RCOC/DESIGN: AP/AM / Page 1 of 10 / RCOC12MOT
REV: 11/14/2018

This sentence will NOT PRINT - Note: Text in Red need to be changed for each project or are notes for user that can be deleted.


This project is located on <Road Namefrom <Road Name> to <Road Name> in the <City or Twp Name in Oakland County.

This project will be constructed under traffic….

This project will be constructed under road closure and provide local traffic only….

This project will be constructed under road closure and local traffic will not be allowed to enter construction site…


Traffic shall be maintained by the Contractor throughout the project as shown on the plans, attachments, and in accordance with Subsections 104.07, 104.11 and Section 812 of the Michigan Department of Transportation 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction, including any supplemental Specifications, and any special provisions in this proposal. All traffic devices and their usage shall conform to the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD), 2011 edition, as amended.

1.Notice of Traffic Control - The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, Oakland County, and the local police and emergency agencies, transit bus agencies, school bus agencies and cities a minimum of five business days prior to implementation of any detours, ramp closures, lane closures or major traffic shifts.

2.Coordination of Work - The Contractor shall coordinate this work with other Contractors, other Contractors performing work within or adjacent to the Construction Influence Area (CIA), to avoid conflicts in the maintenance of traffic, construction signing, and to provide for the orderly progress of contract work. Refer to the Notice to Bidders Project Coordination located elsewhere in this proposal for more information regarding area projects, if any.

3.Road Maintenance – RCOC maintenance crews, <City or Twp Name>, or contract maintenance agencies may perform maintenance work within oradjacent to the Construction Influence Area (CIA). These agencies will coordinate their operations with the Engineer to minimize the interference to the Contractor. No additional payment will be made to the Contractor for the joint use of the traffic control itemsor for delays and/or inefficiencies resulting from maintenance activities.

4.To maintain the mobility of traffic and pedestrians, every attempt should be made to follow the maintaining traffic plans, maintaining traffic typicals, and specifications provided. Any change of, or variation from the maintaining traffic plan shall be approved by the Engineer prior to implementation.

c.Construction Influence Area.

In addition to the definition in the MDOT Standard Specification for Construction the Construction Influence Area (CIA) shall include the area within the road right-of-way, includingintersecting roadways or ramps, to the limits of advanced construction signing, or any other signs that pertain to this location. In addition, the CIA includes theright-of-way of any designated detour route, intersecting road or ramp adjacent to the work zone as far as the construction detour signing extends.

d.Traffic Restrictions<This section is unique for each project>

This project shall be constructed under traffic and Contractors operations shall be limited by local municipality time and noise ordinances as stated in the Progress Clause.

1.Speed limit Reductions

A.The speed limit on <Road Name> shall be reduced to <Speed> mph. No speed reduction will be allowed on Road Names> unless shown on the plans and otherwise approved by the Engineer.

2.Access to Private Property

A.During Construction, access shall be maintained to all business and residential drivewaysat all times as defined by the Engineer.

3.Lane Closures

A.Minimum lane widths shall be 11 feet unless otherwise indicated on the plans or approved by the Engineer.

B.Once work is initiated which requires lane closures,the work shall be continuous until completed within the restricted hours. A lack of work activity for more than three (3) calendar days unless otherwise approved by the Engineer will require the removal and replacement of lane restrictions at the Contractor's expense.

C.No lane closures or flagging sequences will be allowed where the Contractoris not working or can accomplish the work without a closure in the opinion of the Engineer. Lane closures and flagging operations will be allowed only in areas and situations deemed necessary by the Engineer. This lane closure prohibition or approval by Engineer includes brief closures for truck loading and unloading, dumping, etc.This project shall be constructed under traffic per the above-mentioned specifications and the maintaining traffic diagrams and notes in the plans.

D.No lane closures will be allowed at night and the Contractor shall have removed all lane closure devices from the traveled way so as to have all lanes open in each direction on all roads during the nights

E.<List Roads and cross streets> will remain open to two-way through trafficat all times during construction in accordance with the Typical Lane Closure shown in the plans.

F.Maintain two way traffic at all times during both part width construction and resurfacing in accordance with the Construction Signing shown in the plans.

G.The Contractor will be required to provide plastic drums at pavement edge drop-offs to protect the traffic and the work as directed by the Engineer (generally at drop-off greater than 3 inches). Maintaining traffic, part width construction will not be paid for separately, but is included with the cost of traffic control and other items of work shown on the plans.

