Chairman: Cllr Grice.
Parish Councillors: Abbey (Borough/Parish), Barton, Debbie Boote (Borough/Parish) [late arrival], Sam Boote (Borough/Parish), Butler, Cane, Chmara, Erwin, Harding, Kingdom, Oakley, Pinder, Watts, Wells.
Staff: Neil Grocock (Clerk).
Also Present: Borough/County Cllr Cottee; Christine Dalby.
13/8255 Apologies
q Apologies were received from Cllr Debbie Boote (late arrival).
13/8256 Declarations of Interest
q Cllr Grice declared an interest in item 13/8260a below (reimbursements).
13/8257 Minutes
q The minutes of the meeting on 4.2.13 were APPROVED and signed by Cllr Grice as a true record.
13/8258 Matters Arising
q (13/8254c) Main Street Parking:
§ Response from Notts County Council to a letter from Andrew Baines re parking on Main Street, included in the briefing notes for the meeting -NOTED.
§ Cllrs Sam Boote and Pinder commented that they had heard of recent instances of wardens being unreasonably zealous in their enforcement of the current thirty-minute restriction.
§ Cllr Abbey reminded Cllr Cottee that any new road markings on Main Street should ideally be in conservation area colours (narrower, paler).
q (13/8250) Cllr Grice reported that Cllr Cottee had explored the possibility of the County Council gritting the Village Hall car park during icy weather, but that this was not something the County Council would be able to do.
q (13/8250) As regards the Colette Aram memorial, Cllr Grice reported that there would be a ceremony outside the Village Hall on 20.5.13.
q (13/8254a) Concerning the Memorial Gates, Cllr Grice reported that, all being well, the County Council would be carrying out the renovation work in April, and that the work should be completed by early May at the latest.
q (13/8254b) In the absence of Cllr Debbie Boote, Cllr Sam Boote reported that Debbie was making progress in obtaining prices for the proposed youth shelter.
q (13/8251f) In response to a query from Cllr Sam Boote, the Clerk reported that the Borough Council had elected not to distribute Parish Council precept leaflets with council tax demands, but that the leaflets for various Parish Councils, including Keyworth, could be found on the Borough Council website[1].
13/8259 Correspondence
q The following items had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting:
- Letter of resignation from Cllr Fletcher:
§ Cllr Grice confirmed that he had telephoned Cllr Fletcher, and thanked her for her contribution.
§ AGREED that Cllr Oakley should replace Cllr Fletcher as leader of the play area working party, and as a member of the Facilities committee.
- Email (with photographs) from Sarah Northeast re debris on fields:
§ Cllr Sam Boote reported that he had discussed this with the Borough Council, but that it was not an issue for Streetwise, which did not clear up private land; he had subsequently spoken to Cllr Pinder, in his capacity as a member of the local Environment group, about the possibility of a community clean-up; Cllr Pinder stated that this was not something the Environment group was minded to get involved in at this stage.
§ Cllr Boote added that he would be drawing charity bags found on the land to the attention of the local police.
- Email from Christine Dalby re bird scarers:
§ Cllr Sam Boote reported that he had been liaising with the Borough Council about this issue; the Borough Council had written to three (of four) farmers using scarers locally, but, having investigated, seemed to have taken the view that the noise did not amount to a statutory nuisance; from the farmers’ point of view, the scarers were needed due to a massive increase in the pigeon population.
§ Christine Dalby begged to differ with the Borough Council’s view of the situation, pointing out that the scarers had been in use early in the morning, and at other unsocial hours.
§ Cllr Grice pointed out that the Parish Council had no powers to intervene, and all it could do was draw the matter to the attention of the Borough Council, as Cllr Boote already had.
§ Cllr Erwin pointed out that, whilst he had every sympathy with Ms Dalby, farming was still a major part of the local economy; farmers needed to make a living and protect their crops.
§ Cllr Cottee suggested that Ms Dalby should contact her MP about the problem if she had not already done so.
§ Cllr Grice thanked Ms Dalby for coming to the meeting, but suggested that the only way forward was for Cllr Boote to once again draw her concerns to the Borough Council’s attention.
