PRESENTCllr J Whittal Williams (Mayor)
“ E.J Breeze
“ Mrs C. Edwardes
“ Mrs E.L. Evans
“ Lady Hooson
“ Mrs A.M. Jones
“ Mrs S Mills
“ Gareth Morgan
“ Glyn Powell
“ P. Rees
“ Pam Smith
“ Nick Venti
Town Clerk
The meeting opened with Prayers
343/01APOLOGES Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs R. Brunt and D.C. Jones
343/02DECLARATION OF INTEREST Cllr G Morgan declared an interest in all items relating to PCC. Cllrs Mrs P Smith, G.Powell and L Evans also declared interests in matters relating to Powys County Council as employees of PCC
343/03 MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed
Minutes of a meeting with Sgt Jonathan Rees 26.07.10 Cllr Venti was not present at the meeting as stated.
Minutes of Council meeting 26.07.10 True record
Planning meeting held on 24.08.10 True record
Town Hall/Finance Panel meeting held on 20.09.10 True record - the following recommendations were accepted:-
a)Employ an Estate Agent to complete a satisfactory asset register– unanimous
b) To purchase Hedge cutting equipment for Bob Smith - Majority vote. Cllr Morgan queried the comment stating that a shortfall in funds could be reached from Council funds. Clerk explained that this had been incorrectly worded and that a discussion had taken place where expenditure and unexpected income was discussed (Community Centre repayment of Council Tax) and that it was considered that Council would have the means to support the grant funding. Cllr Morgan explained that there is other funding also available for such projects and gave details to the Clerk.
Minutes of Environment/Planning Meeting held on 20.09.10Cllr Whittal Williams declared an interest in item 6 and left the room. Cllr Morgan declared an interest and left the room. True record
Health & Safety Panel meeting 24.08.10 True Record
Minutes of a meeting with Co op stores 23.09.10 True Record
343/04 PLANNING APPLICATIONS–There were no outstanding applications for consideration. Cllr Morgan explained that he had met recently with Highways/Liaison officers and raised points regarding the proposed Anaerobic Digester – i.e. safety on Bryn Du road, lack of parking spaces and visibility, as well as the ‘ Build outs’ on Llangurig road. Cllr Morgan was told that ongoing discussions are taking place between the Planning Dept, Highways and the owners of the site. Cllr Morgan explained that any Planning matter Council has a query over, if he is notified he is able to bring the item into Committee for a special hearing.
343/05A SHARED COMMUNITY – It was agreed to respond to PCC stating that we wish to positively take the idea forward. Unanimous
343/06MONTGOMERY COMMUNITY HEALTH COUNCIL Received Cllr Margot Jones agreed to read through
343/07RURAL HOUSING ENABLER Cllr Venti gave a brief account of the meeting held on 16th September. He stated that there were not many attendees and that it is going to Llani Ltd for discussion at their next meeting. Proposals will go out to the community in the near future. A Letter from Rural Housing Enabler regarding the LDP asking for landowners to bring land forward for affordable housing was read out. Cllr Morgan suggested that a meeting on LDP should be arranged.
343/09INFORMATION FROM CARL SARGEANT AM ON CHANGES IN LEGISLATION Clerk to try to obtain an electronic copy and distribute to all Councillors prior to the next meeting.
343/10NO NEED FOR NUCLEAR Received
343/12SCHOOLS MODERNISATION PROGRAMME Cllr Morgan stated that County Councillors had now received special dispensation regarding the Schools Modernisation Programme and he was therefore able to updated Councillors on the situation. He stated that Option 5 seems to be most preferred and sensible choice. This would avoid losing the 6th form and would providing a wider curriculum and sharing responsibilities through teaching. It would involve working with Coleg Powys in the provision of subjects as well as John Beddows and Newtown High School using modern technology via distance learning systems. Teacher sharing would take place, by pooling budgets and employing a member of staff circulating between schools. Llanidloes High School has again gained the highest GCSE results this year and it was agreed to send a letter to the school to congratulate Teachers and pupils. Cllr Margot Jones explained that the new transport policy is a worry, with catchment areas being altered, e.g. Caersws with Newtown, Rhayader with Builth therefore shrinking numbers for Llanidloes. Council agreed to respond to PCC noting their agreement with Option 5. This should be done as soon as possible. (Margot and Clerk to formulate a letter in support of option 5) Clerk will circulate the letter to all members of Council so that comments can be added. Cllr Morgan gave a brief resume of the School transport issue. A Public Meeting is going to be held before the end of October in Caersws. Cllrs Morgan and A.M. Jones were asked to keep all Councillors informed of dates of meetings.
343/13REPORT ON CO OP STORE Received
343/15HEALTH AND SAFETY AT CEMETERY Councillor Smith suggested that Training Courses for both Bob Smith and Tony Evans (employee at Cemetery) could be combined to save on costs. Clerk was asked to speak to the Clerk to the Burial Board regarding the matter
343/16CHILDRENS PLAY AREAS IN TOWN Cllr Margot Jones expressed her concerns over Play areas in the Town. She explained that the Dolgwenith play area was dismantled at the beginning of the Summer holidays due to health & safety issues. Clerk explained that Town Council were not informed of this happening, but she has recently spoken to an officer at PCC who has informed her that the equipment will be reinstated this week. Cllr Jones also expressed concerns over the Parks being generally mucky and messy and in need of a ‘clean up’. It was agreed to arrange a meeting with Mr Chris Jones, PCC officer in charge. Cllr Morgan asked that he is informed of the date of the meeting.
343/17THE WAY IN WHICH PANEL MEETINGS ARE HELD Cllr Venti gave out a proposal (as attached ) for the operation of the panels of the Council. Council agreed that this is the way in which we have been operating during the past 12 months. It was voted on and unanimously agreed on. It will be looked at again in April 2011.
343/18MEETING WITH MR COWAN TO DISCUSS BUILDINGS AT THE REAR OF THE TOWN HALL It was agreed to meet at 5.30 pm on Friday 1st October.
343/19 ACCOUNTS The following Accounts for JULY were confirmed
Chq No.
104163Wages (01.07.10)876.52
104164Wages (08.07.10)725.50
104165Inland Revenue918.22
104166PC Q 17.99
104167Wynnstay Group 88.69
104168Wages & P. Cash (15.07.10)820.73
104169EDF Energy276.75
104170Wages (22.07.10)723.49
104171Keith Foster250.00
104172Mrs S. Pritchard(Trav Exp) 68.90
104173Viking Direct102.67
104174Willpower (replace bulbs) 82.90
104175Wages (29.07.10)726.66
TOTAL £ 5679.02
343/20 ACCOUNTS The following Accounts for AUGUST were confirmed
Chq No
104176Wages & P. Cash (05.08.10)793.63
104177Wages (12.08.10)726.66
104178Viking Direct (filing cabinet)117.44
104179JDH Business Services761.66
104180M. W. Welding(drain cover)155.69
104181P.C. Q 17.99
104182Wynnstay Group 16.15
104184Agri Power109.80
104185Inland Revenue 1,105.82
104186Wages (19.08.10)726.66
104187Mrs S Pritchard (Trav Exp) 32.50
104188Lollipop Fund 1,500.00
104189Zurich Municipal 6,352.51
104190Wages (26.08.10)722.63
TOTAL £ 13,246.92
343/21 Next meeting will be held on Monday 25th October