AT 7.00PM

IN ATTENDANCE P Saunders Chair (PS)> C Saunders Secretary(CS)Committee Members >

R Goldsmith(RG)>Brenda Packer (BP)>Maurice Packer>Malcolm White>Norman Cooper>Sandra Palmer>Jeff Wakefield

Cllr’s Gerrard & Barbara Rice>Mayor Cllr. Tony Fish

APOLOGIES Sidney Heath, Richard Price, Jim McConnell,Ian & Meryl Catty, Jacqueline Pattison


GUEST SPEAKERS:Al Hannagan Sustainable Relations, Neil Hall AMEC, David Fovarge CJC Developments


AGENDA ITEM / MINUTES / Required action to be taken by
11.1 Opening of Meeting / 11.1.1.Welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The above apologies were received for the meeting.
11.1.3. Chadwell in Bloom
Brenda Packer told the meeting that the Forum are hosting Chadwell in Bloom again this year.It has been extended to residents to show either their front garden or a hanging basket. Brenda and Sandra have applications if anyone wants to compete.
11.1.3. Eastbourne Trip
The Secretary said there were still spaces on the trip to Eastbourne Air show on the 17th August 2013. Tickets are £10.00 adults and £6.00 children under 16.
11.2.Minutes / 9.2.1. Minutes of the meeting 20th February 2013
The Chair asked the residents to read and agree the above minutes as a true copy of the last meeting.
The minutes were then agreed and signed by the Chair.Proposer Reg Goldsmith Seconded Angela carried nem con.
11.3. Heath Place / 11.3.1. Heath Place
The Chairman introduced the three guest speakers.
  1. Mr Al Hannigan Sustainable Relations
Mr Hannigan said his Company will give support to the developers (CJC Developments Co. Ltd.) by connecting with the local people to get information about the local area such as needs of the Community and infrastructure. Mr Hannigan gave details of the procedurefor getting planning permission to build on the land. They approach the land owners, do a site survey and then go out to consultation with residents and Local Groups to find out want they want and what local issues are raised by the proposal.
2. Neil Hall AMEC
Mr Neil Hall introduced himself and explained that his Company are the Planners for Heath Place and who will be designing the project and submitting the Planning application to the Council
He said that the project was in the early stages and he was here to get feedback from local residents. Mr Hall said that the owner of the land is not selling all of it but just the part outlined in red on the map.
So far they have only had 35 responses back via email although he expects that there many more to be handed in at the end of the meeting.
The timetable for the development is:
Letters (that have already been sent to local residents)
Web site (which is up and running.)
Workshops and Exhibitions.
On the 28th June 2013 there will be a workshop at the Chadwell Village Hall and Public Exhibitions will be out in mid July 2013.
Amec will prepare an application for the Development in August with submission being sometime in September 2013.
Thurrock Council will have 16 weeks to determine whether the application goes ahead.
The website will be kept up to date.
Mr Hall went on to say that although the land in question is classed as green belt by the Council’s Local Development Plan every Council in the UK are expected to supply a reasonable amount of land for new housing-developments.
For Heath Place they are looking to invest in Local Facilities, Open spaces, Childrens Play areas and Landscaping.
They will also be consulting with the Local Education Authority, local academies and the NHS Trust as well as the Council.
Cllr Barbara Rice addressed the meeting
Barbara said that they were very surprised when they received details of the development by letter.
Cllr Barbara Rice said she was not only speaking on behalf of the Thurrock Council but also as Cllr. for Chadwell St. Mary. She has been handing out surveys to local residents and so far has not received any positive responses.
Barbara went on to say that this area is the worst for Cancer and Heart/Lung Diseases.
The view from residents is that they don’t want or need the Development. There is lot of anger about it. The Development will be a blot on the Landscape and we already have 350 homes being built on the other side of the Heath, on the site of Thurrock College.
Cllr Barbara Rice finished by reiterating strongly that the Developers should think again about this development.
Cllr. Gerrard Rice addressed the meeting
Gerrard said he had been a Cllr. for Chadwell St. Mary since 2008. He has sat on the Local Planning Committee and when the Local Development Plan was drawn up they sifted through every area in Thurrock. The view was taken to re-locate Merrydale and Cowards Yards to the new logistics park being built in Tilbury. The Council have sifted through 370 applications since 15th January until 8th March and have only agreed to 4 developments on green belt land in Thurrock and they are as follows.
A Hospice in Lower Dunton Road.
East Thurrock Football Club
Tilbury Football Club
Essex Arena.
These were agreed and passed by all parties. Cowards and Merrydale yards would yield enough space for up to 400 houses if/when developed. The Council is aware of their responsibilities and have already made available enough brown spaces for development.
The Mayor Cllr. Tony Fish addressed the meeting
Tony said that there was not much more he could add to what Cllrs. G & B Rice havesaid. He is at one with them on this issue. Green Belt land is precious and we need to keep this. Traffic issues in Chadwell are a problem now let alone another 700-odd vehicles as a result of this proposal on the roads as well as more heavy construction- traffic.
The Chairman thanked the Councillor’s for addressing the meeting and asked the residents present if there were any questions.
The following is an sample of some of the questions and answers by attendees:-
Q. Cllr Sue Little from Orsett asked about access to the development.
A. Meetings will be held with Thurrock Council’s Highways looking at access points.
Q. There will be between 350 and 700 plus people with no Hospital or Health back up!
A. There will be consultations with the Local Health Authorities.
Q. Is there any truth that you have already purchased 19 Barry Close to facilitate access?
A. Not that he was aware of.
Q One resident said she was worried for her children; how can the schools cope with all the extra children?
A. Before putting in an application they will be going to see service providers eg. Schools, GP’s and will negotiate with providers to help expand facilities.
Q. One resident said that making a school bigger does not make education better. Eighty children applied for thirty five spaces and that costs the schools when a declined application goes to appeal.
A. Feedback from schools would be welcomed we cannot assume facilities can cope.
Q. There is a public footpath that has been there years now you want to move it?
A. We will help to keep the footpath there and build around it.
Q. Why not build a new school?
A. It would not be feasible for such a small development. We would look to expand existing schools.
Q. Who owns the land?
A. Not sure; go to the Land Registry.
Q. Have you got the option to buy the rest of the land and what will happen when you want to expand the development?
A. Keep to a very clear green belt boundary-line to prevent that happening.
Mrs Ruff spoke:
Mrs Ruff has lived in Chadwell St. Mary for 40 years and has seen many changes, not always for the good. There could be 900 extra vehicles going in and out of Chadwell and the roads are unable to cope now. The sewers are already inadequateand cannot cope with the amount of houses now. There are two GP surgeries where you have to wait for an appointment now; how are we going to fund another one?
Q. Why do you not take notice of the Council as a previous development has already been rejected.
A. The LA does not always get it right.
At times the meeting was quite vocal and heated. However the Chairman kept this under control.
The Chairman asked people to vote on the development.
Vote in Support. None
Vote against development. All residents and councilors in attendance against.
The Chairman said don’t assume that it is already rubber stamped. No plan has been submitted, we must keep up the momentum.
A resident asked what the way forward would be.
It was agreed that several residents would set up a committee and run a campaign against this. They would keep in touch with the Councillors and Forum. The Chairman said the Forum would give any help or support they could. This will be put on every Agenda until it has been decided
The website for registering for consultations is