- Letter from Rushcliffe Borough Council re defibrillator donation.
§ Cllr Grice reported that Cllr Oakley was able to obtain a defibrillator, free of charge, from East Midlands Ambulance Service for use in the Village Hall; however, a second device was ideally required for the Centenary Lounge, bearing in mind that, for security reasons, it would be difficult to make the one in the Village Hall accessible from the Centenary Lounge at all times.
§ Cllr Oakley reported that she was already in the process of raising funds for a second defibrillator, and that she was also contacting regular hirers of the premises to ascertain whether they would wish to take advantage of free training which was available (although training is not essential); she added that she had talked to local GPs who were wholeheartedly behind the idea.
- Letter from Cllr Ken Browse, chairman of the National Association of Local Councils re localisation of council tax support, enclosing a suggested letter for Council chairmen to send to local MPs – NOTED; Cllr Grice commented that he did not consider it appropriate to put his name to such a letter.
- Letter from Rushcliffe Borough Council re service delivery structure 2013 – NOTED; Cllr Grice reported that he and the Clerk had arranged to meet the Parish Council’s new ‘link officer’, David Mitchell, in April.
- Letter from Local Government Boundary Commission re electoral review of Rushcliffe: final recommendations - NOTED.
- Letter from Rushcliffe Borough Council enclosing copy of letter from the Boundary Commission for England re postponement of parliamentary boundary commission review - NOTED.
13/8260 Finance
a) Schedule of Payments/Reimbursements
q A schedule of payments and reimbursements, included in the briefing notes for the meeting, was APPROVED – see Appendix 1.
b) Finance & Risk Minutes dated 25.2.13
q The minutes of the meeting on 25.2.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.
- (13/7337) Cllr Grice reported that Cllr Oakley had ascertained from contacts at the County Council that funds were available via the Local Improvement Scheme for signs and plant boxes at the entrances to the Village along the lines suggested by the Gardening Association.
- AGREED that a grant application should be submitted as soon as possible.
- Cllrs Kingdom and Pinder suggested that the public should be offered the chance to have some input regarding the exact nature of the signs; Cllr Grice suggested that, if they were so minded, Cllrs Kingdom and Pinder should look at ways of engaging the public in such an exercise, and report back in due course (Cllr Oakley to liaise with the County Council).
c) Capital Expenditure 2013/14
q The following proposals, included in the briefing notes for the meeting, as recommended by the Finance & Risk committee, were APPROVED: that, with effect from 1.4.13 and until further notice, there should be a freeze on non-essential capital expenditure as follows:
- Capital expenditure should be restricted, subject to availability of funds and observance of financial regulations and standing orders, to expenditure which meets with at least one of the following criteria:
§ There is a compelling business case.
§ Financed wholly by outside funding.
§ In respect of maintenance, repairs or replacement of equipment considered essential and authorised by: a committee in accordance with its terms of reference; or a member of staff in accordance with delegation arrangements.
§ Total cost £1000 or less and funds available in an earmarked reserve or the margin for capital expenditure in the budget.
Standing order 1r having been invoked by Cllr Grice, the details of the vote were
recorded as follows – in favour: Cllrs Abbey, Barton, Sam Boote, Butler, Cane,
Chmara, Erwin, Grice, Harding, Kingdom, Oakley, Pinder, Watts, Wells; no votes
against or abstentions.
q Cllr Grice commented that this seemed sensible at a time when there were many financial uncertainties.
13/8261 Planning
a) Minutes dated 11.2.13
q The minutes of the meeting on 11.2.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.
b) Minutes dated 11.3.13
q The minutes of the meeting on 11.3.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.
- Cllr Abbey commented that, out of nine planning applications considered at the meeting, three had been in respect of developments on green belt sites.
- (13/2314) In response to a query from Cllr Butler, Cllr Abbey explained that, in future, the Borough Council would be sending the Parish Council site notices even in cases where press notice is not required.
c) Neighbourhood Plan
q Cllr Abbey reported as follows:
- Steering group now ready to liaise with interested landowners and developers; letters sent to all concerned, outlining strict criteria and stipulating a six-week deadline for submission of site-specific documents which will contribute to the sustainability appraisal.
