Comhairle Chontae Longfoirt

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council

held in the Council Chamber, Aras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford on Wednesday, 21st June 2006 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESIDING:Councillor Frank Kilbride, Mayor.

MEMBERS PRESENT:Councillors – Larry Bannon, Paddy Belton,

Gearoid O Bradaigh, Seamus Butler, Mick Cahill, James Coyle, Adrian Farrell, Sean O Fearghaile, Martin Farrell, Victor Kiernan, Maire Ni Giolla Bride Harcan, Luie McEntire, Alan Mitchell, Peadar O Murchu, Michéal MacCnáimhí, Peggy Nolan, P.J Reilly and Barney Steele.

APOLOGY: Councillor Martin Mulleady

IN ATTENDANCE:Mr. T. Caffrey, County Manager.

Mr. J. Clarke, Director of Services.

Mr. J. Kilgallen, Director of Services.

Mr. T. McDonald, Head of Finance.

Mr. F. Sheridan, Director of Services.

Mr. R. Timlin, Director of Services.




On the proposal of Councillor J. Coyle seconded by Councillor S. Butler, a vote of sympathy was extended to the family of Charles J. Haughey, former Taoiseach.

On the proposal of Councillor P. Nolan and seconded by Councillor L. Bannon, a vote of sympathy was extended to the family of Luke Belton, former T.D.

On the proposal of Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by Councillor M. Nevin, a vote of sympathy was extended to the family of Paddy Joe McDermot who died suddenly.

Mayor F. Kilbride and all members of the Council associated themselves with the votes of sympathy and many tributes were paid to the deceased. This was followed by a minute’s silence. Councillor A. Mitchell then called an adjournment for five minutes as a mark of respect.


On the proposal of Councillor M. Nevin seconded by Councillor P. Murphy, the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council held on 17th May 2006 were confirmed and adopted.


The County Manager’s Orders, which had been circulated, were noted.


Minutes of Housing and Social Policy, Planning and Building Control Policy Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on the 24th April 2006.

The Minutes of Housing and Social Policy, Planning and Building Control Policy Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on the 24th April 2006 were noted.

Planning Applications

The list of Planning Applications which had been received since the previous meeting of the Council, was submitted and noted.

Street Trading in Ballymahon

Councillor P. Belton expressed concern regarding street trading in Ballymahon as traders were setting up in unauthorised areas and were proving a traffic hazard. Councillors S. Farrell, L. Bannon and M. Cahill supported Councillor P.Belton, and requested that action be taken against unauthorised street trading. Councillor M. Nevin asked that something should be done about general trading in the towns. Mr. C. Murphy advised that the Planning Enforcement Unit had carried out a recent inspection following which notice to cease had been issued. Mr. James Clarke explained that traders should only operate in designated areas due to insurance liability implications.

Scheme of Letting Priorities – Affordable Housing Part V

Mr. J. Clarke outlined the details of the Scheme of Letting Priorities. The purpose of this Scheme of Priorities is to provide a means for determining the order of priority in the allocation of dwellings to be provided by Longford County Council under the Affordable Housing Schemes. On the proposal of Councillor P. Nolan and seconded by Councillor V. Kiernan, it was agreed to adopt the scheme of Letting Priorities – Affordable Housing Part V.

Councillor P. Nolan questioned the delay on the opening of the 38 houses at Farnagh Glebe. She explained that she had been in touch with the ESB and had been told that it was a contractor delay. The Director of Services explained that he was not aware of this and would look into it as to his knowledge, the delay was with the ESB.

Councillors A. Mitchell, G. Brady and M. Nevin fully supported the Social and Affordable Housing Schemes but agreed that it should be publicised more as people were not aware that they may still quality for these schemes if they earn up to €40,000 per year. Mayor Kilbride also offered his support but agreed that people in Granard did not know enough about it.

Councillor A. Mitchell requested that some form of claw back mechanism be included in the next scheme as he was aware of certain circumstances where houses in the Farneyhoogan scheme were being rented out by their owners. Mr. J. Clarke assured him that moving forward there would be a clause to prevent owners from renting the properties.

Councillor A. Mitchell also expressed concern at comments made by Deputy Sexton regarding Longford County Council’s claw back policy on DPGs and questioned other County Councils’ approach. Mr. Clarke explained that the claw back was originally agreed through the SPC at the time and was purely a measure to protect public funds. There had been cases whereby properties had been sold by relatives after receipt of a substantial home improvement grant from Longford County Council. However, he did stress that the claw back only applies if the property is sold on and not if it is passed on to a relative.

Councillor P. Murphy questioned the delay on the 10 houses in Newtownforbes. Mr. Clarke explained that there were originally problems with mapping which had been rectified and advised that all the contracts had been issued and only 2 applicants had signed them. He also advised the members that some of the applicants had sent back very indepth snag lists which he was concerned about, as the houses were finished to a very high standard. Councillor M. Nevin also gave his support to the scheme asking that perhaps a time limit be placed on the applicant to prevent any delays.

