Presiding over the meeting, Cllr Hutchison

In Attendance:

Cllr Hallam,Cllr I Field, Cllr W Webb, Cllr Chapman, Cllr Cain,Cllr Wilkinson, one member of the public and Mrs J Ripley Parish Clerk.

(GDE = Gedney Drove End)

There followed a short public forum where the following were discussed:

Speeding Traffic through Gedney Dyke

Footpath No 2 being continually cropped over and ploughed in Gedney Dyke.

1)116.13 Apologies for absence

Cllr R Tinklergave his apologies and council RESOLVED to accept them.

2)117.13 Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Hallam and Cain declared an interest in item 8a and 9i. as they are both on the GDE Hall committee. Cllr Hallam declared an interest in item 14 as her husband is a tenant and item 12-

H06-0769-13 as a friend of applicant.

3)118.13 Signing of the Minutes

Notes from the last meeting held on 9th July 2013 were taken as read & council RESOLVED to accept them as minutes.

4)119.13 Police Matters

Council would like an update on which PCSO,s and which Police Officers are covering Gedney Parish at present.

Gedney Dyke – Car parked at junction of Engine Dyke and Roman Bank opposite the shop causing visibility problems at night.

Council discussed the police panel and Cllr Hallam proposed Cllr Cain become Gedneys representative, Cllr Hutchison seconded this, item RESOLVED.

Clerk to deal with above.

5)120.13 To discuss applications for co-option to council

An application from Mr A Hargreaves was read to council, Cllr Hallam proposed the application be accepted, Cllr Wilkinson seconded this and all in favour, item RESOLVED. Clerk will invite Mr Hargreaves to attend the next council meeting.

6)121.13 Questions on District Councillors report

No report at this meeting

7)122.13 Clerks Report

All correspondence from the July meeting has been dealt with.

The items to be dealt with from the parish inspection are as follows:

  • Walker Memorial Park – Seesaw seat needs replacing. Grass cutting needs attention. Seat ordered from FLP and fitted. Grass in centre of park is done with larger machine that calls on a different day not at same time.
  • Cemetery- Notice board and seat need teak oiling .clerk to get a quotation. Looking very nice. Eastview Services quoted £55 to teak oil the seat and notice board.
  • Allotments – several have weeds but due to weather conditions spraying is delayed.

One has a large pile for bonfire. Clerk to write to tenant. Tenant informed the clerk that the vegetation in the pile was from clearing the Dyke at the allotment and the three piece suite had been fly- tipped on it.

  • Gedney Dyke – Footway along Roman Bank from Engine Dyke to joining with recent improved footway needs repair. Scheduled for repair this year (continuing from where stopped last financial year)Keith Dully.

Footpath No 2 running from Roman Bank to Green Dyke needs re-instating. Ms M Leonard of Highways reports that a narrow track is available for walkers and leaflets on Highways requirements to land owners will be sent.

Middle drove Sign is down SHDC not LCC they have been informed

Pot hole at Middle Drove and Marsh Rd (B1359) To be repaired.

Hedge at The Paddocks on left side of Hallgate needs cutting back. Hedge has been cut back level with the carriageway.

Hallgate midway between Blazegate and Ropers Gate/King’s Gate there is a large dip in the road. Unknown cause, Keith Dully to investigate further.

Phone box at Anvil Close needs cleaning. BT informed

  • Queen Mother Nature reserve – Looks a mess, Grass in car park and picnic area in desperate need or cutting. Clerk to deal. Grass had not been cut due to an oversight on the contractor’s behalf, this has been rectified and a refund for missed cuts will be issued.
  • Gedney – Phone Box outside Church not working, clerk to contact BT and request removal of phone and kiosk.BT informed
  • Gedney Drove End – Large Pot hole at Durham Rd and Dawsmere Rd. no action to be taken by highways at this time.
  • Phone box on Main Rd opposite Wildfowlers on the Wash is not working and needs cleaning. BT informed

Phone Box at Black barn corner needs cleaning. BT informed

Council informed Clerk that no action has been taken to Phone Kiosk- Clerk to follow up.

8)123.13 Financial Matters

Accounts for payment:

  1. Grant request from GDE & Dawsmere Village Hall

Cllr Hutchison proposed this grant be given, Cllr Chapman seconded and Item RESOLVED.

  1. Accounts for payment

Date / Payee / Ref / Item / Chq No / Net / VAT / Gross
28/8/13 / Mrs J Ripley / T25 / Wages Aug / £1047.15 / £1047.15
28/8/13 / Malc Firth / T26 / Ground Maint
July / £362.75 / £72.55 / £435.30
10/9/13 / Mrs J Ripley / T27 / Expenses / £204.69 / £204.69
10/9/13 / FLP / T28 / Swing seat / £55.00 / £11.00 / £66.00
10/9/13 / Phillip Limb / Repair fence and paint / 101853 / £50.00 / £50.00
10/9/13 / GDE & Dawsmere Village Hall / Grant / 101854 / £500.00 / £500.00
10/9/13 / Grant Thornton / T29 / Audit Fee / £200.00 / £40.00 / £240.00
28/9/13 / Mrs J Ripley / T30 / Wages Sept / £1023.13 / £1023.13