- Letters also to be sent to the main statutory bodies which need to be consulted.
q Cllr Kingdom queried the public exhibition being staged by Miller Homes in the Centenary Lounge later in the month, expressing concern that the public perception might be that the exhibition was endorsed by the Council, and suggesting that the Council should conduct an exit poll, the results of which could be measured against any claims of public support from the developers.
q Cllr Abbey responded that the exhibition was an event organised by a commercial enterprise with no involvement from the Parish Council, and that it would not, as such, inform the Neighbourhood Plan; the Parish Council would, as already explained, be liaising with all interested developers (including Miller Homes), but all developers would be dealt with on an equal footing, hence the strict criteria for submissions (see above).
q Cllr Grice acknowledged Cllr Kingdom’s concerns, but pointed out that, if anything, an exit poll would give the impression that the Council was somehow involved in the exhibition.
13/8262 Facilities: Minutes dated 4.3.13
q The minutes of the meeting on 4.3.13 were NOTED and the decisions therein were APPROVED.
q Cllr Kingdom pointed out that Cllr Wells had been at the meeting, but that his presence had not been recorded.
Cllr Debbie Boote arrived at the meeting at this point.
13/8263 KPC/KPFA Relationship
q The following items had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting:
- Proposals for changes in the financial/legal relationship between the Council, the KPFA and associated clubs.
- A joint Council/KPFA statement drafted by Nic Seller, KPFA chairman.
q Cllr Grice pointed out that the Bowls and Tennis Clubs were yet to confirm that they were prepared to enter into leases &/or on what terms, but leases were ideally required in order to clarify responsibilities in terms of maintenance and health & safety.
a) Financial/Legal Proposals
q After due consideration, it was AGREED that, in 2013/14, the Parish Council should:
In respect of the KPFA:
- Pay no maintenance grant to the KPFA which, in future, will have no involvement in the management or maintenance of the Elm Avenue/Rectory field sports facilities.
In respect of the Rectory field, pavilion and changing rooms:
- Pay for the general maintenance (not including preparation for football or cricket) of the field.
- Pay all running costs and overheads in respect of the pavilion and changing rooms.
- Charge Keyworth Table Tennis Club at a rate of no less than £985 per annum (to be reviewed in the light of 2013/14 overheads) for hire of the pavilion.
- Charge any other hirers of the pavilion at a rate to be determined.
- Reserve the right to cancel any arrangements for hire of the pavilion subject to appropriate and reasonable notice.
- Require Keyworth United Community Football Club to pay any specific costs in respect of preparing the field for football (including the groundsman’s contract previously paid by the Parish Council if applicable).
- Charge the Football Club for use of the changing rooms at a rate to be determined.
- Make the field available free of charge to the show committee for the Keyworth Show.
- Charge any other users of the field (for organised sport or other events) at a rate to be determined.
In respect of Keyworth Bowls Club:
- Pay a maintenance grant of £4825 (subject to progressive annual reductions thereafter) to the club, and allow the club rent-free use of the premises on condition that the club pays:
§ all running costs and overheads (including electricity, rates, water rates, routine maintenance and repairs) in respect of the premises; and
§ all maintenance costs in respect of the bowling green (including the annual maintenance contract previously paid by the Parish Council).
In respect of Keyworth Tennis Club:
- Allow the club rent-free use of the premises on condition that the club pays all running costs and overheads (including electricity, rates, water rates, routine maintenance and repairs).
- Continue, as in previous years, to pay the cost of the contract for maintenance of the courts on condition that the club pays all other costs in respect of the courts, and subject to contributions from the club with effect from 2014/15, increasing progressively until the club is covering the full cost of the contract by 2016/17 at the latest.
In respect of the Parish Council/KPFA lease:
- In the event of the KPFA relinquishing the lease and subject to approval of terms:
§ Enter into a covenant to preserve the Rectory field as a recreational green space for a minimum of twenty years.