Minutes of HatherleighTown Council meeting held Tuesday 12th October 20107pm in the Community Centre
Finalised version
Present:Cllr.Alford in the chair, Cllrs.Bush, Abell, Jones, Trenaman, Calkin, Jacobs, The Clerk Mrs.R.Lock
Mr.S.Lord of OCRA
Apologies:Cllrs.Taylor, Winser and Bater
Mr.Stuart Lord of OCRA gave a talk on the project “Active Villages”. Main points to arise were as follows:-
a)Hatherleigh had been chosen to take part
b)Project funded by Sport England for three years
c)Idea was to encourage all ages to take part in sport in a fun way
d)He has been in contact with school and local sports groups for their input and ideas
e)Programme also includes such things as training courses. Eg. Child protection and FA coaching badges
f)Needs to reach those not usually or already involved in sport.
Council found the project interesting and felt that the Community Centre could be better used for such projects. The Trustees would report the above at their next meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held 14th September having been duly circulated, were signed by the chairman as a true and correct record with two amendments: a) Min.139 to read “clear of weeds” not clean. B) Min.162 to read “pointing” not rendering. Proposed Cllr.Bush seconded Cllr. Calkin. All agreed.
166. Sheep statue (min.123 refers) Clerk had obtained invoice from Mr.Dean and submitted the same to Allianz who would remit cheque direct to Council, less the excess. Resolved that Mr.Dean’s invoice in the sum of £750 be paid tonight.
167. Library van (min.124 refers) resolved that Clerk write and ask for posters advertising new times.
168. Street lights (min.125 refers) maps showing proposed changes in street lighting displayed in Community Centre.
169. New noticeboard (min.126 refers) Cllr.Bush to speak to Mr.Drew concerning new cork backing tiles
170. The Square (min.128 refers) work on tree and replacement signs still not carried out. Clerk to contact WDBC.
171. Moor View seat (min.130 refers) Devon Air Ambulance had confirmed that they could still land on the grass area at Moor View with the seat in its current position.
172. Church graveyard (min.160 refers) further letter from Mrs.Miller concerning state of graveyard. Council reiterated
That the old graveyard was the responsibility of the Church PCC not the Town Council.
173. Applications to consider:-
a) Mr.J.StationStone FarmAlterations to access.
Council supported the application
b) Mr.SaltBuddle Lane 19 Bridge St.Retrospective partial demolition of barn
Council cannot support this application. They supported the original application to convert the barn – not to demolish it as it stands in the conservation area.
c) Mr.SaltBuddle Lane 19 Bridge St.Erection of new dwelling inc.remains of barn
Council cannot support this application and make the following comments:-
i) The massing and design of the dwelling will be detrimental to the character of the conservation area
ii) Buddle Lane has poor vehicular access, and other applications within this area have been refused.
d) Scottish & NewcastleThe George HotelNew signage and lighting
Council support this application
e) Mr.J.Simpson21b Park RoadWork to listed building on roof, windows, chimney
Council support this application
f) Mr.Mrs.DownieLittle Park MonkokehamptonErection of studio/garage.
Council support this application
g) Mrs.A.BowenWest Fishleighnew agric.building. COU 2 barns to shop/café
Council support the application but has concern over access if using the same as that used by allotments. Would suggest that signs/mirrors could be conditioned.
174. Permissions granted:-
a) Mr.Mrs. Brooks3 Mayne Close2 storey side extension
b) KBM PropertiesBridge GarageRevised scheme for 3 dwelliings
c) Mr. Mrs.Tucker11 Moor ViewAlterations/extension
175. Refusals advised:None
176. Any other planning matters:-
a) WDBC Scoping Option (Environmental impact assessment) for proposed poultry unit at Bassets Cross. This proposal was for a broiler chicken rearing unit – 8 sheds – spaces for 390,000 birds. Birds to be rehoused on 35/40 day cycle with 4/5 day clean out process – throughput of around 7 batches per annum. Council resolved as follows:-
- Grave concerns over huge scale of the proposed operation – far too large for the area
- Environmental impact immense on matters such as odours, dust and noise
- Concerns over extra traffic and impact on highways
- How will the clean/dirty water be disposed of
- It will be an industrial unit on a Greenfield site – visible for all to see. This could impact on tourism in the area, especially the National Cycle that is right by the proposed site
177. Clerk presented the following accounts for payment:-
a) Mrs.M.Leahytoilets/bus shelter£187.42
b) Mrs.R.Lockwages£193.20
c) Mrs.R.Lockexpenses£ 23.05
d) Mr.MoorcroftIsland Park caretaker£452.40
e) Mr.R.Deansheep sculpture repairs£750.00
Proposed Cllr.Abell seconded Cllr.Calkin that the above accounts be paid and Cllrs.Jacobs and Bush signed the cheques.
