Nairobi, Kenya
16 August 2007 – 15:00 hours /
Logistics Cluster
Venue: Somalia Support Secretariat, Conference Room, Kalson Tower
Participants:NGO Security, NRC, VSFG, World Concern, RADO, OCHA, Horn Relief, UNFPA, UNHCR-RSH, UNICEF, Coopi, COSV, FAO, WHO, WFP, UNHAS (see attached attendance record)
I. Issues Discussed:
- Security Update by NGO-SPAS
- In Somaliland the ongoing elections of House Members continue to cause political tension.
- It is expected that Los Anod will declare to be state in the near future.
- NGO Security is currently conducting a security assessment in Puntland to be completed in two weeks time.
- A religious centre was attacked and two people killed in Galkayo.
- In Mogadishu and Baidoa radio stations were closed down with one reporter killed and others arrested.
- In Lower Shabelle vehicles are reportedly stopped and money being extorted.
- Attacks by the insurgents and assassinations attempts on are continuing unabated in Mogadishu. The PM proposes to establish a “green zone” in the capital as a new security measure.
- Review of Last Meeting Minutes, 2 Aug 2007
a. Security screening Wajir
After UNHAS flight being forced to divert to Wajir on the 3 August for security screening, UNHAS flights have been operating directly between Wajid and JKIA for the remainder of August. UNHAS has this week received permission from GoK to continue flying directly between Somalia and Nairobi to the end of September.
- Common tent store Wajid
WFP is looking into the possibility of making the common store tent in Wajid a permanent storage option to the benefit of other agencies. They will inform agencies in due course.
- A user group including UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNWFP, CARE, World Vision and Horn Relief has been established to support the transition from UNCAS to UNHAS and ensure that all stakeholders are represented. As nearly 40% of the UNHAS budget is donor supported two donors will be invited to be included in the user group.
All agencies are required to settle old debts and sign the MoU before to fly with UNHAS. Only exception, are invoices for July that have to be paid before 15 September after which financial books of UNCAS will be closed.
Due to a few legal queries related to the MoU the deadline for signing has been extended to 22 August.
Some agencies expressed some concern regarding the lack of supporting documentation and accuracy of invoices at times. However, UNHAS stressed that agencies should not delay payments due to minor discrepancies, but come forward and present their case to UNHAS finance department in order to resolve the issues promptly.
- The Inter- Agency Air Cargo/Passenger Project still has substantial funds left for air transport of humanitarian supplies and subsidized passenger tickets. Agencies were again encouraged to take advantage of this before the project closes on the 6 September.
- The second phase rehabilitation of Wajid airstrip has commenced with work progressing well. The airstrip remains operational while work is ongoing with work expected completion by the end of September. The new dimension of the airstrip will be extended from former 1300mx15m to 1800mx30meter significantly improve safety and operational capacity of the airstrip as well as make it accessible for larger cargo aircrafts.
Question was raised about the possibility of shipping cargo by sea from Dubai into Mogadishu. WFP informed that vessels sail this route and later provided contacts details of companies that could assist.
The next Somalia Logistics Cluster meeting will take place on Thursday, 30 August 2007, at 15:00hrs, at Kalson Towers, Somalia Support Secretariat.
IS / Somalia Log Cluster/ 06-Nov-18