Class Rules

  1. Be Respectful. Take care of yourself, others, and property.
  1. Be On-time.Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings and remain seated at your desk until you are dismissed/excused from class.
  1. Be Prepared. Have the necessary materials for class every day (iPad, notebook, and pen or pencil).
  1. Be Attentive.Follow directions the first time they are given and give Mrs. McGowens your attention when she is addressing the class.Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.
  1. Be Responsible.Above rules followed. No food or drinks allowed in lab. Only water will be allowed in the computer lab.


Disciplinary action will be taken for not abiding by the above rules. Remember that you are responsible for your actions and your choices.

1st Offensewarning

2nd Offense15-minute after school detention and problem solving conference

(Freshmen team teachers will be notified from this point forward.)

3rd Offense30-minute after school detention and parents will be called.

4th OffenseOffice referral for the fourth and all further offenses during the

remainder of the course.

For any detention not served, the make up detention will be for 15 additional minutes. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for transportation home from school on the day the detention is scheduled. If it is impossible to serve a detention after school, the student can schedule to serve the detention before school in 15-minute intervals each morning until the full time is served. Remember that a detention is a disciplinary action taken upon the student and is a serious matter. Refusals to serve a detention will result in in-school suspension (ISS).


  1. Mobile devices. No cell/smartphones should be on or visible during the school day without permission. IPads will be used during the semester when necessary. No iPad should be on and/or visible without the permission of the teacher. Permission will be given for use of the iPad.
  1. Questions are welcome at any time during class. However, a student should raise his/her hand to be called upon. Talking out in class or while Mrs. McGowens is speaking is not allowed and a detention will be given after this issue has already been addressed with the student during the current class period.
  1. If a student is absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to come by Mrs. McGowens classroom the following day to get missing assignments. Missed class/computer time can be made up after school, or during study hall or academic enhancement periods. Tutoring is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday afternoons. There is a bus that will take students home in the afternoons after tutoring. Being absent is not an excuse from an assignment, nor does it allow one to be late completing an assignment. Please refer to my webpage for class information.
  1. We will be using the Sabre Pass app for hall passes. Each nine weeks a student is allowedfive hall passes for use during that nine-week period. After the student has exceeded his/her five passes, a student may leave the classroom for an emergency. However the student will have to make-up time. Make-up time will be double the time you are out of the classroom.


Student Signature Parent Signature

