Minutes of Committee Meeting 27th September 2016 (at S. Marshall)
The meeting was opened at 7.00 pm.
Present wereCampbell de BurghChairman
Iain McNeillPipe Major
David WhiteDrum Sergeant
Alasdair MacleodTreasurer
Martin NolanQuarter Master
Ben SuttonAssistant Secretary
Jim WrightSecretary
Minutes from the committee meeting 5th April 2016 - were read and approved.
Matters arising: There only matter arising from the 5th April minutes was concerning the Band Music.Alasdair is rightly concerned that we need to keep a copy (digital) of all the Band music that George has. Further discussion with George is required on the best way to achieve this. In the meantime the easiest way to achieve at least a PDF copy is to arrange for George to download the music files into the Band Drop Box used by Ben and Campbell for the website. Ben will talk to George about how to do this.
Agenda Items.
- Band socks. Iain wants the Band to change to black socks to wear with our no. 2 uniform. After taking note of Jim’s and Martin’s investigationand a brief discussion, all committee members were in agreement. It was decided to ask the band members during announcements, if anyone had objections to this. There were none.
Iain also discussed having the RPB insignia on the sleeve of our white shirts. Whether this should be printed, sewn on or a badge Velcro-ed onto the sleeve was discussed. There was also discussion about having better quality shirts and should they be short or long sleeved.Jim was asked to contact the Kilbarchan Pipe Band to ask where they buy their black socks and how their band insignia is attached to their shirts.
- Band uniform. There was a brief discussion about our No. 1 and No. 2 uniforms also referring to Jim’s investigation on what other bands are doing. Should we give up the No. 1 uniform? It is an expensive uniform but the public like it. At present we do not have any requirement to kit out new members and there is still some spare kit, especially with two or three members who are not regularly attending the Band. We will, in time, have to replace old and worn-out items; mainly feather bonnets and tunics.
For now, the majority of the committee favour keeping things as they are with both no.1 and no.2 available to wear.
- The programme for 2017. Campbell mentioned a request from Lymington to play in a charity event in August 2017. Jim thinks he has replied to this but will have to check.
John Hunt has contacted us about a major massed bands event in Gatcombe Park, Somerset, in August 2017 or 2018. Campbell will reply with a suggestion that we will charge £1000 for the day.
Bognor Regis Carnival have contacted us about a Carnival Parade on a Saturday in June 2017. Subsequent to the meeting Jim has contacted the organiser and suggested a fee of £650.00.
We await a reply from the Aden Veterans re the Veterans parade in Weymouth in late June. Campbell to pursue.
Probable Burton, Netley Marsh, Swanage and New Milton next year.
Finally, there are 3 weddings requesting pipers/the Band next year. Jim will catch up with them in December/January.
- The draft financial report to date was presented by Alasdair and is printed below:
13/14 / 14/15 / 15/16
Income / Income / Outgo / Income / Outgo / Income / Outgo
gig / 3,040.00 / 3,190.00 / 2,790.00
Foreign gig / 387.76 / 0.00 / 25.65
Burns Supper / 1,016.50 / 968.00 / 916.70
Interest / 1.29 / 0.24 / 0.24
Misc / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
QM / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
DR / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Donation / 40.00 / 300.00 / 0.00
Total Income / 4,485.55 / 4,458.24 / 3,732.59
QM / 885.39 / 206.79 / 1,749.11
PM / 954.39 / 166.00 / 841.40
DR / 0.00 / 63.00 / 0.00
Travel Expenses / 406.84 / 62.54 / 25.00
Hall / 3,965.00 / 530.00 / 865.00
Insurance / 958.80 / 200.00 / 200.00
Website / 72.00 / 48.00 / 72.00
Total Outgo / 7,242.42 / 1,276.33 / 3,752.51
Profit/(Loss) / (2,756.87) / 3,181.91 / (19.92)
Closing Balance / 2,079.80 / 5,261.71 / 5,241.79
- Overall we just about broke even- a loss of £19.92
- The closing balance remains extremely healthy at £5,241.79. This compares to our fixed costs of : hall - £865, insurance - £200 and website of £72 = £1,132
- Gig income is down slightly
- PM and QM expenditure up a bit
- AGM date and end of year meal. The Hall is not available to us on out last practice night of the year so this year’s AGM will be on Tuesday 13th December in the Red Lion Pub at 7.00 pm, followed by the meal (with partners) at 8.30 pm
- Burns’ Night for the Band will be on Saturday 4th February. Tickets will increase in price to £17.50 per ticket. They will be on sale before the end of October.
- A.O.B. Iain has asked Jim to edit the email address list as some names receiving Band emails are no longer relevant.
The meeting closed at 7.40 pm