BCU Transgender Policy noted.
  32. Incident at Anker Valley race. Thishas been investigated and no further action deemed necessary. Action: Stan to write to Dave Mylett.
  33. Regional Marathon Adviser elections. All papers have been circulated to RMAs, several have held elections. Action: Diane to send papers to James for website, in case some clubs unaware of system.
  34. Classic Series – Alan to follow up with James Hinves with regards to including races in calendar, as several do not pay the levy.Action: Alan to contact James
  35. Canoe Classes
  36. James had tabled a paper suggesting more inclusion of canoe classes. It was agreed that there is already space for them in Hasler races, but that there is little interest in the class among paddlers.
  37. Paper by Nick Adnitt circulated. Agreed that there is no room at current Hasler races for the format proposed and that it needs to be a special event. Action: Stan to write to Nick to suggest that he should take this forward if he has sufficient interest.
  38. Coffee
  39. Calendar
  40. Graham reported that a few clubs have still to finalise their date and that he will be meeting Ian Wynne to cut down on clashes with sprint events.
  41. Assessment events
  42. Gent marathon aimed at juniors only, using training days and coach recommendations as guidance, as last year.
  43. Waterlands will be aimed at seniors and some juniors. Selection will be as a result of winter training and Thameside 2.
  44. Other Assessment races – 3/5 K1 Elmbridge, 17/5 K2 Norwich, 31/5 K1 Chester, 14/6 K2 Burton. Selection for the Europeans will be made after Burton. 12/7 K1 Thames Valley (short course) when selection will be made for the World Cup to which a B team will be sent. The team for the World Championships will need to be selected by 23 August. It was therefore decided to use the National Marathon Championships if they are to be held that weekend as assessment in K1 and K2. The French Marathon Championships will also be selected at the Nationals.
  45. Calendar links between MRC site and club sites. It was agreed that it would be helpful if a link was provided on the calendar to click straight through to a club website. Action: James/Graham to ask clubs to provide link.
  46. International
  47. Self funded athletes. It was noted that this is not appropriate at present as budget is not a problem. Can be revisited when we have additional paddlers that are of the required standard. All those paddlers of the correct standard are currently being sent to events. It was further noted that there is sometimes a limit of 2 athletes per class anyway. Masters racing – it was noted that the Masters series is designed as an individual event so paddlers are not part of a team. Selections are not made for the event, so paddlers are not entitled to wear a GB vest. David noted that although the rules state that those competing abroad should notify him, in reality this does not happen. Phil Gunney had suggestedpreviously giving Masters athletes more of an identity. Action: Dyson to contact Phil to see if he is willing to take this forward in terms of kit and athlete registration.
  48. Roland feels that athletes looking for selection should be encouraged to do more races outside the Hasler system. This was agreed. Action: development committee.
  49. Selection of staff for events. Potential staff already fill out availability form just as athletes. It was agreed that their cost should be met out of the budget. Staff are not chosen for coachingspecifically as most have to undertake driving and other duties. These as well as individual’s holiday entitlement are all limiting factors.
  50. Selection appeals – it was agreed that the committee have no appeals procedure and that it is not feasible to have a valid process.
  51. ICF officials – Brian Chapman, Sarah Swallow, Jim Rossiter, Alan Laws and Christine Laws have all applied to attend all 3 events. Action: Stan to forward the names to Andy Goodsell.
  52. World Championships – report on website. A very successful event for our athletes generally.British Canoeing asked Stan, immediately upon his return, to write a report on some bad athlete behaviour on the evening after racing- as they had received notification from another source. Paul Owen has appointed an incident officer to investigate and the matter has been taken out of our hands. An outcome should be known within 21 days.
  53. ICF rule changes – Alan reported that discussion is on-going which is likely to result in the event extending to 4 days. Action: Alan to report to next meeting.
  54. Development
  55. Longridge training camp – 35 paddlers attended. Criteria need to be laid down for attendance to these events along the lines of a handicap system. James reported that the paddlers have asked for a (for example) Craft top with logo to give them a team feeling. There has also been a request for a ‘women only’ day such as Dan has held at Nottingham.Action: Sub-committee to continue organising regional and national training days. Try to extend to regions not currently doing them.James Smythe to co-ordinate with Senior paddlers group regarding producing development team Tee shirt and publicity.
  56. Graham has investigated new venues for training days. Caldicote Lake was found to be unsuitable, but Willen Lake near Milton Keynes is good with good facilities. It has been booked for training days.
  57. Proposed Hungary training camp – Alan discussed this possibility with a Hungarian coach, who then talked further to Dyson and Ollie. Action: sub committee to take these discussions further.
  58. The Midlands Duathlon Series had been advertised and it was agreed that this is good training and should be encouraged.
  59. Dates for winter training confirmed – 8 November, 6 December, 17 January, 7 March.
  60. Treasurer
  61. David tabled a report on the current state of finances. It was agreed to keep the Vajda K2 as it has been well repaired and would not achieve much at resaleand is still a useful boat to retain. It was agreed unanimously to keep Carole Hanrahan at British Canoeing as a cheque signatory.
