Minutes of DBBT meetings


Document prepared by: / Branimir Jakšić (UPKM) and Bojan Prlinčević (HTPSZ)
Date: / 28th of September 2016
Work package: / WP9
Dissemination level:
Project acronym: / DBBT
Project No: / 561688-EPP-1-2015-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Grant Agreement number: / 2015-3763
Coordinator institution: /
University in Kosovska Mitrovica
Beneficiaries: / Prof. Dr. Sinisa Ilic, UNIVERSITY OF MITROVICA
Faculty of Technical Sciences
Higher Technical Professional School In Zvečan
Univerzitet U Banjoj Luci
Univerzitet U Bihaću
School of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, Belgrade
Univerzitet Singidunum
VSB-Technical University Of Ostrava
Univerza V Ljubljani
Universidad Politécnica De Madrid
Tartu Ulikool
TV Mreza
Jp Emisiona Tehnika I Veze
Alternativna Televizija

Table ofcontent

First day of the meeting – 28th of September

Topic: The progress of WP1

Topic: The progress of WP2, WP3 and WP4

Second day of the meeting – 29th of September

Topic: Teachers’ training

Topic: Study visit

First day of the meeting – 28th of September

Registration of participants of the Meeting started at 10:00 in the hall of professors of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (ETSIT).

The welcome note and presentation of the host institution is performed by professor Luis Salgado from UPM. He has presented his institution shortly along with bachelor and master studies in Faculty of Communication.

Topic: The progress of WP1

Professor dr Matevž Pogačnik (from University of Ljubljana), the leader of WP1 has started the session related to the progress of WP1. He pointed out that the task 1.1 - Analysis of EU master study programmes in the field of DBBTis almost finished, but the details related to equipment used in the lab of institutions VSB-TUO and UPM are missing for the full task completion. The deliverables1.2. - Analysis of WB master study programmes in the field of ICTand1.3. - Comparative analysis of study programmes in the fields of DBBT from EU and ICT from WBare fully completed. The activities related to deliverable1.4. - Study Visits to EU partner HEIsare planned during the standard project meetings in EU partner countries and the first study visit will be held in Madrid during this visit. Although the deadline for the task 1.5. - Consulting with the partners from the businessis March 2017, most of WB partners have completed this activity, but they didn’t document it. UPKM had consultations with TV Mreza and JPETV, VISER had consultation with JP ETV, UBI and UBL had consultations with local partners as well. The activities related to task 1.6. - Teacher’s training will also begin during the UPM meetings. He asked partners from VSB-TUO and UPM to provide missing details in order to finish deliverable 1.1. ASAP.

Topic: The progress of WP2, WP3 and WP4

Professor Mile Petrović, the representative of UPKM, has presented the proposal for infrastructure of DBBT studio. The slight modifications in equipment compared to the last meeting were emphasised. Those modifications were resulted from comments of EU and business partners. He also presented the list of courses and ECTS points as the starting point for beginning the work on WP3.

Professor Alma Oračević, the representative of UBI, has presented the list of courses in syllabus for new master programme and ECTS points. She has also presented the list of equipment agreed by EU and partners from the business.

Professor Milan Mišić, the representative of HTPSZ, has presented the proposal for the post-graduated – specialist studies, not only the list of courses with ECTS points, but also the content, goal, expected outcome and other details per each course. Professor Bojan Prlinčević has presented the list of equipment needed for this study programme. After the presentation the EU partners suggested for HTPSZ that it would be desirable to include the course RTV engineering (or similar) in the syllabus proposal.

Professor Slavica Marinković from VISER has presented the concept of the two-years DBBT vocational master study programme that should be implemented at VISER. The courses of the first year of study will cover wider areas in order to enable students of existing two vocational study programmes (audio & video technologies and electronics & communication) to be enrolled to the new DBBT master studies. The courses in the second year will be professional courses from DBTT area.Professor Amela Zeković has presented the list of equipment needed for organizing DBBT laboratory at VISER. Vladimir Cerić from VISER has presented the results of the old survey that VISER usually performs on the interests of students for existing study programmes.

The representative of University of Banja Luka (UNIBL), dr Jugoslav Joković has presented the institutional proposal for the new master programme(1 year, 60 ECTS, 5 courses). Generally, the study programme consists of three parts: audio-video production, RF engineering and DTV signal receiving including softwaresupport. Afterwards, the list of equipment needed for laboratory is presented. The UNIBL has consulted the business partners: ATV, state agency for communication (Republička agencija za komunikacije (RAK)) and RT-RK company, that will help UNIBL to improve curriculum and create laboratory even with own equipment.

The representative of University of Singidunum (SINGI), Saša Adamović has presented the list of equipment needed for this institution. The equipment is grouped in several groups: audio-video equipment, software for processing of audio and video signals and software for image processing.

The conclusion related to WP2 is that all WB institutions must submit the final list of equipment to the WP2 leader – professor Mile Petrović until 7th of October 2016. Because of the tendering procedure, there should not be stated the names and particular models of equipment, but only characteristics of equipment. The list of equipment will be controlled by WP2 leader and he might ask for slight modification (if not properly stated in the proposal). The final controlled list must be submitted to the coordinator to ask for equipment approval by EACEA.

The conclusion related to WP3 and WP4 is that most of WB institution has prepared the list of courses (with the help of EU partners) and assigned the number of ECTS points. In order to prepare the common report on curriculum, the curriculum template should be approved that is harmonized by all WB institutions (that fits with accreditation templates of all involved WB countries). The initial template was proposed by UPKM and the leader of WP3 and WP4 sent the template for commenting to WB partners. The coordinator has shown once again the sample chapters from presentation of HTPSZ with filled complete details of study programme: teaching outcome, course goal, content of the course, the way of passing exam etc. The harmonized template for writing the curricula and template for tasks 3.2. and 4.2. - Defining the teachers' competencies and learning outcomes of courses for academic master studies in the field of DBBT have to be approved until middle of October. Writing of the content of study programmes should be finished until the end of November.

The representatives of UPKM, HTPSZ and UNIBI have presented the results of survey on how students are interested in introducing the new DBBT study programme. The results showed that a large number of students is interested in introducing the new post-graduate study programme. The WB partner HEI: UNIBL, Singidunum and VISER will perform survey very soon.

After the progress presentation of all WB institutions, the PMC and SC meetings were held. The Minutes of meetings are presented in the separate documents.

Second day of the meeting – 29th of September

Topic: Teachers’ training

The teacher’s training was performed by professor Matevž Pogačnik from UL about the newest tendencies in development of digital TV and multimedia. The separate report on teacher’s training from this session is created.

Topic: Study visit

The professor Carlos Alberto Martin (UPM) from the host institution presented the teaching methodologies and study programmes implemented at UPM. After the presentation all project members visited the laboratories in the area of DBBT. The detailed description of the study visit is documented in the separated document.

The study visit was finished at 3.00 P.M.

Minutes taken byMinutes revised by

Branimir Jakšić anddr Siniša Ilić

Bojan Prlinčević