A short break was taken whilst some resident left the meeting.
11.4 Thames
Crossing / The Chairman outlined the Forum’s position on the proposed Thames crossing. He said that in September 2011 our MP Jackie Doyle-Price spoke at our special Forum meeting.
The three options for the new crossing werediscussed and our MP said she would fight for no crossing in Thurrock. Since then she has said that there would be no more motorways in Thurrock, which is not quite the same as no more crossings as the new crossing would not necessarily be classed as a motorway.
Cllr. G Rice said the Director of Planning David Bull will be having consultations
with both Essex & Kent Councils as well as the public. If options B or C go forward they will rip up even more precious green belt.
Once this goes through developers will then want to build more main roads. The time scale for looking at the project to building it is about 15 years of which 5 have elapsed. It will most likely be a toll road where people will not use it because of the cost.
The Chairman said when consultation comes in we must be seen to oppose.
Alterations to junctions 30/31 will not be started until 2015/2016 at the earliest.
The Chair invited questions.
Q. Foreign lorries get away with paying tolls if there was a Dart Tag system.
A. I am sure there will be some way of making them pay.
Q. What is the Council’s position on the Crossing.
A. All parties agree there should be no crossing.
Q. Would not the Canvey Crossing be a better option especially with the new port.
A. This has been looked at but it is not feasible owing to the proximity of the new DPW port.
Cllr.G Rice said that although a petition is good it will be more effective if every resident sent a letter. This applies to both the crossing and the new development. If letters are sent they are obliged to reply to all whereas with a petition they only have to reply to the person or organization that has raised the petition. Letters block the system and delay any decision making.
Vote taken and all residents remaining at the meeting voted for no new crossing in Thurrock.
11.5. Matters arising from last meeting / None
11.6. Reports / 11.6.1. Police
The police had to leave the meeting for operational reasons.
11.6.2. Naps
The Chairman explained that we give the police three problem areas for them to give attention to. These are called NAPS.
The Chairman asked residents for any problem areas.
  1. Speeding down Longhouse Road, Heath Road.
2. Unlicensed Bikes speeding along Riverview with no crash helmets.
3. Needles on the Kingsley walk Allotments probably thrown over from the bridle path where people congregate.
4. Dogs mess: how many people are fined? Cllr. Barbara Rice said the Council are responsible for enforcement on this issue and she will take this up with the officers.
11.6.3 Councillors
Cllr Barbara Rice said she was due to speak about Health at this meeting but due to the importance of currents issues this was delayed. Barbara asked if she could come to the next meeting to give the talk. This was agreed.
11.6.4. Local Estates Manager
Bill Sargent said that there were funds available for Council housing sports schemes.
Bill went on to say that the 5 year plan for improving council-houses had now been agreed. Chadwell will come into years 2 and 4.
There is a new housing register, and applicants must have at least a 5 year connection with Thurrock. A percentage of houses are for people living and working in Thurrock.
Bill said he and Cllr. Gerrard Rice have driven around Chadwell to highlight any problems with the local fabric and environment.
Although there are s. 59 Warning Notices on the Heath to deter unlicensed bikers the Police do need residents help in catching them.
One resident asked about the rubbish that college students leave on the grass verges.
The Chairman thanked Bill for his report and his continuing support to the Forum.
Treasurers Report / The Secretary asked the meeting to agree the amended accounts for the year to 31/3/2013 so they could be sent to our accountant. She mentioned that due to the resignation of our Treasurer she has only recently had access to the Bank statements. Missing from the draft accounts presented at the AGM was a cheque for £5,1580 which had been issued for payment of play equipment and a credit for £306 for funds raised at a quiz night. It was agreed nem con to adopt the final accounts and to submit them to the auditor.
11.8. Next meeting dates / Forum AGM: Wednesday 11th September 2013 at Herringham School.
Please keep an eye on notice Boards and website as we may need to call one at short notice if local issues require it.
Committee: Wednesday 17th July 2013 at Vigerons Way Complex.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.

Chadwell Community Forum Ltd minutes of 12th June 2013Page 1