PRESENT (Members): Gail Aiken, Trish Antognelli, Jenny Armstrong, Annie Bishop, Debbie Briese, Des Daniels, Garry Delbridge, Rhondda Edwards, David & Robyn Evans, Sue Fulton, Bruce & Karen Green, Brigita L’Estrange, Aidan & Vanessa Luke, Marian Luke, Wayne Martin, Gary & Helen Morris, Karina Padovan, Bevan & Sally Parker, Kathy Rusin, Dean & Ruth Sawtell, David Silberman, Keith & Deanne Smith, Graham & Lily Stitz, Tony & Ros Thackray, Rick & Diane Wade, David & Leanne Wakeling.

(Non-members): Mark Doyle, Emma Fulton, Amanda Fulton, Cherie Martin, Bronte Sawtell, Cathy Taylor, Rebecca Thackray.

APOLOGIES: Paul & Sandy Bainton, Tom Bishop.

CHAIR: David Wakeling

MINUTES: Jenny Armstrong

SCRUTINEERS: Mark Doyle and Cherie Martin

Meeting opened with prayer at 11.55 am.

Agendas had been circulated prior to the meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting in May (the AGM) had been circulated. No amendments had been received so they were accepted as an accurate record.

NEW MEMBERS: Cathy Taylor has requested membership. She has been interviewed favourably by David Silberman. Moved(David Silberman/Dean Sawtell) that:

Cathy Taylor is accepted into the membership of BrindabellaBaptistChurch.


Pauline Daniels has requested membership. She has been interviewed favourably by David Silberman. Moved (David Silberman/Leanne Wakeling) that:

Pauline Danielsis accepted into the membership of BrindabellaBaptistChurch.


OPERATIONS MANAGER: David Wakeling is the only nomination, and he has agreed to accept a nomination to the position with the caveat that he will step down from the role on 1 March 2010. This means that another nominee will be required for the May meeting. The two-month gap can be covered by the Governance Team appointing someone to act in the position or the office manager taking the duties. Noted that three postal votes had been received. Ballots were then circulated and David was elected to the position.

David outlined issues currently on the leadership’s agenda:

  • Decline in attendance which, in turn, has led to a decline in people and financial resources.
  • Lease at ConneXion ends in January and we will probably not renew it. Need to find a (cheaper) place to locate the office.
  • Youth & Children’s management team position is vacant.
  • Rohan Geddes has indicated that he will step down from the Worship position on the management team.
  • No nominations received for the position of Treasurer (to start in February).
  • Growth in pastoral care needs is surfacing. The pastoral care team is under pressure.
  • Leadership has experienced sustained spiritual attack recently.
  • Youth leaders growing and working well at Chisholm High and beyond. They are going where God leads them.
  • God has been working in many transformed lives.
  • Kids Live has commenced ministry to our children.
  • Prayer workshop and regular meeting is starting to bear fruit.
  • Some are struggling with feelings of disconnection. We need to fall back on our core values.

There have been good things and not so good things. We need to cling to God daily.

David’s particular focus has been:

  • Redefine the job description for Operations Manager
  • Communications link between the office manager/leadership/ministries
  • Establishing teams to take on tasks (eg the facilities team looking at places to meet, locate the office)

David made particular mention of the work done by Ruth in the office. She does a wonderful job and uses her gifts daily. She has been a blessing to him in his role. APPLAUSE 

Operations Manager could be a full-time role. The issues that David has been unable to get to are:

  • IT/phone/website upgrade/maintenance, including coordinating remote access
  • Assessing communications
  • Orientation notes rewrite
  • OHS processes
  • Church database – maintenance and wider use
  • Establishing and repairing relationships
  • Roster management

The last point leads to the paper circulated to the congregation about reforming the way the roster operates. The broad plan is to split the roster into jobs requiring a specific skill set and those which do not, then to form teams of four people to take on the non-specific skill set roles. As there were no discussion points raised about this proposal at the meeting, David invited feedback to him via email or in person.

FINANCIAL REPORT: (Keith Smith) It has been a privilege to serve in this role, and interesting – there is never a firm idea of what income will be from week to week. Expenses are more predictable. Please bear in mind that God is our employer and provides, even though information on the PowerPoint slides shown may not look healthy.

The following graphic was provided by the Treasurer

Figures shown were from May 2009 because a new software system commenced at that time. Expenses have exceeded income every week. Our balance as of last Friday (4th) was $7,723 – down from $20,000 in January. The following graphic shows this trend.

There is currently $10,379 in the term deposit but there are some other liabilities that already have that money spoken for. The balance trend is heading south and if nothing changes we will run out of funds in April. The following graphic shows this situation in more detail.

Options are,assuming current non-discretionary expenses:

  • Increase giving by $2,000 each month (around 15 per cent for all givers)
  • More givers

  • Close ConneXion (lease expires in January). Alternative office space to be at minimum cost

Des noted that giving is an act of worship. The decline could be from people leaving or a change in circumstance. Giving does not just support the church but is primarily about worship.

