AUGUST, 2010
Otter Tales August, 2010 Page 1
august 9, 2010
The WLRC August meeting
will be held at the
Olive Garden Restaurant
6367 E. State Street
Rockford, IL
Phone: (815) 399-3176
Board Meeting: 6:30 p.m.
General Meeting: 7:30 p.m.
Exit I-90 at State Street. Go west on State Street. The Olive Garden is on the south side of State Street in a strip of stores.
(Look for Office Max and Marshall).
“A dog is one of the
remaining reasons
why some people
can be persuaded
to go for a walk.”
-- O.A. Battista
A Recipe for Your Dog
5 oz (150 g) coarse instant polenta
1 tablespoon maize oil
1/2 cup (125 ml) unsalted chicken stock
1 egg
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons finely chopped mint
In a bowl, mix the polenta with the oil.
Bring the chicken stock to the boil and stir in the polenta.
Allow to thicken a few moments, stirring.
Remove from the heat and cool.
Preheat the oven to 345 degrees.
Cover a baking sheet with baking parchment.
Knead the remaining ingredients into the polenta.
With wet hands, shape into walnut-sized balls and place these on the baking sheet.
Bake for about 40 minutes in the hot oven.
Turn off the heat and allow to dry for another hour in the oven.
Something to
Howl About!
Summerlin’s Rocky
Mountain High, RN
“Rocky” won WD and BOW at the Winnebago LRC specialty, earned his Rally Novice title at West Bend KC, and won WD/BOW/BOB at Greater DeKalb KC on July 11. Rocky is owned by Sandy and Jim Hartnett and bred by Kristin Stefek.
Summerlin’s Call Of Duty
“Owen” won BOSS in Sweeps and 1st in the Bred-by Dog Class at WLRC. Owen is bred and owned by Kristin Stefek, co-bred by Judy Heim,
Vonnie Russell and Lisa DaRoss.
Dunn’s MarshRiver Dance
“River” earned her WC at the
WLRC WC test on July 11.
Bred and owned by Deb Hamele
Chestnut Hills Mr. Biggs WC
“Mr. Biggs” won his Working Certificate at the WLRC WC test on July 11. Mr. Biggs was trained by Earl Thomas and is loved and was run by his breeder/owner Donna Thate.
Mr. Biggs acquired the first leg of his JH on July 18 at the Fox Valley Hunt Club test held at BongRecreationalPark. Biggs was run by his breeder/owner, Donna Thate.
A first for both of them.
Ch. Saddlehill Ania’s Laney WC, JH
“Laney” earned her Junior Hunter title at the Fox Valley Retriever Club on July 18 owner-handled.
Breeder: Susan Eberhardt
Owner: Anna Hausmann
Sunchase Ania’s Octave
“Tav” earned his Junior Hunter title
(4 straight passes) at the
FoxValley Retriever Club
on July 18 owner-handled.
Breeder/Owner: Anna Hausmann
& Yoshi Tanaka
Thanks again Earl for the training help and hand-holding!
Sonlight’s Solid Rock
“Rocky” earned his second Junior Hunter Leg at the Fox Valley Retriever Club test held at Bong Conservation Area on July 18. Bred, trained, handled and really loved by Sue & Garry Seehawer.
Sonlight’s Solid Rock,
Sonlights National Treasure, Sonlight’s Go For the Gusto
Sonlight’s Miracle in Motion JH
Rocky, Zeke and Gus earned their
WC and Angel her WCX.
Bred, trained and loved by
Garry & Sue Seehawer.
Thank you to Earl Thomas and all the club members that helped to organize and work this years WC. The location was so nice for all the exhibitors and the spectators. The weather cooperated to make it a really nice day. Hats off also to those that did the food preparation!