4.Working within Intersections

A.Use flag control for cross street traffic as directed by the Engineer. Additional flaggers used at unsignalized intersections and driveways, as directed by the Engineer, shall be included with the Traffic RegulatorControlpay item. Only uniformed police officers may override active traffic signals.

B.Run milling or paving operations uninterrupted on a lane through the intersection in the direction of the side of the Road that the operation is on. Side Road closure to through traffic will not be allowed for any more than 30 minutes at a time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. per operation for each lane of the Main Road for these two operations. Accumulated through traffic on the Side Road at the end of such a closure period shall be allowed to clear as directed by the Engineer prior to beginning the next Side Road through traffic closure period. Lane closures for milling and paving on the Main Road per the diagrams shown in the plans shall be set-up and changed as necessary by the Contractor when applicable and approved by Engineer. Contractor flagging shall direct Side Road traffic to either turn left or right onto the Main Road when possible as approved by the Engineer. Direct traffic on a given approach of the Side Road to either wait or U-turn only when milling or paving the nearest outer lane of the Main Road.

e.Construction Sequencing[AB2]


Complete work in consecutive stages. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, work operations in preceding stage must be complete before beginning next stage. Access to all driveways shall be maintained at all times throughout the project and staging operations.

Table 1 - Stage 1 – Preparing Pavement at Outer Lanes.

Work Limits


Work Activity


Traffic Control



Saw cut for isolation (prior to cracking and seating), replace curb and gutter, reconstruction drainage structures, mill existing pavement, crack and seat pavement, and construct ADA sidewalks.A leveling course of HMA must be placed within one month of milling existing pavement.


Maintain at least one lane in each direction, 11ft minimum.

Table 2 - Stage 2 - Preparing Pavement at Inner Lanes

Work Limits


Work Activity


Traffic Control



If a boulevard, saw cut for isolation (must take place prior to cracking and seating), replace curb and gutter, and reconstruct drainage structures.

Mill existing pavement, joint repair detail 7 and 8 (depending on the severity of joints either do before milling (better ride but waste of HMA or after milling which makes less joint work in the end), crack and seat pavement, and construct ADA sidewalks. A leveling course of HMA must be placed within one month of milling existing pavement.

/ Maintain at least one lane in each direction, 11 ft minimum.
For the boulevard section, a maximum of 1 through lane and 1 left hand turn lane (if applicable) in each direction closest to the inside curb. For the 5 lane section, the 3 inner most lanes may be closed.

Table 3 - Stage 3 – HMA Paving

Work Limits


Work Activity


Traffic Control



If not done in stage 1 or 2, Pavement cracking and seating and placing HMA leveling course. Place the HMA top course. OR This work shall be completed and opened to traffic in not more than 21 calendar days from closure date.

/ Intermittent lane closures

Any additional traffic control devices required as a result of Contractor requesting to conduct work operations different from the above schedule will be at the Contractors expense. Payment for the staging will be paid for using Contractor-provided Traffic Regulator Control, Minor Traf Devices, Sign, Type B, Temp, Prismatic, Furn, Sign, Type B, Temp, Prismatic, Oper, and Plastic Drumsas directed by the Engineer.

g.Traffic Switches and Traffic Signal Cutovers

A traffic switch / traffic signal cutover is defined as a shift of traffic from the lanes being used currently to some new configuration or modification of existing pedestrian facilities, using either temporary or permanent pavement and traffic control devices. The Engineer will determine if the Contractor’s means of traffic control are subject to the requirements of this section. If the intersection’s current configuration has pedestrian heads, at no time during construction shall the intersection operate without functioning pedestrian heads.

The Contractor is responsible for planning and safely completing any traffic switches required for this project. Traffic switches will not be allowed on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. They shall commence no earlier than 9:00 a.m. and be completed no later than 3:00 p.m. The Contractor is required to schedule and hold a scheduling/coordination meeting, one week prior to the date the Contractor wishes to switch traffic. Any subContractor performing work for the traffic switch must attend. The Contractor shall also invite a representative from the local government, law enforcement, RCOC Traffic Engineering Division, RCOC Signal Systems Division, and the Project Engineer. At, or prior to, this meeting, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Engineer, for his review and approval, a schedule of work and the timing for that work for the prime Contractor and every SubContractor performing work needed for the traffic switch. The Contractor will be responsible for scheduling any law enforcement officer(s) needed to direct traffic during the traffic switch, and must advise as to the expected and reasonable duration of their presence. Likewise, the Contractor is responsible for insuring the presence, at the appropriate times and in accordance with the approved schedules, of every SubContractor performing work for the traffic switch. No traffic switches will occur before such a meeting is held, and at least one week will elapse after the meeting before the traffic switch is allowed. If the Project Engineer deems that the necessary personnel are not present, the traffic switch will be cancelled and rescheduled, subject to all of the requirements of this section, without consideration for any extension of time. Failure to complete a traffic switch by 3:00 p.m. will result in liquidated damages in the amount of $5000 per hour for every hour after the deadline until the switch is completed, assessment being for any portion of an hour, not the completion of an hour (i.e., at 3:01 p.m. a $5000 penalty, at 4:01 p.m., another $5000 penalty, etc.).

h.Pedestrian Access

1.No more than one sidewalk or non-motorized path on either side of the road shall be under construction at one time.

