Minutes of HatherleighTown Council meeting held Tuesday 9th November 2010
7.00pm in the Community Centre
Present:Cllr.Alford in the chair, Cllrs. Abell, Bush, Jacobs, Taylor, Winser,
Jones, Trenaman, Calkin, Bater. The Clerk Mrs.R.Lock, PC D.Hoar
And PCSO Smith
PC Hoar introduced PCSO Lisa Smith who would now be covering Hatherleigh (Clerk to circulate her contact details). Pc Hoar reported as follows:-
- Hatherleigh since lst Sept. had 2 reported crimes, and 1 further resulting from a stop check
- No reported incidents on Haloween
- Plenty of officers on duty for carnival weekend
- With regard to Government cuts, he did not feel they would affect this area
- Query with regard to road closure on carnival day – Police were there purely for the safety and disorder side. Any queries re road closures should be directed to Mark Reddaway
- There will be a police presence on Remembance Sunday
The minutes of the meeting held 12th October, having been duly circulated, were signed by the Chairman as being a true and correct with one amendment – Min.177 to read “Cllrs.Jacobs and Bush signed the cheques”. Proposed Cllr.Abell seconded Cllr.Jacobs. All agreed.
200. Active Villages – Cllr.Abell reported that Mr.S.Lord would be doing a presentation at the Community Centre in January.
201. Library van (min.167 refers) Clerk had copied e.mail to Councillors regarding the launch of the Saturday Library service in Hatherleigh in January. Following a discussion Council thought the idea of a Saturday service was good and resolved:-
a) To seek confirmation that the service will be long term
b) Would the van stop elsewhere in Hatherleigh
c) Publicitity leaflets to be displayed in Post Office & Community Centre would be a good idea.
202. New noticeboard (min.169 refers) still no new backing tiles.
203. The Square notices (min.170 refers) WDBC had come to the Square to erect new sign “No ball games after 9pm” only to be confronted by two shop owners who wanted “No ball games”. Resolved that Clerk inform WDBC that the sign should read “No ball games after 9pm” as agreed with the Council. New sign for toilets – now available. Clerk to confirm this should be displayed on lamppost in The Square between the two statues.
204. Devon Air Ambulance (min.171 refers) confirmation that Air Ambulance had landed successfully on the grass area at Moor View, with seat in situ.
205. Church graveyard (min.172 refers) letter received from PCC following on from Mrs.Miller’s letter. Comments therein noted.
206. WDBC Scoping Option for proposed poultry unit at Bassetts Cross (min.176 refers) Cllr.Trenaman reported that the proposed land sale had fallen through.
207. Car boot sales/Recycling banks (min.196a refers) Clerk to contact Mr. M.Nicholls of 1 Moor View concerning rubbish issues
208. Victoria Road/Park Road sign (min.196a refers) this had been ordered
209. Tree The Square (min.198a refers) M.Cole would carry out light remedial work at this time.
210. Applications to consider:-
a) Mr.Mrs.WoltonLocks Park FarmTraining centre
(Cllr.Taylor declared personal interest)
Council supported the application
b) Mr.Mrs.PittCastle BarnAgric.storage shed.
Council supported the application
c) Miss S.Woolacott21 South StreetReplace extant 7965 app. Ext. to dwelling/garage
Council require new drawings showing the changes and additions to no 7965 before they can make any comments.
211. Permissions granted:-
a) Mr.A.Madge10 Cobb Meadowkitchen/dining ext.
b) F.D.StattonStone Farmremoval section of bank
c) Mr.A.PerryTorwooddem.existing barn/replace
212. Refusals advised:-
a) Mr.R.Dumpletonland opp.Holly Cottage2 dwellings
213. Clerk presented following accounts for payment:-
a) Mrs.M.Leahytoilet cleaning£ 189.76
b) Mrs.R.Lockwages£ 193.20
c) Mrs.R.Lockexpenses£ 28.70
d) Playdalebal.play equipment£2718.95
e) Soc.Local Co.Clerksmembership£ 72.00
f) Mr.I.Fishleighwar memorial work£ 100.00
Proposed Cllr.Bush seconded Cllr.Bater that the above accounts be paid and Cllrs.Jacobs and Jones signed the cheques
214. Moneys received:-
a) WDBCtoilet cleaning£ 625.00
b) allotment grant£2092.57
215 .Precept considerations/setting – following a long discussion it was resolved that the precept be kept at £19,500 (nineteen thousand five hundred pounds) for the 5th year running.