Thank You, Sue & Garry Seehawer
LItter box
Breeder:Kristin Stefek
Phone:(815) 331-6999
Color:Black & Yellow
Sire:BISS Ch. Blackwing Superfine
Hips/Elbows:OFA Good/Normal
Eyes:Optigen B, Cerf
Dam:Summerlin’s Charmed
And Dangerous, WC, JH
Hips/Elbows:OFA Good/Normal
Heart:Echo Clear
Eyes:Clear for PRA via parentage/Cerf
Breeder:Kristin Stefek
Phone:(815) 331-6999
Color:Black & Yellow
Sire:Am/Can Ch. Paradocs
Tabatha’s Caillou
Hips/Elbows:OFA Fair/Normal
Eyes:Optigen B, Cerf
Heart:Cardiac Clear
Dam:Shahli Hyspire Some
Like It Hot WC, JH
Hips/Elbows:OFA Excellent/Normal
Heart:Echo Clear
Eyes:Ingen Clear for PRA, Cerf
Breeder:Kathy Turbett
Phone:(608) 253-6206
Whelped:May 28
Color:Black & Yellow
Males available
Sire:Sunchase JP’s Limelight
Hips/Elbows:OFA Excellent/Clear
Eyes:Optigen Normal
EIC Normal/Heart Clear
Dam:Kaltrav Linro Connemara Marble
Hips/Elbows:OFA Excellent/Clear
Eyes:Optigen Normal
EIC Normal
Breeders:Deb Hamele/Pat Kroll
Kennel:Dunn’s Marsh/Honorbright
Phone:(608) 291-0289
Whelped:June 17
Color:1 black female/1 yellow female
1 chocolate female/1 black male
1 yellow male/2 chocolate males
Sire:CH. Kaltrav Caribbean Cruise JH
Hips/Elbows:OFA Good/Normal
Eyes:Cerf/Optigen Normal
Cardiac/EIC:Echo Clear/Clear – Full Dentition
Dam:Honorbright Summer
Blonde Ale JH
Hips/Elbows:OFA Excellent/Normal
Eyes:Cert/Optigen Normal parentage
EIC:Clear – Full Dentition
Kennel:Four C Labs
Breeder:Gary Carlson
Phone:(815) 547-9991
Due:July 14
Color:Chocolate/6 males/1 female
Sire:Venetian’s Copy That
Hips/Elbows:OFA Excellent/Normal
Eyes:Cerf Normal/Optigen Normal
EIC:Normal – full dentition
Dam:Rozihilllady Carlson’s One
Mora JH, WC, CGC
Hips/Elbows:OFA Excellent/Normal
Eyes:Cerf Normal/Optigen Normal
Full dentition
Kennel:Charm Labradors
Breeder:Charlene & Jerome Moser
Phone:(563) 255-2561
Whelped:July 15
Color:1 yellow female/2 black females2 yellow males/1 black male
Sire:Ch. Kaltrav Caribbean Cruise JH
Hips/Elbows:OFA Good/Clear
Eyes:Clear/Optigen A/Cerf annually
Heart:Echo normal
Dam:Charm’s Cameo Appearance
Hips/Elbows:OFA Good/Clear
Eyes:Clear/Cerf annually
Breeder:Garry & Sue Seehawer
Phone:(815) 633-4366
Due:August 3
Sire:Sonlight’s Go For The Gusto WC
Hips/Elbows:Prelim Very Good/Normal
Eyes:Optigen by parentage
Dam:Turning Points C’est Mon Tour
Hips/Elbows:OFA Good/Normal
Eyes:Optigen by parentage
Breeder:Lisa Lehmann
Phone:(847) 234-3013
Whelped:April 25
Color:Yellow male
Sire:Ch. Beechcroft Study in Black
Hips/Elbows:OFA Good/Normal
Eyes:Cerf/Optigen Normal
Full dentition
Dam:Chestnut Hills Summer Breeze
Hips/Elbows:OFA Good/Normal
Full dentition
Best Friends
A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother of pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. When he was close enough, he called out, "Excuse me, where are we?"
"This is heaven, sir," the man answered.
"Wow! Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked.
"Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up." The man gestured, and the gate began to open.
"Can my friend," gesturing toward his dog, "come in, too?" the traveler asked.
"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets."
The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going. After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road which led through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed.
There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book. "Excuse me!" he called to the reader. "Do you have any water?"
"Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there" The man pointed to a place that couldn't be seen from outside the gate. "Come on in."
"How about my friend here?" the traveler gestured to the dog.
"There should be a bowl by the pump."
They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveler filled the bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog. When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree waiting for them.
"What do you call this place?" the traveler asked.
"This is heaven," was the answer.
"Well, that's confusing," the traveler said. "The man down the road said that was heaven, too."
"Oh, you mean the place with the gold streets and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell."
"Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?"
"No. I can see how you might think so, but we're just happy that they screen out the folks who'll leave their best friends behind."