2.Pedestrian access to sidewalks shall be maintained as shown in the Pedestrian Access Plan located in the plans, if any. All temporary access routes shall comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The cost of constructing ADA compliant temporary access routes shall be included in the cost ofMaintenance Gravel (Ton) pay item[MA4].

i.Bus Stops

1.Bus stops within the limits of the project shall be maintained as shown in the plans. Final location of temporary bus stops shall be as directed by the Engineer. Coordinate with SMART Bus two weeks prior to the closure/relocation of any bus stops within the project limits. The contact information will be provided at the pre-construction meeting and may also be on the general note sheet.


1.Guardrail that is called for removal on the plans shall be retained in place until such time that the hazard behind the guardrail has been eliminated or protected as shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. At locations where the guardrail is to be replaced as identified on the plans, the Contractor shall have all the guardrail components for the new guardrail on site prior to beginning the removal of the existing guardrail.

k.Traffic Signal Work [AB5]


In addition to other sections of this specification, traffic control devices for traffic signal work shall be in accordance with the MDOT Maintaining Traffic TypicalsM0020a, M0050a, M0240a, and M0270a or as approved by the Engineer. These typicals are to be used for traffic signal work only and the “Road Work Ahead” sign (W20-1) shall be replaced with “Signal Work Ahead” sign (W20-1 Modified). In M0050a, the “Traffic Fines Doubled In Work Zones” sign (R5-18) and “Injure / Kill A Worker $7500 + 15 Years” sign (R-18b) shall not be placed or paid for.[MA6]

All traffic control devices moved to facilitate the Contractor’s operation shall be reset by the end of the work day. The Contractor shall routinely maintain all traffic control devices. Routine maintenance includes, but is not limited to, maintaining proper placement, replacing damaged devices and cleaning. The Contractor shall be responsible for reviewing the adequacy and maintenance of all traffic control devices at least once per day every day for the duration of this project. Weekly Service Reports shall be made available to the Engineer upon request for review and payment.[MA7]

2.Traffic Restrictions

It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to make arrangement for police assistance when it is necessary to take a signal out of service.

Trucks stationed within the traveled way shall be equipped with properly operating strobe flashers, or flashing bars, or both from 360 degrees.

All traffic signal cutovers, lane closures, and stage changes must be in accordance to the traffic switch and traffic signal cutovers section.

3.Material Requirements

All work zone signing shall meet the requirements for “Flexible Roll Up Signs” or “Prismatic Sheeting” Type VII (Orange must be fluorescent).

Traffic Control materials selected for use on this project shall be on the MDOT Qualified Products List (QPL).

4.Measurement and Payment

The project quantities for traffic control are based on the Contractor having two crews working at separate locations on the project at the same time, with their own set of traffic control items. The quantities assume four approach intersections with a lane closure set-up on two approaches at both locations. The Contractor will be limited to working at two locations at a time, unless prior approval is obtained from the Project Engineer. If the Contractor works at more than two locations at the same time, the additional quantities of traffic control items required will not be paid for, but will be the responsibility of the Contractor to supply at their own cost. Cones are to be used for daytime closures only and are included in Minor Traffic Devices pay item. All temporary closures are to be removed at the end of each day, including all cones and temporary signs.

l.Traffic Control Devices


A.All traffic control devices moved to facilitate the Contractor’s operation shall be reset by the end of the work day. The Contractor shall routinely maintain all traffic Control devices. Routine Maintenance includes, but not limited to, maintaining proper placement, replacing damaged devices and cleaning. The Contractor shall be responsible for reviewing the adequacy and maintenance of all traffic control devices at least once per day every day for the duration of this project. Weekly Service Reports shall be made available to the Engineer upon request for review and payment.

B.All items used for maintaining traffic, which includes but are not limited to, temporary signs, plastic drums, and type III barricades, must meet the acceptable criteria as defined in the most current version of the American Traffic Safety Service Association (ATSSA publication), entitled “Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features” at the time of initial deployment and after each stage.