Present: Annie Gleeson(Secretary), David Hughes (Chairman), Ann Needle, Karen Powers, Kirsty Sansum, Louise Walker (Practice Manager), Guest Speaker: Emma Dunford.

1.Apologies for absence were received from Sylvia Allman, Tesa Budd, Joan Farris, Bob Meades and Jayne Nicholas.

2.DH welcomed Emma Dunford to the meeting. Emma is the Service Development and Clinical Engagement Manager at the Clinical Commissioning Group in Yeovil and was attending the meeting to present details of the Somerset Choices Website.

Somerset Choices is a new website, which will be formally launched at the end of June 2015, designed to give people access to information and advice on a wide range of services and support groups from the Private, Public, Community and Voluntary sectors within Somerset. The website has been designed to be easily accessible to both providers and users of the information. This might be, for example, for adults with long term health/care issues, to help people find an appropriate Care Home where specialist needs have to be addressed or finding out about eligibility for social care. The website has been designed to be used in both directions - for those who need to access the services and those who provide them.

The aim of the Somerset Choices website is to develop a comprehensive Directory of Local Support Groups. This information is currently widely spread and it can be difficult to find the appropriate contacts. There are currently 207 providers of support services uploaded onto the system and it is anticipated that this number will increase substantially once the system is fully operational.

A prototype website - somerset/assistdirect.co.uk - is in operation for a trial period and the permanent site - somersetchoices.org.uk will go live at the end of June. A number of promotional events are planned in 10 town centres and leaflets will be distributed via GP surgeries, pharmacies as well as features on local radio.

A discussion followed Emma's presentation, considering how information and services in the Crewkerne area might be encouraged to upload their details on to the new Somerset Choices website. Suggestions included: accessing the existing established charities (who advertise in Yellow Pages) - AN suggested the Charities Digest which used to be held in local libraries some years ago, when she was involved in SSAFA charity work. LW mentioned the Stroke Awareness event that had been run by the Federation in Chard that identified information from the Chard Stroke Association. Other sources of information included the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Henhayes Centre, (which may have a fulsome range of more informal contacts and organisations), mental health professionals, local church groups, Parish Councils and village magazines, Town Hall information booklets, local police and local press. DH suggested that a link to the new Somerset Choices website could be included on the Practice website. Emma was unable to confirm that Crewkerne would be one of the 10 locations for a promotional event but said that there would be support for anyone who wanted to run a similar event in their locality. It was agreed that the Flu Fun Day in October would be a good place to promote this new scheme - and DH suggested this topic could be included in the September Newsletter.

DH thanked Emma for her presentation and taking the time to talk to the PF group.

3.Notes of last meeting and Matters Arising

AG - re Dr Dean's Physical Activity Presentation - change "low level of inflammation" to "high level of inflammation".

AG offered to try and find an opportunity to take part in one of the Crewkerne Health Walks organised by Sue and Mike Frackiewicz, on Tuesdays at 9.45 am from the Aqua Centre (tel: 07761 441453).

LW reported that, so far, she has been unable to find any information that would confirm whether or not the PF's involvement in the Health Walks - possibly for young Mums in a programme of Buggy Walks - would conform to the guidelines for the next Survey.

LW reported that the Fire Safety Lights have now been installed. The planned improvements to the Waiting Room continue to be delayed while the process of 'Due Diligence' continues, which will then allow the funding to be released. She intends to escalate the process at the next CCG meeting.

4.How can we help utilise Emma Dunford's Presentation

- presentation of information on PF display board at FFD

- send details of FFD to Emma and invite her to attend

- PF members to consider (and provide full details of!) other support groups who might be suitable for inclusion in the Somerset Choices Directory. This information can then be passed on to Emma.

- item in September Newsletter, including Emma's emails details.

KS commented that she has already attempted to input information into the SCD website, on behalf of The Orchard Care Home, and found it quite difficult to use.

LW suggested that the proposed 'soft launch' of the SCD would, hopefully, allow for changes and development of the system.

KP suggested that it might be a good idea to clarify exactly who the SCD was intended to be used by.

5.Friends and Family Survey report - BM

DH had received an email from BM to say that only 4 comment cards had been received during the last month. He will report on these comments, as well as any further care.data information at the July meeting.

LW commented that, as yet, she has no idea what will happen to the data from the F&F Survey once it has been collated!

6.items for next Newsletter

LW suggested including an interview with Stephanie Jameson, the District Nursing Sister for the September Newsletter. AG to compile a list of questions.

Other topics to be covered: publicity for FFD, Somerset Choices Directory, details of Crewkerne Health Walks, updates of F&F Survey and care.data programme.

7.Report of received comments

DH reported that no new comments had been received. Lever taps in the toilets that had been suggested in a recent comment have now been installed.


LW reported that Crewkerne Health Centre has now moved from the previous CLICK Federation group to the South Somerset Federation. This has been prompted by the implementation of the Vanguard Funding programme at Yeovil Hospital, where the majority of patient at the Health Centre are referred. There are currently 20 practices in the SSF.

Topics for Next Meeting:

- Waiting Room refurbishment

- New Survey

- Plans for FFD (DH to email Hardington WI 0 Sue Philips/Karen Rogers)

LW reported that Dr Hewson has returned back to work after the birth of her son. Tina Board, practice nurse, will be leaving in July and they are currently recruiting for her replacement.

The next PF meeting will be held on 22nd July 2015 at 6.30pm.