Money In: Nil

  1. Bank Reconciliation

The clerk handed out a Bank reconciliation for 1st ¼ 2013

9)124.13 Correspondence

a. SHDC – Copies of meeting agendas and minutes

b.Fenland Leisure Products – Quotation

c.Charity Commission –Audit request

d.SHIDB – Schedule of Wayleave

e.Barclays Bank – notification of Holbeach branch closure

f.NALC- Local Government pay Settlement 2013/14

g.Lincolnshire Police – Priorities for The Suttons from Panel Meeting

h.LCC – Highways reply to reported items

i.GDE Village Hall – Grant Application

j.Carter Jonas- Bridge and culvert register

k.Grant Thornton – Audit

l.E mail – Bonfire problem in GDE

Clerk to reply giving advice.

m.Application to council

n.LCC – Highways Temp Traffic restrictions.

o.LALC – AGM booking form and Annual report

10)125.13 To discuss Play/Open areas

The latest Inspection reports were discussed for Walker memorial Park:

The following were proposed:

  • The “NO DOGS” sign is not prominent, a new sign to be put on next year’s budget
  • The safety matting under Roundabout is raised, clerk to get quotation on repair
  • Slide mound full of weeds, clerk to get Malc Firth to spray

These were seconded and RESOLVED

11)126.13 To discuss Cemetery matters

Cllr Hutchison reported that the cemetery was not looking good, the hedge around the edge was wispy and overgrown, the main area of grass had been cut but not the graves area, the hedge around the Garden of remembrance needs trimming and the bin needs an empty.

Clerk to contact contractor to discuss and Mr Hargreaves for guidance on Garden of remembrance hedge as he provided and planted it.

12)127.13 Planning Matters


H06-0584-13 Mr Cubley, 95 Gedney Road, Long Sutton

Replacement Dwelling (circulated)

Council supported this application

H06-0586-13 Mr & Mrs Cope Price, 1 Stonegate, Gedney

Conservatory (circulated)

Council supported this application

H06-0398-13 Mr Guyler, Black Lion Public House, Gedney

Replacement doors and windows (circulated)

Council supported this application

H06-0630-13 Mr Wyles, Dwelling at Marsh Rd GDE

Replacement dwelling – re-submission of H06-1030-12) (circulated)

Council supported this application

H06-0558/9-13 Mr W Fletcher, Barns at Pulvertoft Hall, Broadgate Gedney

Conversion of two redundant farm buildings to provide residence

(Agricultural use) Farm office and holiday let.

Council supported this application

H06-0331-13 Mr Ambrose, Wheatsheaf Farm, Jiggles Gate Sutton St James

Demolish existing extension replace with 2 storey extension

Council supported this application

H06-0695-13 Mr D Robinson, Rookery Farm, Joys Bank, Hobeach

Proposed replacement dwelling due to structural damage on existing dwelling

Council supported this application

H06-0713/14-13 Mr Doubleday-Collishaw, Manor House Farm, Station Rd, Gedney

Repair, alterations and refurbishment to farm house and stables (retrospective)

Council supported this application

H06-0576-13 Jepco (Mr Hubbert) Onslow Farm, Onslow Lane GDE

Renewal of temporary consent for use of site for temporary contract worker portacabin accommodation (retrospective)

Council have concerns on the renewing of a “temporary consent”

How long would it be before temporary became permanent?

H06-0769-13 Mr Owen, Vine Cottage, Priesfield Drove , Gedney

Change of use, agricultural to paddock (retrospective

Council supported this application




H06-0427-13 Ms Nigbar, Sunrise Farm, Ravens Bank, Sutton St James

Construction of Agricultural barn

H06-0315-13 Mrs Ransome, Blazegate, Gedney

Change of use to domestic grazing land

H0437-13 Mr D Bebe, The Bungalow, middle Drove, Gedney Marsh

Removal of agricultural habitation clause

H06-0584-13 Mr Cubley, 95 Gedney Road, Long Sutton

Replacement Dwelling (circulated)

H06-0586-13 Mr & Mrs Cope Price, 1 Stonegate, Gedney

Conservatory (circulated)

H06-0558/9-13 Mr W Fletcher, Barns at Pulvertoft Hall, Broadgate Gedney

Conversion of two redundant farm buildings to provide residence

(Agricultural use) Farm office and holiday let.

H06-0438-13 Mr Glenn, Cardwell House, Dawsmere Rd, Dawsmere

Change of use from nursing home to domestic residence with annexe

H06-0145-13 Mrs E Lee, Land adjacent to Hallgate Cottage, ropers gate Gedney

Change of use to Gypsy/Traveller site for 2 pitches

13)128.13 Highways & Footways

  1. Update on Outstanding matters.
  2. New Matters to report:

Hedge at top of Pit Lane from Pumphill House vastly overgrown and obscuring road and vision.

Footpath from Main Road DGE to Dawsmere Rd is overgrown and bushes need cutting back.

Clerk to report to Highways.

  1. Speeding Vehicles through Gedney Dyke to JEPCO

This item was discussed and a proposal for the clerk to write to JEPCO asking for their help to slow down their contractors lorries through the village, should this fail the second option is for her to contact the police, this was seconded and RESOLVED.

14)129.13 Allotments

All rent invoices are ready to go out for October and no problems to report.

15)130.13 Date of next meeting:

8th October at GDE Village Hall 7pm.

There being no more business the meeting closed at 9.10 pm


