Yom Hashoah – Sunday April 7, 2013 (revised Thurs. April 4)
3:15 p.m. – procession participants arrive
Line them up in procession order
Hand out the candles and signs to each
Open back Accordian doors
4:00 p.m. – House Lights dim
US National Anthem
1)Opening Paragraph – read by Joe Moss – in front of procession
Never Again – Today we remember the Shoah – the official day of commemoration for the 6 million Jews and many millions of non-Jews murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.
How do we bridge the memory between the last living Holocaust survivors and future generations of young Jews and non-Jews who will never get the privilege of learning about their experiences first-hand. As individuals, institutions and communities around the world, we are obligated to sustain the education and continue to strive to create a culture of memory that ensures that there is an unbroken chain of remembrance, and that those memories inspire all of us to make our world a better place, free of hatred. NEVER AGAIN!!
Begin Procession
Instrumental of Ani Ma’amim softly playing in the background – choir standing
All yellow candles from procession get placed on a tables and in sconces up front. All signs as well.
Procession Order
1)Rick Mark w/candle
2)USY w/camp sign – Danielle Stein
3)Rabbi Sela w/candle
4)Joe Moss w/candle
5)Larry Schwartz w/candle
6)USY w/camp sign – Bianca Seta
7)Rabbi Abraham Cooper w/candle (replace with Morgan Knight if needed)
8)Mitch Englander w/ candle
9)USY w/ camp sign – Jacob Bliss
10)Jack Kosoy w/candle
11)Reverend Steven Petty w/candle
12)USY w/camp sign – Melissa Goldman
13)Cantor Friedman w/candle
14)Philip Benjamin w/ candle
15)USY w/ camp sign – Hannah Bocarsly
16)Dennis Zine w/Candle
17)USY w/ camp sign – Maddie Knigtht
18)Emanuel Glemkstein w/ candle
19)Father Loftus w/ ‘non-jew’ sign
20)Caryn Baitel w/candle
21)Ruth Resnick w/ ‘Never Again” sign
Procession participants take their seats as reserved -
Front row seats need to marked “reserved”
for Rick Mark, Joe Moss, Caryn Baitel, Meaghan Baitel, Mitch Englander, Dennis Zine, Brad Sherman and Ben Harris, Dana Erlich, Jack Kosoy, Dorothy Russell, Judy Smith, Emanuel Glemkstein, Leah and David Granat, Larry Schwartz, Ronald Frydman…etc
Rabbi Sela, Cantor Friedman, Reverend Steven Petty, Father Louftis, Rabbi Abraham Cooper to have chairs to the left and right of the reader’s table in front
4:15 - Choir– as last sign is placed on table, begin Ani Ma’amim song – pg. 8
4:20 - As choir is on last line, 5 USY readers and Joe Moss take their place at reader’s table
1st line (Gabe Berger): “The human spirit is the light of God. As we look at these lights, try to imagine 6 million candles, each with the name of another Jew.”
2nd line (Billie Miller): “Each one would signify a unique and precious soul, who struggles and had hope, who was part of a family, an orphan, a widow or a widower.”
3rd line (Erica Gudelman): “They worked, studied, took walks – the ordinary things in life…….”
4th line (Aaron Thaler): “They were all part of the Jewish people. Each one suffered. Each and every one of them was murdered.”
5th line (Nicole Oheb): “They are lost forever, their lights extinguished.”
All 5 readers in unison: “We are the light now.”
Joe Moss: “Only by our remembering can they live again in our hearts and minds”
All above readers return to their seats
4:24 - Rick Mark
Short Introduction and recognition of ‘special guests” and introduce Jack Kosoy –
4:25 - Jack Kosoy
Short remarks and introduce Congressman Brad Sherman
Speaker – Congressman Brad Sherman
4:26 - Rabbi Sela – remarks and introduce “Butterfly” – read by Meaghan Baitel
4:30 - “The Butterfly” – a poem by Pavel Freedman who died at the age of 14 in Theresienstadt
Choir – “Butterfly” – pg.8
4:35 - Rabbi Selato act as “MC” – introduce each speaker/reader
(pleased to introduce Reverend Steven Petty of ______)
Speaker: Reverend Steven Petty
4:42 - Choir: “Blessed is the Match” – pg.9
4:50 - Rabbi Sela:
(ex: it is my honor to introduce Rabbi Abraham Cooper – Dean and Co-Founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Museum of Tolerance)
Keynote Speaker: Rabbi Abraham Cooper
5:00 - Choir:“Eli Eli” – pg.9
5:05 - Rabbi Sela:
Introduce Dana Erlich – Israeli Deputy Consul of Public Diplomacy
Speaker: Israeli Deputy Council of Public Diplomacy – Dana Erlich
5:10 - Choir: “When You Believe – pg 10”
5:15 - Rabbi Sela
Introduce Father Loftus
Speaker: Father Loftus
5:20 - Rick Mark & Jack Kosoy
Thank you’s -
5:25 - Rabbi Sela, Cantor Friedman, (Rabbi Cooper?) and Choir – pg 11
El Malei Rachamim
Rabbi Sela
All rise and turn to page 12 in your booklets– pg. 12
Holocaust Kaddish
Hatikvah – everyone – pg. 13
Zog Nit Keyn Mol – choir and audience – pg 14