The Manager then went onto to say that Longford is a leader in the provision of Social and Affordable Housing in the Country and this was not by accident but as a result of the hard work of the Director and his staff.

Erection of Sinn Fein Memorial in Lanesboro.

The Mayor requested that the issue of the Sinn Fein memorial originally listed on the agenda under Economic Development, Urban and Rural Renewal, Cultural and Recreational and Corporate Affairs would now be dealt with under Housing and Social Policy, Planning and Building Control Policy.

It was noted that following a recent inspection by the Planning Enforcement Unit, the development was considered to be unauthorised and a warning letter was issued on May 19th 2006. It was noted that Sinn Fein were now in the process of submitting a planning application and a full report will be provided at the July meeting.

Notice of Motion

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor B. Steele and seconded by Councillor L. Bannon:-

“That a full rejuvenation of St. Matthew’s Park takes place, i.e. fence replacement, all roads around estate resurfaced, kerbs replaced, play area properly layed out.”

Mr.Clarke explained that there are a number of Council Housing Estates throughout the County which were completed in the 1980’s and which now need revisiting by way of general revitalisation of open spaces, roads, footpaths, fencing etc. These estates include St. Matthews Park - Ballymahon, Devine Crescent - Edgeworthstown, McHugh Park - Kenagh, Castlegardens – Newtownforbes and Smithfield Crescent - Legan.

Surveys have commenced in all of the estates with a view to drawing up a comprehensive list of works to be undertaken together with detailed costings.

A Cross-Directorate approach will then be taken in establishing how best funds can be accessed from the Roads and other Programmes and how works can best be co-ordinated and progressed.

It is expected that funding will be made available by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government from the Internal Capital Receipts to assist with works.

It is intended that works on these estates will be prioritised and carried out over a two year period.

Councillor B. Steele welcomed the Director’s reply and explained that the houses in St. Matthews were built in the early 80’s and the residents were very good tenants. Councillor L. Bannon welcomed the programme and requested that additional parking facilities be made available in these areas. Councillors J. Coyle, P. Belton, S. Farrell and PJ Reilly also welcomed the programme.

Councillor M. Nevin was disappointed that Farnagh had not been mentioned and Mr. Clarke explained that Farnagh was due for a major rejuvenation. An application for up to €13 million for funding was currently with the department.


The Minutes of Transportation, Road Development and Maintenance and Road Safety Policy Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on 1st March 2006 were noted.

Policies for Adoption

On the proposal of Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by Councillor P. Belton it was agreed to adopt the Senior Engineer Report on prioritisation of roads in Longford, in line with Regional Planning Guidelines and National Spatial Strategy as follows:

Longford to Athlone – via the N4 to Edgeworthstown and N55 from there to Athlone.

Longford to Mullingar and Tullamore – via the N4 to Edgeworthstown and Mullingar and N52 onwards to Tullamore.

Longford to Cavan – via the N4 to Edgeworthstown and N55 to Granard and Cavan.

Longford to Dublin – via the N4 to Edgeworthstown and Mullingar and onwards on the N4 to Dublin.

Longford to Sligo – via the N4 to Carrick-on-Shannon and onwards to Sligo.

Longford to Castlebar – via the N5 to Tarmonbarry and onwards to Castlebar and linking to Knock Airport.

Longford to Galway – via the N63 to Lanesboro and onwards to Galway.

Ballymahon to Mullingar – via R392.

Dual Carriageway West of Mullingar serving Longford & Counties West of Longford.

Concerns were raised regarding the order of priority of the routes but the Director of Services reassured all that the routes were not listed in any particular order of priority.

Councillor S. Butler fully supported a dual carriageway from Mullingar to Longford. He did express concern about delays to the N5 bypass. Mr. Kilgallen explained that there had been some slippage on construction but that this was being rectified and emphasised that it was a priority project. Councillor J. Coyle was also requested that the road to Knock be given greater emphasis.

On the proposal of Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by Councillor P. Belton it was agreed to adopt the following policy on the Local Improvement Schemes.

  • Any project which provides access to one parcel of land and to one dwelling house, separately owned or occupied, should qualify for a LIS Scheme.

On the proposal of Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by Councillor P. Belton it was agreed to adopt the following policy on Special Speed Limits

  • Legal Advice should be sought on increasing the speed limit from 80 km/h to 100 km/h on regional roads where conditions do not meet the guidelines criteria.
  • The Department of Transport guidelines must be taken into consideration before a decision is made to the lowering of the speed limit on a local road from 80km/h to 50 km/h.
  • Considering the cost implication of lowering the speed limit on all local cul-de-sac roads off national roads from 80 km/h to 60 km/h the committee members decided not to recommend the overall proposal.
  • The committee agreed that a submission from Cllr. Seamus Butler regarding the extension of a 50 km/h speed limit on the Drumlish Road (R198) was inappropriate because the distance from Longford was excessive.