178. Moneys received:None
179. Any other financial matters:-
a) Society of Local Council Clerks – currently Clerk not a member. Resolved we pay subscription of £72 plus £5 membership for one year and review thereafter.
b) WDBC Precept papers to be in by 28th January 2011. Resolved precept consideration be agenda item next meeting.
180. Cllr.Bush reported as follows:-
a) Playline had ordered new heavy duty trolleys and stops for the zip wire.
b) Once this had been fixed balance due to both Playline and Playdale would have to be paid. Figures available for next meeting.
181. Cllr.Abell reported as follows:-
a) Awaiting details from Made Well concerning their polytunnel
b) New 13th allotment being added
c) New “allotment” sign with Clerks contact number to be erected
d) No reply from Moor Management Committee concerning grant application
182. A meeting of the sub committee to be convened as soon as possible to finalise charges etc.
183. WDBC information concerning costings and receipts for the car park in reading file.
184. “No parking” sign had been erected by DCC Highways outside the school.
185. Cllr.Taylor had complained to the Police about large vehicles passing through Hatherleigh via Market Street. Matter being investigated under police incident no.563.
186. No further information received from WDBC concerning the cleaning out of the whole length of the watercourse.
187. a) Cllr.Calkin reported that Royal British Legion, Hatherleigh branch, would contribute £500 towards the cost of repairing the war memorial. Payment to be made on completion of works.
b) Resolved that a damp course membrane should be installed
c) Cllr.Bush to speak to Mr.I.Fishleigh about the outstanding works
d) Council resolved that the outstanding works should not be rushed just to finish by Armistice Day. More important that the work was carried out properly.
188. Cllr.Bush and Jones reported on the meeting with WDBC and DCC Highways. Main points to arise were:-
a) Councillors pointed out to those present that they were responding to the legitimate concerns of residents over safety of pedestrians and access of emergency vehicles – this was not just about bad parking in the town
b) DCC Highways saw a good case for some double yellow lines, and some single yellow lines with restrictions
c) It was not possible to erect bollards outside Deacon House.
Council resolved that this information be printed on the website and in the Parish Pump.
189. Cllr.Abell reported that main funding application to be submitted by 15th November. Resolved that Clerk submit letter of support for the project.
190. Resolved that Cllr.Alford approach Mr.Barkwell and ascertain how much the outstanding work will cost and when it will be completed 21
191. No report available
192. Cllr.Calkin – Northern Links Committee reported as follows:-
a) David Incol has retired as CO of WDBC., Resolved that letter of thanks be sent
b) All were awaiting details of Government spending cuts
c) Crime rate recorded as low for the area
193. WDBC Northern Links Committee meeting 11th November
194. WDBC Flood Prevention presentation – nobody available to attend
195. Questionnaire available in Post Office concerning Devon & Cornwall Railway feasibility study. Clerk had received no communication concerning this matter.
196. Cllr. Bush:-
a) Mrs.Denise Herod-Taylor had passed away. Memorial service 30th October. He would attend. Resolved to send card to her daughter.
b) Dog bin moved from IslandPark to Jubilee path – Victoria Road next to Trenchards. Clerk to inform WDBC
c) Rubbish bin still required by bus shelter
d) Recycle banks were being used by car boot stall holders by leaving their unrecycable rubbish outside the banks. Clerk to write to Car boot sale organisers.
197. Cllr.Trenaman – DCC road sign junction of Victoria Road/Park Road needs replacing.
198. Cllr.Jacobs:-
a) Tree in Millennium Square was blocking out the mural. Cllr.Alford to approach L.Cole to carry out necessary work after the autumn.
b) Hatherleigh boat pictures – could Clerk please try to send again.
199. Date of next meeting Tuesday 9th November
There being no further business, the chairman thanked those present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.40pm.