Board of Directors
November 24, 2015
Participants: Bill F, Bill B, Dick E, Mike G, Pete H, Wes N, Randy S, Mark W and Joel W. Excused: Nancy Schraufnagel. Absent: Russ W
The minutes of the October meeting were approved.
The financial statements of October 31 were approved.
Committee Reports
Executive Committee
Highlights from Bill F’s report:
· We have submitted support to the UW-Extenssion for payment of the County Conservation Aids Grant for 2015. This is for reimbursement of $6,000 for fish stocking
· Only about 100 people from across the state attended the November 7 Raise a Stink rally held in Madison in opposition to CAFOs.
· There were several demo sites in Dodge County regarding new CAFO’s in the county
· Greg Farnham, a strong clean water advocate from Lake Sinissippi, is stepping down from his post as a commissioner on the Lake Sinissippi District. He also has indicated he will no longer be active with the Dodge County Lakes Group.
Building and Property Committee
Bill B reported that a complete inventory of the property in the storage building was completed on November 9 by Bob Roell, Nicki Hupf and Pete Hupf. Pete signed the inventory sheets and as chairman of the Building and Property Committee and accepted responsibility for them and the building.
Pete H reported all was in order at the storage building and planned to review all property at the shed to determine what was no longer needed and could be sold or donated.
Fish Programs
Randy S advised the board that deployment of the aerators will be dependent on oxygen readings, thickness of ice and amount of snow cover.
The Fish Programs committee is tentatively scheduling a meeting on Tuesday, January 12. This date won’t be confirmed until we receive the DNR’s Beaver Dam Lake fish survey taken this past spring and fall. We expect to receive it by the first of the year.
Lake Management
Bill B reported that based on preliminary reports the city and county launch sites had excellent revenue years. They city report will not be available until March when the city provides a report on the fees collected in 2015.
The board thanked Jim Gade and Jerry Nitzh for their work at the city launch sites and Nicki Hupf for her work at the Derge Park site.
The city will be asked to put in the piers as soon as the ice is out next spring to maximize revenue and aid the fishermen on Beaver Dam Lake.
The board was advised of highlights of the Novembe 3 meeting of the Lake Management Committee:
· Update from DNR on commercial fishing contract for 2016
· Preparation of a DNR grant for assessment of curly-leaf pondweed in spring of 2016
· Approval to have Montgomery and Associates move forward with preparation of a possible grant for a more detailed study of some aspects of the LMP.
On November 4 Bill F, Bill B and Onterra met with Susan Graham of the DNR to review and “score” the grant request for assessment of CLP in 2016.
Bill F updated the board on meetings with Montgomery and Associates and Sue Graham regarding the submission of a planning grant request this December for additional research and development of actions to improve and protect Beaver Dam Lake. Among items this grant would provide:
· Additional testing to identify hot spots to better determine what is causing high phosphorus counts on the lake
· To review and list projects, including cost of the projects that, can be taken to help the lake and help BDLIA select the action items which will provide the most help for the lake.
We would be applying for a grant of approximately $50,000 of which BDLIA would be responsible for up to $15,000. Some of this $15,000 would be volunteer time, etc.
Because of the fast track this grant is on the board was requested to approve a resolution authorizing the BDLIA share of funding at this meeting. While the Lake Management Committee will not hear or vote on a recommendation for this request until their meeting on December 1, the board went ahead and approved the funding resolution on a unanimous vote. However, by consensus the board agreed to review this vote if the LMC has any issue with this request for the grant.
The board was told that a Clean Boats Grant would not be a part of this grant as it is an implementation grant, which need to be submitted in February 2016. The board will consider applying for this at its January meeting.
In a discussion on no wake and hazard buoys the board expressed no interest in considering the placement of hazard buoys even though the state legislature recently passed legislation protecting lake associations from liability on their placement. The board did encourage BDLIA to work with Dale Maas and the Citizen’s Alliance on the maintenance and placement of no wake buoys on Beaver Dam Lake.
Information and Education
Dick E stated that the newsletters were printed and are in the mail.
Bill B advised the board that there was a group of people that attended the September Shoreline Seminar that were interested in being part of a committee that would develop additional seminars regarding shoreline protection and related subjects
Bill B stated that based on age of our website and technical difficulties that a local website host is being contacted to update the technical part of our website. Bill F asked that the security of the host be checked as well as security of the server.
Special Events
The board voted 9 to 1 to submit to the chamber of commerce an application for non-profit of the year. This is an award given by the chamber to the non-profit organization in the area that contributes greatly for the betterment of the community.
Banquet Committee
Updates from the November 5 meeting included the approval of a $2,000 raffle with tickets going on sale January 1.
Kayak dock and launch
The board was updated that in conjunction with the kayak dock and launch that BDLIA is donating to the city, the city plans on building a boat shed near the new dock to store kayaks, canoes and paddle boards that they will rent during the summer.
The board had suggestions with regard to the dock and launch:
- Because the docking system can be expanded in the future, that the first system installed this spring should be kept moderate and expanded in the future if it is heavily used by the community
- That the property owners near where the dock is being installed be contacted to update them on the project
- That the county be contacted and asked to put in a kayak dock and launch at Derge Park and the DNR be asked to install one at Fish Camp.
Solicitation Committee
The solicitation committee has 6 team captains and 18 solicitors this year. Their campaign will kick off on January 5, 2016.
Next Meeting
No meeting scheduled for December. Next board meeting will be January 26, 2016.
Meeting adjourned