Following was raised in discussion:

  • Is there any cost associated with pulling out of ConneXion? Lease finishes at the end of January so no extra cost with breaking a lease. The space is supposed to revert to as it was, and we have added a wall. But removing it leaves the issue of 2 different carpets [editor’s note: front space was recarpeted after several deluges which was a problem with the building itself, not our tenancy]. It could be argued that the wall is value adding to the space also. There is a three-month bond and that may well cover any additional expense in moving out.
  • What is the current rent? $2,046 per month.
  • Are there any plans for somewhere else? Not yet, but that is in the brief of the team looking at accommodation issues generally.
  • How soon after moving out of ConneXion do we run out of money? Keith showed a slide demonstrating that our balance would start moving north again, assuming no change in the current situation and that we find a minimum cost alternative to ConneXion (Smith’s lounge was mentioned in this context).

CHANGE TO MINISTRY TEAM STRUCTURE: The following motion was proposed by Dean Sawtell on behalf of the Elders which was circulated to the congregation prior to the meeting:

To change the Management Structure of BBC by:

1.Disband the current position of Ministry Leader - Youth and Children Pastor

2.Create a new position Ministry Leader - Youth

3.Create a new position Ministry Leader - Children

It was recognised that a technical error with the motion meant that an amendment would need to be moved after discussion about the intent of the proposal.

The Governance Team has discussed roles and responsibilities with the Ministry Team and transition from the former ‘windmill’ structure. The roles are very large, especially for those also in ‘regular’ employment. We need God to inspire the talent and passion already in the church and we also need not to overload people with extra tasks.

Youth and children’s ministry is too big for one person and it also does not follow that if someone is passionate about youth that they are also passionate about ministry to children. The current youth leadership are doing a wonderful job and they are also a blessing to the church leadership. We need to uphold people where their passions lie.

One question asked: where do the young adults fit in? With youth. They are in transition from discovering who they are to where they are in Christ, and where they can serve.

Technical amendment: The motion does not state that we intend to change the Standing Orders. An amendment to the motion included at the end of the motion:

By changing standing orders specifically to:

Delete para 4c – Ministry Leader Children & Youth

Amend para 4d – to read para 4c Ministry Leader Mission & Outreach

Add para 4d – Ministry Leader Children

Add para 4e – Ministry Leader Youth

Amended Motion(David Wakeling/Brigita L’Estrange):CARRIED.

The original motion was then moved (David Wakeling/Keith Smith). CARRIED.

REPATRIATION OF BOGOMOL’S PERSONAL EFFECTS: A motion put forward by Rick Wade had been circulated prior to the meeting and read:

That BBC agree to pay up to $1,500 to ship ten boxes of Igor’s and his family’s personal effects to either Russia or Canada by surface transport when required.

Rick noted that this motion was a challenge to speak to after the financial report. However, his main reason for putting it to the church was that it is the right thing to do. Bogomol’s departure was rather hurried and some of the things left behind are difficult to obtain in Russia (especially the Christian books). Inquiries have shown that $1,500 is around the maximum for the remaining 10 boxes. If duty is payable then Igor and Gina may decide that some of the contents are not worth sending. If they relocate to Canada the cost is the same as it is in the same zone for surface shipping. If they do relocate the stuff will be shipped there in the new year, when the next shipping departure is available.

Rick also noted that their departure costs ($10,000 was allowed) were less as there was some assistance from individual Brindabellans.

PowerPoint slide showed content of transition package letter.

Some areas were ambiguous about repatriation but we did meet our obligations under the employment contract. This cost is not included in the projected costs/income for the next 6 weeks shown at the start of the financial report, but there are funds there to use.

Questions asked:

  • When will we know if Canada was the destination and if it can be determined before we stop paying for ConneXion? That is reliant on visa process currently underway, but we hope to know in the New Year. There will not be any spendinguntil the New Year at any rate.
  • How much would any duty be? Is Igor willing to pay it? He may not be aware of duty charges. Rick will discuss it with him and let him decide.
  • Up to $1,500 gives some flexibility in the cost? Yes.
  • Would it be cheaper to repurchase items there? Possibly, but it is their stuff. They will need to reassess that, especially if duty is involved.
  • Could materials be confiscated? Always a threat. Some stuff (books) posted from Austria has still not arrived after 3 weeks.

Moved (Rick Wade/Graham Stitz):

That BBC agree to pay up to $1,500 to ship ten boxes of Igor’s and his family’s personal effects to either Russia or Canada by surface transport when required.


SENIOR PASTOR’S REPORT: (Des Daniels) Des gave a broad outline for 2010 and what was on his heart. He and Pauline have been assessing their position here. There has been conflict and he has spoken with some of those feeling disaffected. He has tried the best he can.

He has been praying about 2010 and wants to suggest some different things. The church will haemorrhage if things do not change. God is bringing about a new thing but it does not feel like a new thing so far. He has listened to the DNA of the church and heard aspirations for outreach, mission, discipleship and opportunities for service. He is proposing a theme for 2010: Win, Disciple, Send.

Things to focus on are:

  • Governance – needs more thought
  • David has been doing a great job as operations manager
  • Possible series on John’s gospel – the walk of life
  • Strengthen the prayer ministry. There is a meeting with the prayer team next Saturday. Possible combined prayer workshop with other churches.
  • Youth – video mentoring to continue and possible evening service
  • Men’s retreat
  • School of ministry classes – experiencing God
  • Café outreach in (possibly) 2nd term – needs a team to put together
  • More strategic relationship with the Malones in Thailand

We need to stop looking backwards and start looking forwards.

Meeting closed with prayer at 1.20 pm