216. Any other financial matters:-
a) Okehampton District Transport Group – resolved to give grant of £50 (fifty pounds)
217. Cllr.Bush reported as follows:-
a) new stops/trolleys had been installed on the zip wire – outstanding payment still withheld.
b) Town Council may have to supply own “display board” if DCC will not cover costs.
c) Confirmation given that regular checks are made on the skateboard ramp.
218. Cllr. Abell reported as follows:-
a) meeting held with Jo Winterbourne, the Project Manager for Madewell. Awaiting details of polytunnels – which now could not be installed until next Spring which meant that funding application would have to be changed.
b) 13th allotment now set up. 6 people on waiting list.
c) Asked for support of the Moor Management Committee on the grant application for the allotments.
219. Cllr.Jacobs would arrange a meeting of the sub committee
220. Cllr.Calkin reported that a Biffa Truck reversed into the school playground at 3.30pm just when children were leaving. Resolved that Clerk write to Headmistress to ascertain if she was aware of this potential danger.
221. Councillors reported no feedback from the article in the Parish Pump concerning parking issues and yellow lining.
222, Cllr.Jones reported concerns over the new roadworks at HatherleighCareVillage. Cllr.Bater to arrange site meeting with C.Gubby and I.Donovan.
223. Hedge from football field to roundabout needed trimming. Clerk to contact Highways.
224. 39 Moor View hedge needs trimming along the footpath. Cllr.Bater to contact WDBC.
225. Work had now been completed, with Cllr.Calkin reporting that the Royal British Legion were pleased with the outcome. It was noted that I and G Fishleigh had given their time and materials free of charge. Resolved that cheque for sum of £100 be sent to Mr.I.Fishleigh. Clerk to check if memorial is on Council’s insurance schedule.
226. Late night shopping/turning on of xmas lights. Resolved as follows:-
a) to take place on Monday 6th December
b) lights to be turned on by Carnival queen. Cllr.Bush to arrange.
c) Clerk to book Hatherleigh band for 7pm (Iights to be switched on at 7.15pm)
d) Cllr.Bush had collection boxes for shops
e) Cllr.Winser to collate information from shops for advertising poster which Cllr.Alford would do. She would also distribute boxes to the shops
227. Xmas eve celebrations. Resolved as follows:-
a) Cllr.Trenaman to contact Mr.John Leach to take the service.
b) Clerk to book Hatherleigh band for 7pm
c) Clerk to contact Mrs.O.Reynolds regarding punch/mince pies
d) Cllr.Taylor to enquire about mince pies from The Co-op
e) Cllr.Jacobs to organise the carol sheets
228.Cllr.Bater to contact WDBC again on the matter
229. Long discussion took place on the subject as a result of the information on costings received from WDBC. Resolved that we ask Mrs.C.Aubertin and J.McInnes
to attend a council meeting in the New Year.
230. Cllr.Abell reported that grant application had to be submitted by 15th November.
231. Work had now been completed. Cllr.Bater had written to the Regiment asking for a donation for painting the railings.
232. Cllr.Bater reported as follows:-
a) long discussions taking place on proposed budget cuts
b) some public toilets may have to close
233. Cllr.Trenaman – Sportsfield – reported all going well, with one wooden goal post being replaced next year.
234. DCC P3 Scheme – worksheets to be sent to L & M Cole for completion before any grant is applied for.
235. WDBC – rock sale suppliers – details of contacts for extra supplies.
236 .DCC “Tough Choice” poster to be displayed in Community Centre.
237. At the request of the Clerk it was resolved that the date of the December meeting be changed to the 7th December from the 14th December. Cllr.Alford to arrange “xmas drinks”.
238. Cllr.Abell on 3 matters relating to the Community Centre:-
a) displaying planning applications in the Community Centre – how could this best be achieved?
b) Advertising sign will require planning permission. If Town Council apply then fee will have a 50% reduction.
c) Looking for volunteers to work behind the bar at social occasions.
239. Cllr. Taylor – reported to P3 Officer problems with regard to walkers and dogs on the football at Oslo/Moor View
240. Cllr.Bater – dangerous stones by the concrete area at the bus shelter. He would contact manager of Co-op to see what work could be done
241. Date of next meeting Tuesday 7th December.
There being no further business, the chairman thanked those present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.45pm