All Breed Shows & Obedience Trials
8/28Elgin KCRoy Jones8/11
& 29
9/11Kenosha KCRoy Jones8/25
& 12
Blitzen Agility Club of Chicago
August 27-29, 2010
McCook Athletic & ExpCenter, McCook, IL
Closes: 8/11
Amanda Gordon, Event Secretary
(708) 935-1084 –
Illiana Collie Fanciers
September 4 & 5, 2010
McCook Athletic & ExpCenter, McCook, IL
Closes: 8/18
John Elliott, Event Secretary
(847) 741-7229 –
Fox Valley Dog Training Club, Inc.
August 18 & 19, 2010
Sports Plex, St. Charles, IL
Closes: 8/21
Sharon Ehr, Event Secretary
(616) 396-6293 –
Island View Retriever Club
August 28, 2010
Manitowoc Cty KC Grounds, Valders, WI
Closes: 8/19
Keith Fiebig, Event Secretary
(920) 231-5366
Madison Retriever Club
September 4, 2010
HookLake at Oregon, WI
Closes: 8/25
Carol Hynes, Event Secretary
(608) 235-9158 –
Blackhawk Retriever Club
September 11, 2010
Fox Hollow Kennel & Grounds, Mondovi, WI
Closes: 9/1
Randy Spangler, Event Secretary
(608) 769-1395 –
Upcoming Specialties
Labrador Retriever Club of the Twin Cities
August 27, 2010
Washington Cty Fairrounds, Lake Elmo, MN
Closes: 8/11
Conformation: Cindy Vogels
Sweepstakes: Ed Fojtik
Onofrio Dogs Shows, Supt.
Show Chair: Joy Van Niel
Otter Tales August, 2010 Page 1
Winnebago Labrador Retriever Club
WC - Results
July 11, 2010
Working Certificate - Sunday - 28 EntriesJudges:Gary Carlson & Joy Richardson
1 / Four C Labs Lady Bruna Bunnor CGC / Gary Carlson / Gary Carlson/Earl Thomas / Pass
2 / Sommit's Kanga / Linda Waco / Susan Sommer/Linda Waco / Pass
4 / Ch Saddlehill Ania's Laney, WC / Anna Hausmann / Anna Hausmann / Pass
5 / Divine Blonde Moon / Lisa Dupureur / Lisa Dupureur/Sandy McMillan / Pass
6 / Bally's What Else But Hunt WCX / Adam & Cortney Bally / Adam Bally/Cortney Bally / Pass
7 / Kohlercreek Radiance At Honorbright / Earl Thomas / Earl Thomas/Pat Kroll / Pass
8 / UH SHR Willowrose Shillelagh CDX, JH, TD / denise morrison / Denise Morrison / Pass
9 / UCH Kelrobin Shoshone Phantom / Laura Michaels / Laura Michaels / Pass
10 / Sunchase Ania's Octave, WC / Anna Hausmann / Earl Thomas / Pass
11 / Dunn's Marsh River Dance / Deborah Hamele / Deb Hamele / Pass
12 / Sonlight's National Treasure / Garry Seehawer / Sue Seehawer/Garry Seehawer / Pass
13 / Haley's Lucky Leonid / Jeanne Campbell / Jeanne Campbell / Pass
14 / Divine Bodacious Wind / Lisa Dupureur / Sandy McMillan/Lisa Dupureur / Pass
17 / PJ's Cowboy Casanova / Brenda Sklavanitis / Brenda Sklavanitis/Jim Sklavanitis / Pass
18 / Elm Creek's' Koa WCX / Adam & Cortney Bally / Adam Bally/Cortney Bally / Pass
19 / Chestnut Hills Mr Biggs / Donna Thate / Donna Thate/Earl Thomas / Pass
20 / Ottertail's Jessie Roxane / Owen Bruce Neese / Bruce Neese / Pass
21 / Sonlight's Solid Rock / V. Sue Seehawer / Sue Seehawer/Garry Seehawer / Pass
22 / Four C Labs Bull of The Woods / Mike Barlow / Mike Barlow/Gary Carlson/Earl Thomas / Pass
23 / Heza Kipsake / Sandy McMillan / Sandy McMillan / Pass
24 / UCH Kelrobin Shoshone Prankster / Laura Michaels / Laura Michaels / Pass
25 / Sonlight Major Distraction At Cabin Creek / Patrick Grieger / Patrick A. Grieger / Pass
26 / Bally's What Happens in Vegas WC / Adam & Cortney Bally / Adam Bally/Cortney Bally / Pass
27 / Divine Moon Struck / Lisa Dupureur / Sandy McMillan/Lisa Dupureur / Pass
28 / Sonlight's Go For The Gusto / V. Sue Seehawer / V. Sue Seehawer/Garry Seehawer / Pass
