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Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Mystery of God
Chapter 1—We Believe
1. The religions of the people of the world remind us that _____ can be told as the search for God.
a) human history
b) scientific progress
c) artistic expression
d) none of the above
Answer: a
2. A world famous writing called Confessions was written by _____.
a) Hippolutus
b) St. Francis of Assisi
c) St. Augustine
d) St. Thomas Aquinas
Answer: c
3. In Confessions, we learn that our hearts will rest only when we find _____.
a) wealth
b) God
c) prosperity
d) property
Answer: b
4. We come to know with certainty that God exists through the voice of our _____.
a) friends
b) conscience
c) soul
d) teacher
Answer: b
5. The _____ of the universe points to a God who made all things and keeps them in existence.
a) beauty
b) greatness
c) symmetry
d) all of the above
Answer: d
6. _____ was a scientist who taught that there are different kinds of knowledge which investigate the truth.
a) St. Dominic
b) St. Albert the Great
c) St. Augustine
d) St. Francis of Assisi
Answer: b
7. _____ argued that we can never “prove” or “disprove” the truths of faith with our human minds.
a) St. Dominic
b) St. Albert
c) St. Elizabeth
d) St. Agnes
Answer: b
8. Because we believe that God is the source of all truth, faith and reason _____.
a) can never really contradict one another
b) always contradict one another
c) are way beyond our understanding
d) none of the above
Answer: a
9. Faith is a supernatural _____ of God that enables us to respond to him.
a) gift
b) miracle
c) symbol
d) all of the above
Answer: a
10. _____ holds that the only means of knowing truth is through the natural sciences.
a) Sacredness
b) Secularism
c) Socialism
d) Symbolism
Answer: b
11. A term which means denying the existence of God is _____.
a) secular humanism
b) agnosticism
c) atheism
d) theologism
Answer: c
12. A term which means not being sure whether God exists or not is _____.
a) secular humanism
b) agnosticism
c) atheism
d) theologism
Answer: b
13. A term which means putting humans at the center of everything is _____.
a) secular humanism
b) agnosticism
c) atheism
d) theologism
Answer: a
14. God’s _____ of himself is God’s gift of making himself known to humans.
a) revelation
b) faith
c) philosophy
d) theology
Answer: a
15. _____ is our free, conscious, human response to God.
a) Revelation
b) Philosophy
c) Faith
d) Theology
Answer: c
16. It is part of our _____ to seek a deeper understanding of God’s revealed truth.
a) obligation
b) conscience
c) human nature
d) inheritance
Answer: c
17. God is always a mystery because _____.
a) he hides from us so that we cannot know him
b) he is trying to trick us
c) human understanding can never fully explain him
d) he does not want us to be close to him
Answer: c
18. A great saint who is patroness of Catholic schools is Saint _____.
a) Elizabeth of Hungary
b) Anne
c) Elizabeth Anne Seton
d) Brigid
Answer: c
19. The first Catholic University founded in America was _____ founded in 1791.
a) American University
b) Harvard University
c) College of William and Mary
d) Georgetown University
Answer: d
20. _____ is a way that we can spend time with God.
a) Reflecting on the goodness of creation
b) Reading God’s word in Scripture
c) Praying alone or with others
d) all of the above
Answer: d
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