A submission from Cllr. Alan Mitchell to extend the speed limit on the Ballinalee Road (R194) to Carriglass Bridge was also considered inappropriate because of the distance involved.

There were submissions relating to extensions on local roads where distance was also considered inappropriate.

The Committee agreed that there was need to refer back and that the councillors concerned would be asked to submit revised proposals in all of these instances.

  • It was unanimously agreed that a 30 km/h speed limit be provided on public roads in certain housing estates on a one-year pilot basis, commencing with the schemes listed in the schedule included in the minutes, together with one estate in each of the other areas.
  • It was unanimously decided by the committee that the current programme of flashing school lights be completed before commencing any other works at schools.

Councillor P.J. Reilly raised the issue of the N55 closure. All traffic is now being diverted via Ballyjamesduff and this is a very dangerous road. He explained that the signage is not sufficient and asked that something be done about the very dangerous bends.

Councillor P.J. Reilly also asked that some from of additional signage be put up at Main St, Granard to prevent traffic continuing straight on.

Councillor P. Nolan proposed that a communication be issued to the Department regarding the cost implications to Longford County Council for signage changes. This was seconded by Councillor A. Farrell. Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin was concerned about what night happen if Councillor P. Nolan’s proposal was refused.

Councillor Mitchell asked about the validity of Special Speed limits, what the situation was in Longford and whether Longford County Council is compliant. Mayor Kilbride and Councillor A. Mitchell also raised concerns about the speed trap problems at Ballinalee, Carrickboy and Newtownforbes.

Councillor P. Murphy made a request on behalf of the residents in Foynes Court to extend the 50k limit to Kings Lane. This request had been made by Councillor S. Butler in the past.

Councillor P. Murphy also asked that the low bridge signs have some form of lighting as they were very difficult to see in the dark. Mr. Kilgallen explained that they are currently talking to Iarnrod Eireann about this matter.

Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin requested Cul de Sacs and Lanes that had recently become public roads have their speed limits reduced from 80k to 50k. She also agreed that Longford County Council should not have to pay to change the signs again.

Councillor M. Cahill requested that general signage in the South Longford area be looked at. Councillor A. Farrell asked if it would be possible to take out the bend at Carriglass. Mr. Kilgallen said they would consider it.

Inner Relief Road Edgeworthstown

Mayor Kilbride complimented Mr. Kilgallen and his staff on the success of the Inner Relief Road opening.

Robinstown Road Deputation

It was noted that at CPG level it had been suggested that rather than inviting the Robinstown Road representatives to a full Council meeting, that they should be invited to an Area Committee Meeting and that Mr. Kilgallen would provide them with a full update at this meeting. This was proposed by Councillor P.J. Reilly and seconded by Councillor S. Butler. Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin proposed that a Special meeting of the North Area Committee be held, this was seconded by Councillor P.J. Reilly.

Notice of Motion

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Mayor F. Kilbride and seconded by Councillor J. Coyle:-

“I ask for the provision of pedestrian lights at Main Street, Edgeworthstown.”

Director of Services, Mr. Jack Kilgallen explained that the pedestrian crossings at the junction of the N55 and Main Street, Edgeworthstown will be re-commissioned to suit the new traffic needs on full implementation of the Inner Relief Road. Vehicular and pedestrian safety in the town will then be monitored into the future, and should further need for pedestrian crossing facilities be deemed necessary, consideration will be given to provision of additional crossings in consultation with the Department of the Environment, Hertiage and Local Government Safety Auditors and Engineering Advisers.


New appointments

Mr. Tim Caffrey welcomed Mr. Terry Rooney as Senior Executive Officer to Water Services and Environment at Longford County Council. He also congratulated David Tubridy on his appointment to Senior Engineer, Water Services and Environment. Mayor Kilbride also congratulated them both

Water Quality Quarterly Report

The Director of Services distributed two reports on Water quality in Longford and they were both noted. It was suggested that the quarterly report based on statistics from the Health Service Executive be made available to the members each quarter and placed on the following month’s meeting agenda. Mr. Timlin agreed with this and suggested that this information should also be made available on the website.

Several Councillors were concerned at the failure rate of water tested in the area. Councillor Mitchell expressed concerns regarding the levels of aluminium and suggested that the Council be shown to address the problems. He also suggested that the public should be made more aware of water usage during periods when the supply may be under pressure e.g. fine weather.

Councillor P. Nolan welcomed the availability of the reports but as long as fluoride was still added to our water, she held no confidence in the quality of the local water.

Councillor S. Butler wanted to know the extent of failure of some of the samples. Mr. Timlin to revert with figures. It was also requested that the 2005 EPA information be circulated once available.