OEDU Prototype Fund – Application Form
Applicants are advised to read theApplication Guide before completing this form.
All the information/fields requested in this form are MANDATORY and failure to complete mayresult in the return of the application.
1.Project Details
Project title(descriptive)
Project location
(If there is more than one location please indicate the principal location)
Project start date
Project completion date
At what stage is the project?
(e.g., outline, developed, etc)
Brief summary of project proposal (Provide a brief description of the project and its objectives)
List any permissions, permits, licences or other authorisations necessary for the project. Identify those which have been attained and provide an estimated approval date for those which are still outstanding.
Permissions, permits, licences / Date of approval / Comments
Planning permission (if required)
Permissions, authorisations and/or consents from the CER or evidence of the related application(s) to the CER as lodged with the CER
2.Applicant Details
Principal Applicant
To be completed by the main applicant.
OrganisationPrincipal business activity
Project Contact Name
Telephone / Fax
Mobile / Email
Is a copy of Tax Clearance Certificate attached Y/N?
Please note a copy of a valid TCC must be included before any application can be processed
Applicant Bank Details
Bank NameBank Branch/Address
Account Name
Account Sort Number / - / -
Account Number
For Cross Border Payments
Project Co-ordinator- if different from Principal Applicant
Project Co-ordinator namePosition
Principal business activity
Telephone / Fax
Mobile / Email
Other Participant Details
To be completed foreach participating organisation and partner involved in delivering the project and state whether a formal relationship has been established, (extend the summary table as necessary).
Participants namePosition
Principal business activity
Telephone / Fax
Mobile / Email
Formal Relationship (Y/N)
Letter of support / contract attached to application
Contractor / Supplier Details
List all project contractors and suppliers who will be carrying out different stages of the project, (extend the summary table as necessary).
Supplier namePosition
Principal business activity
Telephone / Fax
Mobile / Email
Formal Relationship (Y/N)
Letter of support / contract attached to application
Supplier name
Principal business activity
Telephone / Fax
Mobile / Email
Formal Relationship (Y/N)
Letter of support / contract attached to application
3.Project Funding
Any costs outlined should be exclusive of VAT
Table A - Total project funding
Please enter details of other funding sources, public, private, in-kind contributions (including details of the provider of funding)
Project Funding Sources / (€)Sustainable Energy Ireland – grant support requested
Other Funding Source / Funding secured
(Yes / No) / (€)
Other public bodies
EU Commission
Own resources
Other ______
Total Project Funding
Table B - Summary Estimates of Eligible Costs
Eligible Costs / (€) / Requested Funding Level (%) / Requested Funding (€)Materials/equipment/installation
From Table B1
External Consultant Costs
From Table B2
Internal Staff Costs
From Table B3
Other ______
Other ______
Table B1 - Material & Equipment Cost–Itemised
Please list all material/equipment costs and include description outlining to which task it relates
Materials/equipment / Cost(€)
Table B2 -Consultancy Cost - Itemised
Name of Organisation / Details / Daily Rate / No. of Days / Cost(€)
Table B3-Internal staff costs - Itemised
Name of Organisation / Name ofStaff Member / Daily Rate / No. of Days / Cost
Note: Internal staff costs should be calculated on the basis of actual salaries paid, inclusive of employers PRSI charges, within the frame of a full complement of 230 available working days per annum.
AdditionalityBriefly state the additionality of funding from this application? i.e. state to what extent the project will go ahead without/with the requested funding.
Table C Previous Funding:
Summarise details of any other Public Funding received to date. Extend this summary table as necessary.
Funding AgencyPrincipal activity
Project 1
Value of Grant
Project 2
Value of Grant
Add rows for additional projects or funding agencies
4.ProjectTechnical Details
Product / Concept DescriptionDescribe in detail the concept / operation of your proposed project; include illustrations, diagrams or charts if appropriate.
Previous Development.
Describe relevant previous developments to date; include illustrations, diagrams or charts if appropriate.
Project objectives
State the objectives of the project, in measurable and verifiable terms.
Project technical description (max. 1-2 pages)
Describe in detail theproject tasks, timelines, resources, deliverables, energy performance/output.
The call for Expressions of Interest references a number of requirements. Please address these as appropriate, below:
Describe how the project enables technical and other barriers to the development and introduction of Ocean Energy to be overcome
Describe how the project facilitates and accelerates the development and deployment in Ireland of competitive ocean energy products, processes and systems
Describe the environmental compatibility of the technology/project
Describe how the project contributes to the development of an indigenous OE industry
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OEDU Prototype Fund – Application Form
5.Project Work plan and Budget
Project management methodology
Briefly outline how the project will be managed.Proposed resources and intended utilisation
Briefly describe the facilities available for this project.Project team detailing the skills and experience balance
Briefly describe the project team describing how the project team (applicant and suppliers) have the appropriate skill and experience to successfully carry out the project.Gantt chart of major tasks and project milestones
Please provide a detailed project plan and Gantt chart setting out the schedule of key tasks, owners, milestones and deliverables. This should relate back to tables in section 3. This can be attached as appendix or separate document.Project Budget Profile
Pleaes provide a spend profile and cash flow projection for the life of the project including expediture linked to milestones and deliverablesProject Risks
Please decribe all risks idenitified with the project, estimate likelihood of risk and mitigation plan to reduce the risk or effects should it occur.6.Intellectual PropoertyRight
Please state status of IPR for the project, whether fully owned, licensed or search required, etc…7.Supporting Documentation
All applications must include a valid Tax Clearance Certificate for Principal Client.
8.Relevant Documentation
Please include any relevant information which has not been covered in the application form
9.Authorised Declarations
Declaration of applicant
I hereby undertake that the information given in this form is correct and that all conditions attaching to the provision of a grant have been met and where applicable, will continue to be met in the ongoing operation of the project.
Signature of Applicant[1]Date
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[1]Electronic signature is acceptable.(a scanned image of your signature)