12th DECEMBER2016
16.77 Parish Council
- Membership: Cllr G Beale (Chairwoman), Cllr G Patrick (Vice Chairman); Cllr E Taylor; Cllr E Mathers; Cllr E Barker
- Present: Susan Bryant, Acting Parish Clerk. Ms Sandy Whiles, Member of the public, PCSO Sarah Lingard
- Apologies: None
- Declaration of interest: None
16.78Police and public time –PCSO Sarah Lingard joined the meeting and gave an update on what had been happening in the rural area around Doddington & Whisby. She reported that a parked van had been broken into at Thorpe on the Hill overnight 29th/30th November and gave a warning about opportunistic burglars, especially at this time of year. The Chairwoman asked if there could be some visibility of the PCSO’s throughout the village as this has helped in the past with speeding vehicles and PCSO Lingard agreed to arrange this.
Sandy Whiles joined the meeting as a member of the public with a view to joining as a Parish Councillor.
16.79Approval of minutes The minutes of the 14th November 2016 Parish Council Meeting wereaccepted as an accurate record.
16.80Matters Arising
16.35 Motion Consultants Report – Thorpe on the Hill PC continue to progress this one.
Doddington Hall car parking risk assessment – The Chairwoman met with James Birch on 29/11 who advised this has been done but has yet to be typed up.
16.5.2 Moveable Speed Indicating Equipment – Metal posts are to be erected as soon as
possible. The Parish Council has agreed to purchase the equipment with datalogging capability at a cost of c£2,200.00 and the order will be placed once the
metal posts have been erected.
16.52 Defibrillator – A further request for new volunteers has been made in the Winter
Newsletter. EMAS will be contacted to come and give training in mid- February or
mid-March 2017. ACTION: CLERK
16.65 Cllr Patrick wrote to Highways following last month’s meeting when it was
suggested by a Whisby resident that a section of Thorpe Road be speed restricted
to 40mph. To date there has been no response.
Cllr Patrick suggested writing a congratulatory letter to the new MP for Sleaford &
North Hykeham, Dr Johnson, and asking her for support on issues where Highways
have been unresponsive, and perhaps an invitation to come and see us, or come
to a cluster meeting when they are up and running.ACTION: CHAIR
16.68Cluster Meetings – awaiting further from TOTH, unlikely to be before February 2017.
16.81 Correspondence
North Kesteven Environmental Department have advised that they are withdrawing
Funding for a Dog Warden with effect from 1st April 2017.
16.82 Planning
15/1039/FUL – Paradise Row Development – At the Chairwoman’s meeting with James Birch in November she asked what his next step might be with this development. He said that he was unsure at this time but would keep the Parish Council posted.
16/1382/PNTEL - Removal of Public payphone, The Moors, Eagle Road, Whisby
The Parish Council is going ahead with the adoption of the red ‘heritage’ phone box in Doddington, but it would appear that the phone kiosk on Eagle Road, Whisby is not a red box but a more modern ‘open’ style kiosk, so will not be adopting that one.
16.83 Payment of Accounts - cheques were signed for E.on Electricity £30.56,
Data Protection Reg. Renewal £35.00, Susan Bryant (Acting Parish Clerk) £247.29,
Gillian Beale (3 months meeting room) £90.00, Printtalk (Newsletter) £20.00,
E.on £60.13
Matters for discussion
16.84Notice Boards & Bus Shelter
Cllr Patrick advised he is still to pressure wash the bus shelter at Whisby.
16.85Litter Pick
The next Litter Pick will be on Sunday 15th January 2017. This has been promoted
in the Newsletter. The Chairwoman is to obtain the tabards, bags and gloves from
Ian Macalpine-Leny.ACTION: CHAIR
16.86Newsletter Distribution
Councillors were given areas for Newsletter distribution. They were also asked to
obtain as many email addresses from Parishioners as possible in order to reduce
the number of door to door leaflet deliveries in future.ACTION: ALL
Future meeting dates Specific agenda item / event
December 12 MeetingJanuary 9th 2017 Meeting Budget setting and precept
February 13th 2017 Meeting
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as official minutes of Council proceedings until approved and signed at the next meeting.
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