AUGUST 28, 2012

The Board of Directors of Cherokee Bluff Council of Co-Owners met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse with the following board members in attendance: Mike Mynatt,Glenis Moore,Dianna Mercier, Sandra Weaver, Karen Nickell, Vickie Norton, and Michael Nolan. Deanna Hill, FMS representativewaspresent.Homeowners and residents, as follows, also attended the meeting: Bill Healy, Grace Trammel, Nancy Johnson, Susan Linginfelter, Duane Johnson, Frances Craig, Pauline and Chuck Bayne, Brian Boswell, Sam Tipton, Nelly Dancer, Robbie Pope, Robbie Moon, Evelyn Banda, Kenneth Stibolt, Stephanie Letarte, Diana Fox, Bonnie Price, Marilyn and Lawrence Kennedy, Andrew Wentzell, Stephanie Wayland, Mark and Rebecca Hruz, Lisa DeLozier, Dabney and Patricia Hansard, Johnny Horner, Bob Kollar, and Sandra Elkins.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:35p.m. by President, Mike Mynatt.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

  • Motion: Approve the minutes, as written, from the July 24, 2012 board meeting.

Made by: Sandra WeaverSeconded by: Dianna MercierApproved unanimously

Committee Reports

Physical Plant – Sandy Weaver

  • Erosion near visitor parking between units 1901 and 1885 was reported. Volunteer Lawn recommended putting down a light layer of mulch and placing stone along the sidewalk at a cost of $475 to prevent future erosion. After discussion, the BOD tabled the issue until alternative recommendations could be obtained.

Architectural Review – Michael Nolan

  • Motion: Approve the request from unit 1909 to replace existing deck with similar material to 8 x 12 dimensions. Extend roof, using matching shingles and same roof angle, to cover upper deck, replace sliding glass door and living room and bedroom door with similar doors, and install a small roof overhang of 1’ over living room patio door (similar to unit 1913).

Made by: Michael NolanSeconded by: Sandy WeaverApproved unanimously

Appeals – Glenis Moore

None submitted

Rules and Regulations – Dianna Mercier

No report

Planning – Mike Mynatt

No meeting held

Officer Reports

President – Mike Mynatt

No report

Vice President – Michael Nolan

No report

Treasurer– Vickie Norton

The July2012 treasurer’s report was distributed.

Secretary – Dianna Mercier

No report

Management Report

  • Breeden’s Tree Service removed three (3) dead pines and the leaning tree behind unit 2017 for $1,000, as approved by the BOD in July.
  • The clubhouse carpet needs to be replaced or stretched, as its wrinkles present a trip hazard. Stretch bids of $600, $850, and $800 were presented. Replacement bids of $3,698, $4,239, and $5,250 were also presented. The BOD did not choose to take action at this point.
  • Boomsday will be September 2, 2012. Two blast e-mails have been sent to the membership (where e-mail addresses were available) detailing the procedures and requirements during the event. Flyers were placed on unit doors, and the guards have handed out flyers about the event. The office will be open until 7 p.m. on Friday, August 31st in order to hand out last-minute Boomsday parking passes. Five guards from SEI have been scheduled to work at Cherokee Bluff during the event.
  • Thirty-one (31) citations have been written since the last BOD meeting.
  • Call Forwarding was removed from the office phone, so the phone would ring busy when someone was on the line. Complaints had been received because the phone periodically rang with no answer
  • A new answering machine was also purchased. The old machine randomly placed voice messagesinto ‘old’ messages, rather than flecting them as ‘new’ messages.
  • The blue tape, tied at the entrance to Cherokee Bluff marks the location of City mosquito trap.
  • KUB mailed out a notification that new light poles, fixtures, etc. would be installed late August through September on Cherokee Trail between Cherokee Bluff Drive and Scottish Pike. Temporary lane closures could occur.
  • A 150-amp breaker blew at the exterior meter center located near unit 1865. Emergency replacement ran $800.

Motion: Ratify the emergency replacement of the breaker in the meter center near unit 1865 for $800.

Made by: Dianna MercierSeconded by: Vickie NortonApproved unanimously

  • The August pool inspection earned a score of 96%.
  • Unit 1978 disputes the quality of the work performed by Frank Smith. Management will try to assist in the resolution.
  • The community’s web site would no longer allow updates, so it was “repaired” this month for $75 and is now up to date.
  • Unit 1923 reported a roof leak. Dixie Roofing came out to repair the leak (they replaced the roof). The homeowner reported the leak was repaired.
  • A new guideline sheet for new move ins and move outs was prepared. Copies are available at the office and the guard shack.
  • Courtney Champion resigned this month. Catherine Hames has been hired as the new site manager and is scheduled to begin Tuesday, September 4th.
  • Management checked the CrimeReports.Com web site to note if any crimes occurred in the area. BetweenJuly 27, 2012 and August 24, 2012fifty-four(54) calls were logged within a one mile radius of Cherokee Bluff. There were fourteen(14) burglary or theft reports, with the closest being .52miles away. Two (2) vandalism reports were noted, with the closest at .89 miles away. Suspicious persons or activity,wrecks, disturbances, alarms, drugs,drunks, suicide and animal control accounted for the remaining reports. None of the reports were from Cherokee Bluff addresses.

