Answers to Petrology Lab 3: Volcanic Rocks EPSC-212, Francis, 2014
A- Ultramafic volcanic rocks
*39 Spinifex komatiite
*DY-10 Spinifex komatiite
DY-27 Spinifex komatiite
DY-28 Spinifex komatiite
*DY-28M Spinifex komatiite
*DY-26 Spinifex komatiite
*DY-30 Spinifex komatiite
*E8482 Spinifex komatiite
B- Mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks
*11 Xenolithic, vesicular basalt
*25 Vesicular basalt
2087 Porphyric dacite
209-9 Vesicular, plagiophyric basalt
AIIA22R Hornblende-plagioclase-phyric basalt
AIIB34R Hornblende-phyric dacite
AIIIC9R Massive Basalt
*AK-19 Olivine phyric massive basalt
*B12 Olivine and plagioclase phyric vesicular basalt
*BU-15 Plagiophyric andesite
*BU-16 Plagiophyric andesite
*DI-6 Oxydized olivine phyric basalt
DIIB32R Hornblende-phyric dacite
*EA0505 Hornblende-phyric basalt
*EA0523 Hornblende-phyric basalt
EIID11R Massive basalt
*E8301 Vesicular basalt
E8294 Vesicular basalt
*E8296 Olivine and plagioclase phyric vesicular pillow basalt
FF 9 Foliated, plagiophyric basalt
FG-14 Plagiophyric andesite
GO13 Plagiophyric basalt
*HI5 Olivine-phyric basalt
HK-65-01 Vesicular olivine-phyric basalt
IH12 Plagiophyric andesite
IH18 Plagiophyric andesite
*IL8S Vesicular plagiophyirc andesite
IL21S Vesicular, olivine-plagioclase-phyric basalt
IO1 Plagiophyric andesite
*IO8 Plagiophyric basalt
IO12 Vesicular, plagiophyric andesite
*IP36S Vesicular andesite
*IP44S Vesicular, olivine-phyric basalt
*IP48S Vesicular basalt
*KC-1 Xenolithic alkaline basalt
Krantz 42 Hornblende-plagioclase-phyric dacite
*KRX-9 Xenolithic basaltic andesite
*L05 Plagiophyric basalt
*LC15 Plagiophyric andesite
*LG27 Xenolithic basalt
*LT6 Clinopyroxene-phyric ankaramite
*LT40 Oxidized vesicular basalt
MD4-11 Vesicular, glassy basalt
MEX 82-3 Plagiophyric dacite
MEX 82-4 Plagiophyric dacite
MEX 82-7 Olivine-phyric basalt
MU4 Dacite
*NA3-9 2 specimens – vesicular and massive olivine-phyric basalt
Pacaya-1 Vesicular, plagiophyric basalt
*PI-09 Olivine phyric pillow basalt
*PI-10 Olivine phyric pillow basalt
*PX153 Vesicular, olivine-phyric basalt
*PX170 Massive basalt
PX186 Plagiophyric andesite
*PX387 Hornblende-plagioclase phyric andesite
*PX273 Pahoehoe basaltic flowtop
*PX309 Picrite
*PX263 Vesicular plagiophyric basalt
*SABA-40 Plagioclase and hornblende phyric dacite
*PY 33 Vesicular basalt
PY 35 Amydaloidal basalt
*R15 Plagiophyric basalt
R19 Plagiophyric andesite
RA-6 Massive, olivine-phyric basalt
RA-12 Olivine-phyric basalt
RA-13 Vesicular, olivine-phyric basalt
*RA-17 Olivine phyric basalt
RA-18 Vesicular, olivine-phyric basalt
S291R Plagiophyric andesite
SABA 79-2 Vesicular, plagiophyric andesite
SABA 122 Plag-hornblende-phyric dacite
*SABA 124 Plagiophyric andesite
SABA 174 Plagiophyric andesite
*SF-106 Plagiophyric basalt
*SF-139 Plagiophyric andesite
*SG-21 Clinopyroxene-olivine-phyric basalt
*SLX-25 Alkaline, xenolithic basalt
*SX-1 Plagiophyric andesite
*SX-4 Plagiophyric andesite
SX-10 Plagiophyric dacite
*SX-14 Plagiophyric dacite
C – Volcanic felsic
*#2 Obsidian
243 Leucite-phyric phonolite
749 Obsidian
1010 Obsidian
1024 Trachyte
2242 Quartz-phyric rhyolite
3076 Plagiophyric rhyolite
*4137F Rhyolite
77-177 Glassy Rhyolite
ABC 1 Flow-banded rhyolite
AIIA 19R Rhyolite Porphyry
AIIA 34R Rhyolite Porphyry
AIIA 35R Rhyolite Porphyry
AIIA 37R Rhyolite Porphyry
AIIA 8R Feldspar Porphyry Rhyolite
AIU-23 Rhyolite/Andesite?