  62. Provisional accounts showed that the current position is better than budgeted. This is largely due to the non-use of the sum set aside for training camps.
  63. The suggested budget was agreed on unanimously. David pointed out that there is now one racing kit for all approved national teams. This will soon be updated to take account of the new logos, therefore he has allocated little budget to kit.
  64. Lunch
  65. Committee Posts
  66. General Committee

Vice Chair
Rankings Officer
Nationals Co-ordinator
Regional Marathon Adviser Link
Hasler Final Co-ordinator / Stan Missen
Alan Laws
Diane Bates
David Enoch
Roland Lawler
Graham Warland
Sue Hawthorn
Mick Nadal
James Smythe
TBC depending on venue chosen
Dan Golder
Dyson Pendle
Melvin Swallow
Selection Committee / Development sub-committee
Melvin Swallow – chair
David Enoch
Dan Golder
Roland Lawler
Dyson Pendle
James Smythe
Team Manager – if other / Dyson Pendle
James Smythe
Roland Lawler
  1. It was agreed to co-opt Ollie Harding and Tom Daniels on to the development sub-committee.Action: Stan to inform them
  1. National Marathon Championships
  2. It was acknowledged that there had been some issues at the event in 2014 and Worcester were aware of the problems. Sue reported that a number of problems had arisen due to paddlers using the wrong race number. This comes about because of duplicate numbers with different colours and had a profound effect on the results. Her main recommendations:
  3. The HRM system is not networked, so problems cannot be resolved while also running a race, Action: Sue will contact Wiki to see if this can be resolved.
  4. A part-finished program would be useful for practice sessions. Mick agreed this would also help with training sessions for normal Hasler races. Action: Mick to source.
  5. There are problems with different versions of excel. Action: Sue to contact Wiki.
  6. Number problems. Action: Sue to see whether it would be possible to use white numbers one day and yellow the next. Sue to report to next meeting.
  7. Proposals
  8. Pre entry only. It was agreed that organisers should ask for entries to be with them one week before the date of the event. K1 entries could be made as late entries by Wednesday before event – with appropriate increase in fee. K2 late entries could be made by 4pm Saturday of the event at increased fee. No entries after this time. Refunds will be made available for non-quorate races.
  9. The removal of divisional races at The Nationals was agreed unanimously.
  10. A request had been made to increase the distances for Masters races. It was felt that paddlers could, as most do, enter more than one race, so the request was rejected.
  11. Future venues. Enniskillen has offered to host the event in 2017. Alan noted that this may be postponed to 2018. They have applied to host a World Cup and World Championships and the dates that are chosen for these will affect the date they offer the committee. In 2015 the weekend of 22/23 August is preferred. Action: Dyson to confirm that Norwich are willing to host the event on this date, as a matter of urgency. In 2016 Chester and Worcester are both investigating the possibility; Banbury and Falcon would prefer to host the Hasler Final before offering to host the Nationals.
  12. Hasler Final
  13. It was agreed that the 2014 event worked well, although the result service was poor as information at the site was limited and the publication on the website of the final result before the prize giving was very disappointing. There were also issues with getting on to the water, as insufficient pontoons were available. However the venue generally worked well and Stan had written to the organisers thanking for hosting.
  14. British Canoeing insurance re catering. It was noted that as part of a club activity British Canoeing insurance covers all catering by volunteer staff. This does not cover outside caterers who would need their own insurance. Stan has asked to see a copy of the policy to ensure that this is correct. Acton: Stan to follow up.
  15. It was noted that one club that qualified this year did not send a team. It was agreed that next year the RMA should send all teams that qualify an email to check that they will be sending a team. This will act as a prompt and if a club refuses then the next team on the region’s list can be invited in its place.Action: RMAs to be informed of the new procedure.
  16. Longridge had written to complain of the difficulty of small clubs qualifying for the Hasler Final. This is true in the Southern region but not a general problem. No further action.
  17. A paper had been received from John Ince wishing to change the format of the Hasler Final. It was noted that the event is a club competition, therefore no action would be taken.
  18. Future venues. Both Worcester and Banbury/Falcon have offered to host the event in 2015. Action: Sue and Graham to liaise to decide which club hosts next years’ event; the other to host 2016.
  19. Website – on-going. Noted that need to keep the MRC website as the ‘official’ channel at all times.
  20. Meeting dates 2015
  21. February 28 – Cropredy
  22. April 10 – Nottingham
  23. Annual Consultative Meeting 22 August tbc
  24. November 14 – Cropredy
  25. Any Other Business
  26. Thanks were extended to Nelo for their help with boats during the World Championships in Oklahoma.
  27. Remove the U23 K2 from the Nationals? Action: to go on next meeting agenda.
  28. Roland reported that there is a statistical slump in numbers in Division 6, maybe due to the allowances he makes when promoting from Division 7 K2. It was agreed that he would make fewer allowances and see what happens.
  29. It was noted that we now have only 3 meetings a year, plus the ACM. It was agreed to monitor.

There being no further business, the meeting finished at 3pm.