Air Leagues Hall, Jubilee Lane, Parramatta. NSW.
President: John Elias Hon. Secretary: John McIntyre Hon. Treasurer: Brian Eather
Meeting opened at 8.05pm
Present: J.Elias, B.Eather, J.McIntyre, J.M.McIntyre, R.Towell, J.Nolan, G.Frail, P.Norrie, R Justic, W.Bolliger, P.Turner,
Apologies: R.Owen, B.Hoffmann, B Swan.
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Moved P.Norrie and seconded P.Turner that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
Carried forward to general business by consensus.
Correspondence In:
From MAAA:
Receipt of payment of invoices ($402.50)
Advice of receipt of MR1’s
Re Council Conference Minutes.
Certificate of Currency
Request for invoices for Conference by CLAS Pres. To be forwarded.
Minutes of April 2008 MAAA Executive Teleconference.
MAS NSW Nationals Presentation from Conference.
Other than MAAA:
G.Bevan. Request for consideration of Mudgee Flying Field to be added to KMFC flying fields.
ACLN No. 121
Response to letter to Ladysmith MFC re fees.
Response to Ross Boyd re website enquiry.
NSWFFS. Forward of 62nd Nationals Bulletin/ reminder of Oily Hand day.
Hobbycave. Request for details of State Champs venue.
W. Bolliger. KMFC. Queries relating to the SAT flying field.
Invoice for Secretary’s costs to attend MAAA Conference. ($536.73)
Correspondence Out:
Minutes of previous meeting.
MAAA Newsletter forwarded to members.
Reminder of the changed date of the June CLAS meeting.
R.Justic. Response to email re address of Webmaster.
R.Boyd. Payment of invoice (($162.39) for CLAS website. S.Rothwell. Response to letter to CLAS re offer of sponsorship and following related emails. .
MAAA. Payment of invoices. ($402.50)
Request for representatives of the various disciplines to be present at the June meeting, to take charge of medallions.
Page 2.
Correspondence contd.
(Note that any correspondence item tabulated above is available from Hon. Secretary upon request.)
Business Arising from Correspondence:
Moved to general business by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance brought forward $30,783.76
Income since previous meeting Nil
Expenditure since previous meeting 564.89
Balance carried forward $30,218.87
Moved J.M.McIntyre and seconded P.Norrie that the report be accepted. Carried.
MAAA Annual Conference
Chairman and CLAS President J Elias spoke on his attendance at the recent CLAS conference in Hobart. The main issues from our perspective were considered to be:
Annual Fees. Insurance premium is almost the same as previous year. MAAA has reduced membership fee by $10 and in consequence MAAA fee is $60 for seniors and pensioners and $30 for juniors.
Nationals Generally. Possible decide on a single location for the east coast and a single location for the west coast. NSW and Victoria will continue to host and also SA to a lesser degree. A think tank to be put together on the issue and it is expected that ultimately a workable solution will be arrived at.
62nd Nationals. J McGovern from MAS NSW congratulated on the work done to date. The door is open to co-operation with the radio people in the future. Also offered to set us 2 circles at their site at Cootamundra – cost would be $35 per day. (General discussion ensued on this and it was decided that the offer would be worth looking at)
2009 Annual Conference - will be held in West Australia and will be a rules change conference.
63rd Nationals – to be hosted by Victoria, SA having withdrawn.
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MAAA Conference contd.
MAAA Vice President – Paul Winter was elected.
Control Line Sub Committee – Joan McIntyre was elected chairman.
Overall a good conference and CLAS has maintained a good relationship with MAAA Secretary and Treasurer.
SAT Field.
B Eather spoke in response to a letter received from the Kuring-gai club in effect asking status of the field for which CLAS had provided financial assistance.
The field located at Ashford Reserve is in use with consent of the local council. The SAT club has a formal lease and meets the annual lease fee from its own resources. The field has no time curfews.
62ND Nationals.
B Eather spoke on progress to date. Albury City Council has offered $500 sponsorship but in return wants naming rights on 2 events. Indoor hangar rat and F2B events are proposed. Council has indicated that a local dignitary, possible the mayor, may wish to present the prizes – being looked into.
Funding has been received from MAAA - $6,666.66 being 2/3rds of $10,000.
Note that Nationals Bulletin No.2 has been posted on a website. However, this should not have occurred as it was a draft only and changes have been made.
COWRA Meet 30/31 August.
J Nolan brought the event to the notice of the meeting with the view that as many people as possible should support it.
CLAS Fees.
There was consensus that CLAS should mirror the MAAA fee reduction. Consequently it was moved J Nolan and seconded P Norrie that the fee for next year be $85 for seniors and pensioners and $30 for juniors. Carried.
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State Championships
General discussion. All matters required to be covered to run a complete event successfully are in place.
F2B events – 4 rounds to be flown and 1 to be discarded. In the event that 3 rounds or 2 rounds only are flown, 1 round is to be discarded.
Classic Stunt and Vintage Stunt events – 2 rounds to be flown and 1 round to be discarded.
It was moved R Justic and seconded J McIntyre that CLAS purchase a new line marker from Bunnings to be compatible with the carton of line marker paint already held. Cost understood to be $50 approximately.
Meeting closed 9.15 p.m.
John McIntyre.
Hon. Secretary CLAS.
Postal address of CLAS Secretary: Email:
19 Alston Drive,
Berowra Heights. NSW. 2082
Ph: 02 9456 1546 or Mob: 0408 92 1065 CLAS website: www.control-line.com.au