Calverton Primary School
SummerTerm Curriculum
Class:2K/2P Our Topic: Puppets
Subject / 1st Half TermEnglish
/ In English we are learning –
- We are developing our poetry skills and looking at longer books with many chapters.
- To write for information texts about various topics
- To develop basic literacy skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
During our Read Write Inc lessons we will be learning different sounds to help us develop our reading and writing.
/ In Mathematics we are learning -
- and developing our calculation skills in all the four operations.
- We will begin to look at coordinates.
- More about money and giving change.
Additionally there will be a maths challenge every Friday which will consist of maths games and word problems.
/ Our Science topic is Light and Dark; through this topic we will be learning about-
- How light can create shadows.
- to investigate which materials create stronger shadows.
- Night and day and how this occurs.
/ We will be using the Bee-Bots to develop our computer programming skills. We will then use this knowledge to program and control other computer devices.
/ We will link our learning about puppets to examine puppets from history and from different countries and cultures.
/ We will be carrying out some work on maths skills to enable pupils to learn the names of continents, oceans and key countries around the world. We will also look at the map of Great Britain to learn some geographical information.
Art / DT
/ We are looking forward to making various puppets out of scrap material. This will involve planning, designing and sewing our puppets.
/ Singing and performing songs and music linked with the puppets. When we produce our puppet shows we will need to create the sound tracks for them.
Religious Education
/ Looking at various rules within each religion and comparing to demonstrate similarities and differences. We will focus on special books within each of the main religions.
Physical Education
/ In P.E we will be our hockey skills and using Cyber Coach daily for dance activities.
Personal, Social and Health Education
/ Through the subject of Philosophy For Children (P4C) we will be developing –
- Debating skills
- Questioning skills
Thank you for your support. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to an exciting and hardworking year.
Class Teachers: Miss King and Miss Phelan