September 21st, 2010

(Conference call)

Present: Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson (Moderator), Raquel Benitez-Rojas, Liz Bisordi (Treasurer), Rev. Onetta Brooks,Rev. Tony Freeman (Vice Chair), Rev. Robert Griffin, John Hassell, Bryan Parker, Rev. Dr. Candace Shultis (Clerk), Connie Meadows (staff)

Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson welcomed us together and began the meeting with prayer.

Consent Agenda:

-Includes the minutes from August 23rd, 2010; the Moderator’s Report from the Senior Leadership team; and the Director of Operations update with financial reports.

-There will be every effort made to get the agenda and the reports to the Board in a more timely manner for our next meeting

-The Financial Reports were removed from the Consent Agenda to deal with Robert Griffin’s question about PTO.

Motion to accept the Consent Agenda (Bisordi/Parker) (approved)

European Update on Communications:

-There have been intense discussions at and since our last meeting, including discussions with the Senior Staff. There continue to be concerns about the business meeting that is proposed to take place and about mixed messages being sent about the European gathering. We believe we need to take a strong statement that we care about them and understand the desire to gather, but that we would prefer that no actions be taken before the International Task Force is formed. A delegation comprised of one member of the Governing Board, one Elder and Rev. Tony Freeman will attend the European gathering. We hope to improve the connection between the European churches and MCC. The delegation will be having conversation about how best to the present to listen and to potentially step if that appears to become necessary. There is no intention to validate a business meeting at the European conference as that would be out of order per our By-laws.


-Bryan has not had the opportunity to touch base with Robert.

-He did make available to the Board a website which he is still working on.

-Bryan has also talked with Melanie about what is possible through the MCC website in regard to communications.

-A white board is not a possibility given the present set up.

-How do we begin to model communication around the open questions with our churches and pastors? (Nancy) We could use the Survey Monkey. We could also use virtual town hall meetings and webinars. (Bryan) We will need to proactively point people to whatever new vehicle we decide to use. (Nancy)

-We have a variety of opinions about how well goggle.docs would work for us. (Nancy, Bryan, Robert and Connie agreed to work on this.)

Policy Update:

-A draft of a Policy Handbook which Liz, Bryan and Raquel have worked on has been distributed. It contains areas on Governance, Management, Oversight and policy documents. The Governance Team will take on the next stage of the handbook’s development. The Governing Board will provide initial feedback by October 1st and the Governance Team will have it ready for our next meeting. Not all of the documents may be finished by then.

-Onetta asked that we revisit a policy about distribution of funds when a church closes. How might we invest in a new church in the same area?

-We also had a discussion about the location of future General Conferences after 2013. The General Conference had voted a policy that every other Conference would be outside of the United States (due to the then US policy about admitting people with HIV/AIDS). We should enlist the International Task Force in this discussion.

Supporting Irma/Development:

-Tony followed up with a request from Irma to forward her names of people who might have the capacity to make a financial commitment to MCC.

-The Board also agreed to send thank you notes to those churches which have participated in the Generous in Faith program. Tony will divvy up the list and Liz will provide the notes.

-The plan is to have Irma report to the Board at every other meeting.

-There is also a plan to move Marina Laws into a support position for Irma by October 15.

Charge to the International Task Force:

-Before we can recruit for the Task Force we need to develop the charge to the group. Raquel is working on that and expects to have it by the end of October/November.

-There is a question about how to include Mexico and Raquel and Nancy will work that out.

-We expect that there will be a face-to-face meeting at the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012 and Nancy is looking into getting funding to make this possible.

Discussion of PTO Balances:

-Progress has been made toward reducing this on our books. $13,000 was removed in August. Some of this was people catching up on paperwork.

-There has also been discussion of setting up a sick bank. Trinet is working on this for us. The HR Manual will set a 300 maximum number of hours which can be carried forward.

Open Questions:

-There was discussion to move these higher on our agenda with the thought that we take one per meeting and set aside about 15 minutes for discussion.

-Tony expressed appreciation that Nancy’s report focused on the mission goals, etc.

-If Irma is with us at our next meeting it would be good to focus on Open Question #1.

The Chicago Property:

-Bryan was to meet with Marvin about this and will keep us informed.

-There was discussion about changing brokers and about advertizing the property through MCC channels.

Meeting Evaluation:

-We seem to take too many bunny trails. (John)

-Are we trying to do too much in any one call? (Tony)

-Nancy believes we will do better once we get one or two things done.

-As Liz works on the Finance team and Investment Team it should make a difference in our monthly meetings.

Robert Griffin closed the meeting with prayer and we adjourned.