Minutes of the SWIMS Network ILDS Group

WebEx Meeting 10am-12pm

Thursday, 28th January 2016


Item / Subject / Action
1.  / Attendees: Jenny Toller (JT) (Chair), Claire O’Connor (CO), Kristi Smith (KS), Janice Parker-Elliott (JPE), Rod Gegg (RG), Jess Pawley (JPa), Patrick Edmonds (PE), Jake Procter (JPr), Anne Marie Fitton (AMF), Morag Evans (ME), Sinead Stringwell (SS) (on behalf of Jayne Plant), Helen Williams (HW).
Apologies: Helen Bingham (HB), Jayne Plant (JPl), Sue Robertson (SR).
It was noted that Emily Maycock who requested to join the group after the last meeting has now left the NHS.
2.  / Minute taker: AMF
3.  / Minutes of last meeting
·  Accuracy – all agreed
Matters arising not on the agenda
·  JPa and ME have submitted an article for the Swimming Pool to appear in due course, and have circulated this to the group in the meantime.
·  CO has written an article for the Swimming Pool on the EBL service for e-books
·  D08 workshops on copyright and referencing – ME reported that these are being delivered under the general heading of study skills, and copyright is incorporated into them.
·  RG confirmed that the email addresses at RCH have now changed.
4.  / SWIMS Network membership, holdings and standards
·  Annual journals holdings updating – JT reminded the group of the deadline of 29 Feb 2016
·  All the libraries that use the UW2 scheme have been informed that it will end 31st Jan 2016. JT will remove the holdings from SWIMS and remind the network.
·  Import of affiliates’ holdings – JT reported that she is continuing to work with OCLC to develop a procedure to automatically upload the holdings of the c16 affiliated library members. She explained that the holdings format may not be consistent with that used on SWIMS. KS requested information on the SWIMS format. Post meeting note: JT has sent to KS
·  Obtaining data on net suppliers and net receivers, incl affiliates.
JT queried whether it would be worth obtaining data on numbers of ILLs to and from individual locations in order to get an idea of network traffic. The group agreed this could be useful, though noted that it would be time-consuming if done manually. It was agreed that all locations in the group who use WinCHILL – D08, W11, CGH/GRH, PLY and RCH - would send this data for Jan 2016 to JT. JT will then review and consider widening the survey.
·  Unfulfilled requests – statistics
A query had been raised via the library managers as to whether unfulfilled requests are counted. It is noted that these are not included in the national statistical returns, but can represent some considerable work. There was a discussion regarding the reasons for unsuccessful requests. It was agreed not to monitor as this could be time-consuming and it wasn’t clear whether counting/monitoring would contribute to resolving the problems. / JT
5.  / Copyright and CLA licence
·  Collaboration partner organisations – the list of collaborative partners is now on the website at http://www.swimsnetwork.nhs.uk/ilds/ilds-faqs/
HB has explained that we can exchange copies with these organisations under this arrangement but only if we are undertaking collaborative work with them. JT to update the information on the website to this effect. It was pointed out that library privilege is still applicable.
·  Working group to design CLA licence support documentation.
HB has circulated the documents and posters to LIB-SOUTH. We should continue to refer to the SWIMS Network ILDS standards for now, and JT and HB will lead on a revision of them in light of the new guidance. Any feedback on the CLA guidance to HB.
·  CLA webinar 3 Feb – JT reminded the group of this - see email from HB to LIB-SOUTH
·  BL article requests free in February
To take advantage it is necessary to set up a new account with the British Library and it was agreed this was quite quick to do. Some have already done this.
·  Multi-issue journals
Some journals have 2 to 3 parts bound in the same physical item. RG queried if we treat them as the same issue or separate issues in terms of copyright. It’s a rare scenario, but RG to ask at the webinar on 3rd Feb. / JT
6.  / Investigative work and wider collaboration
HW attended to update the group on the Clio implementation at HHLS.
·  H18, H34, H05 are all using Clio. It effectively went live late Dec/early Jan. All three sites can see each others’ requests and items can be ordered at one site and received at another. There are some issues including statistics which should be ironed out in due course. Clio is different to WinChill in that it is ‘process-drive’ i.e. has more screens. Clio can allow customers to create their own requests and retrieve their pdf direct, although this hasn’t yet been switched on at HHLS. It may also be possible to upload RIS files to manage requests. Clio has a BL API, meaning that orders can be automatically checked at the BL. HW explained that it works well in their service which has smaller libraries and operates across more than one trust.
JT queried some aspects of the cost, pilot end, renewal and pilot reporting. HW confirmed it is funded by Health Education England and will continue to late 2016, after the end of the work of the task and finish group. HHLS still has WinCHILL but is ‘winding this down’. A report will be written on the findings of this implementation. HW kindly agreed to do a demo at our next meeting.
·  In SR’s absence, HW also reporting on the work of the Knowledge for Healthcare streamlining document delivery task and finish group. The current investigations include a union catalogue for journal holdings in NHS England, national standards for ILDS, and charging models. More information on the Knowledge For Healthcare blog at http://kfh.libraryservices.nhs.uk/category/service-transformation/streamlining-taf/
·  BL workshops – follow up activity (from last minutes)
RG explained that RCH had received a visit from BL but there has been no further feedback although his contact had emailed to say that she was in contact with the LKSLs. JT to follow up with HB.
·  Forum for Interlending membership (from last minutes) – JT to look into corporate membership.
HW pointed out that the next Forum for Interlending conference will take place in Portsmouth on 27-28 June. http://www.forumforinterlending.org.uk/ / JT/HB
7.  / Standing item: web pages at http://www.swimsnetwork.nhs.uk/ilds/ - communications generally
·  JT reported that she had written a group update for the Swimming Pool and it had appeared in the Nov issue
·  JT has queried with HB whether the CLA guidance and posters can be uploaded to the LKSL website.
8.  / AOB
·  PE reported that he is looking into ILL delivery times.
RG has offered to help with sending the group his statistics report. Post meeting note: now done.
·  JPa asked if anyone charges for ILL overdues. The general opinion is no, but it was agreed that threatening the user with an invoice usually does the trick.
9.  / Dates and locations of next meeting
·  WebEx, Thursday 5th May 2016, 10am. WebEx now booked.