Minutes of King's Somborne Village Hall Management Committee

23rd January 2018

Present: John Vanderpump (Chair), Linda Aucock, Ian Bradley, Andy Chadwick, Katie Grant, Janet Ingleson, John Ingleson, Sue Jackson, Chris Kirby, Pollyann Monk, Sarah Pennington, Roger Stephens, Michael Templeman

The Chair welcomed Roger Stephens as a new member of the VHMC who will be working with Ian Bradley on the computer system. The Chair also advised the committee that Peter Grace has resigned and therefore is no longer a trustee. Peter was thanked, in his absence, for his work on the committee.

1. Apologies: Katie Hughes

2. Minutes of the VHMC meeting of 30th November 2017

The minutes were agreed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 Dog training

It was noted that a new dog training class will commence on 29th January from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm. JV to check if the start and finish times should be 8.00 am and 4.00 pm

Action JV

3.2 Outdoor play equipment

It was agreed that the concrete plinth could be used for the siting of a concrete table tennis table until the space is needed for another purpose and only after the football pitch had been moved further away from the plinth.

3.3 Facade Improvement

The Chair advised that planning permission granted in 2015 will run out on 8 October 2018 unless work has started by then. Because of the delay the quotation has now increased to £56060. No grants are available for this type of work but it is hoped the improvement will attract more people to use the hall for functions such as wedding receptions thus warranting the cost of construction.

The Treasurer expressed considerable concern over the high cost with no assurance that it would attract more bookings and suggested a business case should be prepared before any decision was made. MT agreed to advise JV of what information he would like and JV will see that this is provided including arranging for a 3D picture showing how the new frontage might look.

Action JV

4. Booking Secretary's Report

Sarah advised that bookings were going well.

5. Invoice Secretary's Report

Linda reported that there were no problems with payments apart from an outstanding invoice for the school but that this was being re-submitted to HCC by the school secretary and therefore payment should soon be received.

6. Treasurer's Report

MT advised the committee that the Mgmt Account has a balance of £20624.45 and the Development Account £42601.52. He felt that overall the finance of the two accounts was satisfactory and agreed, on request by the Chair, that he will provide a more formal budget from the start of the next financial year.

Action MT

7. Health and Safety Report

JoI listed all the maintenance work that had been carried out over the past two months including work to the sports pavilion, electrical work and various general repairs. He will check the apparent dripping from the gutters and the broken fence adjoining a neighbouring garden.

Action JoI

8.Website Report

IB reported that he had looked at various on-line booking systems with a view to having one for our bookings. He felt that it would be useful to have a small group to look at systems used by other village halls and to trial some of the available and suitable systems. Both SP and LA felt that when the preschool leave to move to other premises there is likely to be a greater number of small bookings and that an on-line system could make the work easier. It was felt important that the small group of IB,SP,LA and MT should firstly decide what they would need from a system, working out a 'swim lane' on their current system. In the meantime SP would look at Broughton's system, MT at Braishfield and IB at Stockbridge and possibly two other halls.


IB had circulated a document prior to the meeting giving information about the need for a Performing Rights Society Licence and Phonographic Performance Licence. Although it would appear that hirers will not need to apply for a licence to play recorded music the wording of the document is not completely clear so IB has agreed to check with Kevin Sawyer at HCC.

Action IB

It was agreed that our Facebook page on the website should be removed.

Action IB

9. Preschool Plans

JV advised that there is little to report on the pre-school plans at present. Due to the lack of response from the Scouting `authority over the original plan to site the preschool building on land at the Scout hut the Parish Council are considering an alternative site on the recreation ground. The Chairman understands there is opposition to the scheme from a number of councillors and the project is on the agenda at the next Parish Council meeting on 5th February.

10. Changes to the Constitution

Members had received a copy of the draft new Constitution and responses from five people had been made. The document has now been returned to the solicitor for amendments to be made. Further changes may be needed if or when the VHMC become in charge of the new preschool building. Grants of £750 each have been made by HCC and TVBC towards the £2000 cost of using a solicitor to draw up the new Constitution. JV agreed to ask for a written estimate of cost from the solicitor.

Action JV

11. Issuing of keys

The Chair had been very concerned to discover that the Somborne Society has had another door key cut without gaining permission from the VHMC and in contravention of the rules stated on the key holder document that the Somborne Society had signed. JV has given a second key registration form to the Chair of Somsoc but this has not yet been signed and returned. Under our insurance a record must be kept of all authorised key holders.

Action JV

12. CCTV

An annual maintenance contract is available at a cost of £95 plus VAT p.a. which includes an annual check plus response to any problems with the equipment. It was agreed this should be accepted.

Action JV

13. Any Other Business

13.1 Pilates

It was noted that the Pilates class previously booked for February has been cancelled because of personal problems of the instructor.

13.2 Rats

Having discussed the possible contract for rat checking it was agreed that this would not be accepted at the moment.

Action MT

14. Time and date of next meeting

The next meeting of VHMC will be on Thursday 22nd February 2018 in the Village Hall Committee Room and the following meeting on Monday 19th March 2018

Janet Ingleson


