Two Voice Poem and Recitation
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Voice and Articulation / Very clear, crisp; effective use of volume, intonation, rhythm and pacing / Clear, appropriate intonation and pacing / Audible, but too quiet, monotone, unevenly paced / Inaudible, slow or hurried, distracting rhythm, mispronunciations
Creativity and
Originality of the
Poem / Poem includes vivid words and phrases that paint a picture in the listener’s mind. The ideas are fresh and new! / Poem includes some descriptive words and phrases that sometimes paint a picture in the listener’s mind. The ideas are fresh and new! / Poem may use a few descriptive words or phrases but there is some lack of ownership with the ideas. It does not always sound fresh and new. / Poem is boring, dull, or seems rushed. The ideas and the way they are expressed seem to belong to someone else.
Poem Structure / Poem is written from two different viewpoints, with some lines meant to be spoken simultaneously. Each speaker has at least 10 lines. / Poem is written from two different viewpoints, with some lines meant to be spoken simultaneously. Each speaker has 8-9 lines. / Poem is written from two different viewpoints, but there are no lines meant to be spoken simultaneously. Each speaker has 6-7 lines. / Poem is not written from two different viewpoints, or there are no lines meant to be spoken simultaneously. Each speaker has 5 or less lines.
Use of Figurative
Language in Poem / Poem has three or more examples of figurative language or poetic device. They are highlighted or listed on the poem. / Poem has two examples of figurative language or poetic device. They are highlighted or listed on the poem. / Poem has one example of figurative language or poetic device.They are highlighted or listed on the poem. / No figurative language or poetic device examples are included in the poem.They are highlighted or listed on the poem.