Working Certificate Excellent - Sunday - 19 EntriesJudges:Gary Carlson & Joy Richardson
2 / HRCH Fairwinds Bayou Boogie Woogie WCX SH / Adam & Cortney Bally / Adam Bally/Cortney Bally / Pass
4 / Dutch Hollow's Top of the Order / Joseph Goriszewski / Mike Goriszewski / Pass
6 / Dutch Hollow's True Blue / Sandy McMillan / Sandy McMillan / Pass
8 / Ballys Stetson Hunter WCX JH / Adam & Cortney Bally / Adam Bally/Cortney Bally / Pass
10 / UH SHR Willowrose Shillelagh CDX, JH, TD / denise morrison / Denise Morrison / Pass
12 / Elm Creek's' Koa WCX / Adam & Cortney Bally / Adam Bally/Cortney Bally / Pass
13 / SHR PJ's Can You See Me Now SH / Sheila Holcomb / Sheila Mark Holcomb / Pass
14 / Dutch Hollow's Storm Flag Flying / Sandy McMillan / Sandy McMillan / Pass
15 / PJ's Chase N Bullets / Jim Sklavanitis / Jim Sklavanitis/Brenda Sklavanitis / Pass
16 / Von Hausman's Dakota Breeze WC JH / Richard Gerdes / Rich Gerdes/Earl Thomas / Pass
17 / Sonlight's Miracle In Motion WC JH / V. Sue Seehawer / Sue Seehawer/Garry Seehawer / Pass
19 / Bally's What Else But Hunt WCX / Adam & Cortney Bally / Adam Bally/Cortney Bally / Pass
Otter Tales August, 2010 Page 1
Otter Tales August, 2010 Page 1
Winnebago Labrador Retriever Club 2010 Hunt TestSaturday, August 07, 2010 - Sunday, August 08, 2010
Entries Close: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:59:59 PM CST
Event Type: AKC Hunting Test
Event Number: 2010234804
Stake / Fee / Entries / Judges / Start
Master / $70.00 / 3
-Master A / Rich Pyka / Corrine Clavey / 8/7/2010 8:00AM
-Master B / Stu McNames / Paul Kartes / 8/7/2010 8:00AM
Senior / $65.00 / 0 / Tim White / Mark Holcomb / 8/7/2010 8:00AM
Junior / $60.00 / 4
-Junior A / Jean Granger / Mark Holcomb / 8/8/2010 8:00AM
-Junior B / Tim White / Roger Schmidt / 8/8/2010 8:00AM
For more information about volunteering at this event or ifyou have signed up to work and are no longer able to attend or help, please contact the event Chairman at .
Please do not contact EntryExpress about working this event. We are simply providing a technical service to our club members.
Welcome Statement
Winnebago Labrador Retriever Club (MEMBER OF MASTER NATIONAL RETRIEVER CLUB), invites you to attend our 2010 Fall, AKC licensed hunting retriever test, to be held at the Bong Recreational Area near Kansasville, WI. This hunt test will be held under the Rules & Regulations of the AKC. It is open to all Retriever breeds, Standard Poodles, & Spaniels. Thank you for participating in our hunt test! We hope you enjoy running your dog and go home with a ribbon! Good luck!
Please check in at the hunt test headquarters (the Lot E pavilion shelter) before the start of your event. Catalogs will be available.
To the judges...Thank You! Your time and dedication is greatly appreciated!
A big THANK YOU goes out to all the workers who make it possible to hold this event!
RichardBongState Recreation Area
26313 Burlington Road (Hwy 75 & 142)
Kansasville, WI
Enter online at or
Mail entries and make checks payable to:
Entry Express Inc
P.O. Box 743
420 East Main St (UPS & FedEx)
Charleston AR 72933
Standard online service fee - $3.00
Service fee within 48 hours of close - $4.00
Service fee within 24 hours of close - $4.50
Event Secretary / Event Chairman
81890 Harrison Rd
/ EarlThomas
459 W Stone Barn Rd
Otter Tales August, 2010 Page 1