Unfinished Business

Holm Construction Progress:

  • Twenty-five, out of forty-five, units have bids to make interior repairs resulting from storm damage. The bids were presented to the BOD for a vote, but they decided to vote via e-mail at a later date. Continued attempts to garner bids on the remaining twenty (20) units will be ongoing.
  • A letter was received from an attorney for CAU again stating that no additional interior repairs will be funded by insurance proceeds.
  • Motion: Authorize Holm Construction to approve unit 1800 interior damages (from April 2011 storm) for $5,130.

Made by: Dianna MercierSeconded by: Sandy WeaverApproved unanimously

Received $101,428.92 in supplemental insuranceproceeds. Noted scope of work covers additional exterior repairs.

Acadia Landscaping:

  • Mike Mynatt reported that the entry landscaping project began in its planning phases almost three years ago. He said the majority of the BOD voted to proceed with the project, and the BOD had signed a contract for the work. He then said he was happy to answer questions about the entry landscaping project.

New Business

  • Samuel Tipton reported water floods his garage at unit 2007 during heavy rainfall. He asked the BOD to have the issue addressed.

Open Forum

  • Duane Johnson of unit 1924 stated he felt there had been a lack of information about the entry landscaping project. He feels the same money could be spent on asphalt, curbing, and drainage improvements.
  • Robbie Pope of unit 1873 clarified that the BOD did maintain a major project replacement schedule prepared as part of the annual budget packet. He felt the BOD did get information out to homeowners but was concerned about dissension amongst the BOD members regarding the entry landscaping project. He asked if change orders could be made with the signed contract to gain more of a consensus.
  • Glenis Moore of unit 1980 stated that she, as a BOD member, voted against the entry landscaping project because she feels it is her “job” to be fiscally responsible with member service fees. She felt the money would have been better spent updating the pool and clubhouse area or creating a fitness center. She also stated the funds would be better spent on capital improvement items such as concrete and asphalt repairs.
  • Sandy Weaver of unit 2017 stated that she, as a BOD member, voted for the entry landscaping project. She said the project had been considered and discussed through two or three different BODs.
  • Diana Fox of unit 1901 asked the BOD members why they voted for a water feature that would require future maintenance. The BOD responded that they sent out Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for a prominent feature at the community entry that would be low maintenance; it was not a request for landscaping.
  • Michael Nolan, a BOD member, stated that he supported the decision to put in the water feature at the community entrance. He said that several contractors presented ideas to improve the community entrance. The BOD decided the water feature would be dramatic for not much additional money. Their decision to install a water feature was not an “either/or” situation.
  • The resident of unit 1853 asked if the security cameras worked.
  • Karen Nickell, BOD member, said she was not keen on a water feature, but she voted to support the installation of the waterfall because she felt it was a “done deal.” She knew at least two prior BODs had looked into the situation, so she felt she needed to support their work.
  • Bill Healy, of unit 1851, said the BOD should be more flexible and push the entry project back to a later date. He felt they should prioritize needed work, such as landscape needed in other areas.
  • Rebecca Cruze, of unit 1832 stated she felt flooding of garage areas should be addressed before installing entry landscaping.
  • Chuck Bayne, of unit 1950 asked for a picture of the proposed water feature. President Mike Mynatt said he did not have one to show. Mr. Bayne asked for the start date of the project, and President Mynatt said t it would be soon.
  • Stephanie Wayland stated she served on a committee that reviewed possible plans for the entry landscaping. She said she knew Acadia was chosen as a ‘middle’ contractor, but she’d never seen additional plans until last week. She suggested letting Acadia do the project without a water feature.
  • June Massengille of unit 1858 said Mr. Mynatt has been a good president for the BOD, but she wonders why he is so entrenched in doing the entry landscape project versus other needs. She encouraged the BOD to postpone the project.
  • Andy Watson of unit 1917 said something needs to be planted where the pine trees used to be at the entrance, but he felt the water feature component should be removed from the project.
  • Robbie Moon asked for an itemized list of the project with costs. President Mynatt stated he did not have one. Mr. Moon asked if the reserves would cover the acceleration of work needed and asked if a feasibility study for inflation had been conducted.
  • Dianna Mercier, BOD member said she was opposed to the water feature. She said the BOD had chosen Acadia to do the work and then the details were to have been worked out later. She felt the BOD voted to do begin the entry landscaping project last month without further discussion on what the plan would entail. She made a motion to amend the motion adopted at the July 24, 2012 BOD meeting to, “Approve Acadia Landscape to proceed with the original tiered waterfall feature and hardscapes to be located at the entrance of the community, with the stipulation that no more than $40,000 is spent on the project, including planting.” By striking “with the original tiered waterfall feature” and inserting ‘hardscapes’ and by changing $40,000 to $15,000. Mike Mynatt said that, as a point of order, the motion was invalid. He reiterated that the contract had been signed, and they could not go back.
  • Evelyn Banda of unit 1865 said the whole community should have been able to review the proposed plans for the entry landscaping and should have had input into the decision. She also offered to negotiate a change order with Acadia to remove the water feature component. President Mynatt said he’d keep that in mind.
  • Duane Johnson of unit 1924 said the BOD should approve replacement of the clubhouse furniture.
  • Dianna Mercier stated there would be a 10 a.m. coffee social at the clubhouse on September 8, 2012. She encouraged all Bluff residents to attend.

Respectfully submitted by:First Management Services, Inc.

On behalf of the Secretary

For Cherokee Bluff Council of Co-Owners

Approved by Board of Directors ______

Date ______