*BU-18 Flow-banded rhyolite
CH-1 Flow-banded rhyolite
E8969 Rhyolite
*E8233 Altered rhyolite
*IC-11 Glassy rhyolite/obsidian
*IC-19 Glassy plagiophyric rhyolite
*IC-24 Glassy rhyolite
IL 5S Obsidian
*IL 8S Plagiophyric rhyolite
*IN Glassy plagiophyric rhyolite
*IP 182 Plagiophyric rhyolite
IP 178S Flow-banded rhyolite
*IP 181S Flow-banded rhyolite
IP 186S Glassy rhyolite
*IP 187S Glassy Rhyolite
*IP 188S Plagiophyric vesicular glass rhyolite
*IP 192S Obsidian
*K2 Plagiophyric glassy rhyolite
KI 4 Glassy Rhyolite
*KI-5 Plagiophyric glassy rhyolite
*KI-8 Rhyolite
*KI-10 Glassy rhyolite
KII-5 Glassy Rhyolite
Krantz 4 Rhyolite porphyry
LR-13 Glassy rhyolite
LS-24 Rhyolite
MAT73M64 Rhyolite
MBR-1 Flow-banded rhyolite
MEX 82-2 Plagiophyric rhyolite
*MU-4 Dacitic rhyolite
MU-10 Dacitic rhyolite
MU-II Flow-banded rhyolite
N1 Plagiophyric glassy rhyolite
*PX 162 Flow-banded rhyolite
*PX 164 Banded Rhyolite
PX 193 Rhyolite
*PX 223 Glassy Rhyolite
*PX 224 Glassy rhyolite
*PX 227 Flow-banded Rhyolite
PX 228 Flow-banded rhyolite
PX 319 Glassy rhyolite
*PX 340 Rhyolite (obsidian)
PX 397 Glassy rhyolite
*R2 Plagiophyric glassy rhyolite
SF-3 Glassy rhyolite
*SF-077 Dacitic rhyolite with flow banding
SF-082 Rhyolite
SF-106 Rhyolite
*SF-119 Plagiophyric andesite
SF-140 Flow-banded rhyolite
*SF-150 Plagiophyric flow-banded dacite
*SFD81 Rhyolite
SK-2 Plagiophyric rhyolite
*TB 1 Flow-banded rhyolite
*VFFB Rhyolite (flow banded)
VFP-1 Rhyolite / welded tuff?
*Wares Gaspé Flow-banded rhyolite
D – Volcanic fragmental
*360 Quartz-plagioclase lapilli tuff
1598 Rhyolitic lapilli tuff
*AIU-23 Plagiophyric lapilli tuff
AT-2 Tuff
AT-3 Tuff
AT-4 Tuff
DI-1 Rhyolitic plagiophyric lapilli tuff
DII A7R Ignimbrite with tuff fiammes
IH 7 Tuff
IK 1S Rhyolitic tuff
IK 2S Layered tuff
IL 6S Tuff
*IO 11 Lithic tuff
IP 179S Ignimbrite
*IP 87R Crystal lapilli tuff
*IP 92S Plagioclase-quartz lapilli tuff
KI-11 Lapilli tuff
LS-26 Rhyolitic welded tuff
MC-1 Tuff
*MC-2 Plagiophyric lapilli tuff
*MEX 82-5 Rhyolitic lapilli tuff
MU12 Tuff
MU22 Lapilli tuff
Novaputa 72 Glassy tuff
*P2251 Lithic tuff
PX 149 Felsic tuff
PX 185 Tuff
PX 298 Lapilli tuff
PX 300 Lapilli tuff
PX 322 Fiamme welded tuff
PX 332 Fiamme welded tuff
R1 Tuff
S6 234 Rhyolite ignimbrite
S9-71 Tuff
SABA 149A Tuff ?
*SABA 146 Crystal tuff
SF 10 Lapilli tuff
SF 077A Rhyolitic ash tuff
*SF 121 Lithic tuff
SF 146 Lapilli tuff
SF 149 Lapilli tuff
*SF 151 Lithic tuff
SF 160 Lapilli tuff
SF 165 Lapilli tuff
SF 177 Lapilli tuff
SF 179 Lapilli tuff
*SF 180 Lithic tuff
SF 184 Lapilli tuff
SF 194 Lapilli tuff
SF 207 Lapilli tuff
*SK 2 Lapilli tuff
SL-Delta Fiamme welded tuff
SS 234 Fiamme welded tuff
*V-001 Welded tuff
*V-002 Fiamme welded tuff
VFP-1 Glassy lapilli tuff
E – Porphyry dykes
177 Hbl-phyric gabbroic dyke
*284 Aillikite
*1H17 Trachioid plagioclase-phyric andesite dyke
AIIA19R Plag-phyric andesitic dyke
ACIICIIR Plag-phyric andesitic dyke
CI Hbl-phyric gabbroic dyke
*DK-1 Hornblende-phyric basaltic dyke
*E658 Plagioclase-amphibole porphyry
*E2148 Quartz-Feldspar-phyric rhyolite dyke (QFP)
EA-05-09 Amphibole lamprophyre
*H5 Kimberlite
*H8 Kimberlite
*L221-2 Serpentinized-olivine-phyric basaltic dyke
MU-1 Plagioclase-pyroxene-phyric basaltic dyke
*PX147 Lamprophyre
PX184 Feldspar-phyric andesitic dyke
*PX216 Quartz + Hornblende-phyric rhyolite dyke
R2-10 Kimberlite
St. Helens #5 Kimberlite
*T97-23 Olivine lamprophyre
*T97-22 Olivine lamprophyre
2009-1 Olivine lamprophyre