PRESENT: Mr. J. Cirrone (Chairman), Messrs.R. Haviland, J. Morgan, K. Taylor, D. Tolfree,Mesdames. S. Chorley, S. Roberts, plus 8Members of the Public, together with Mrs. A. Mariner (Clerk & Registrar).

APOLOGIES for ABSENCE: Mrs J. Brown (Work), IW Cllr. Bob Seely.


MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meetings of the Full Council and the Cemetery Committee of 8thJanuary, and the Planning Committee Meeting of the 22nd January,having been previously circulated and read, were confirmed asa correct record, and signed by the Chairman.

TO WELCOME MR. MARC GRIFFIN: Mr. Griffin was unable to attend. Councillors resolved that Island Roads be asked for a meeting with Councillors to hear their concerns and problems. Mr. Colin Bridges said that he was a Lay Assessor for Island Roads which involved him monitoring work, in the local area, including adequate signage/health and safety/ etc. If anyone considered the work was not being undertaken to an acceptable standard they could make contact with him. Potholes should be reported direct to Island Roads.

MATTERS ARISING:(a) Visit Isle of Wight Ltd. The Tourism Group was due to visit the Visit IW offices in East Cowes on the 13th February to discuss the making of the 3 videos.

b) Play Equipment. The Secretary of the Recreation Ground Admin. C`ttee. had not been happy with the attitude and conditions of payment of Playdale. He had found an alternative firm which offered a similar piece of equipment at the same price but did not need a deposit. In addition, it would remove the Basket Ball Post free of charge. Mr. Chorley had ordered the Roundabout from this firm called Playquip Leisure. The date planned for installation was 14th April.

PLANNING APPLICATIONS: (i) TCP/16601/H. P/01199/13. Revision to layout of chalets and addendum to the Environmental Statement. (Re-advertised appl.) AtherfieldBayHoliday Centre.

Mr. Giles Alldred spoke on behalf of the residents living within a one mile radius of the site. He said there had been 50 letters of objection to the existing plans together with a Petition with 63 signatures. Their concerns included the increased scale of the proposed development which encroached onto a Greenfield site on a heritage coast, in an AONB and a quiet dark skies area which attracted tourists because of these assets; the effect on the adjacent camping site which attracted tourists for its beauty and solitude; insufficient parking spaces; traffic safety on a fast stretch of road; access to the site from Newport using the narrow Chine Lane; existing low water pressure for residents;insufficient electricity supply; sewage works sited on the cliff side of the site which would disappear with the continual cliff erosion leaving the chalets without sewage disposal; closure of Shepherd`s Chine Footpath and diversion around the site and 52 weeks occupancy. As many of these concerns had already been passed to the Planners, Councillors resolved to add the following:-

1. If occupancy was to be increased to 52 weeks, enforcement against permanent occupation was to be included.

2. Concern about adequate water pressure.

3. Loss of the sewage works with cliff erosion.

4. Closure of the existing Shepherd`s Chine Footpath.

Councillors were pleased to see additional car parking spaces by the Clubhouse but still had concerns that there was only 1 space per chalet.

By a vote of 5 in favour, 1 against, Councillors resolved that provided all the concerns were addressed, the application should be approved. AGREED.

(ii) TCP/12894/K. P/00060/14. Single storey side extension to provide lounge.

Khela, Chilton Lane, Brighstone.

Councillors considered that this enlargement of the lounge would enhance the property. AGREED.

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(iii) TCP/29928/B. P/00045/14. Demolition of garage; proposed double garage with log store; formation of vehicular access and hard standing/driveway; retention of extension and alterations to outbuilding/annex building. (retrospective appl.). Woodend, Brook.

A Councillor considered that the alterations had been undertaken in a sympathetic and pleasing manner. However, the garage/store was a huge building. If the application was approved, Councillors resolved to ask for a condition to be included which permitted no windows/lights in the building which might allow it to be used for residential use. AGREED.

PLANNING RESULTS: P/01518/13. Proposed alterations to hard standing and retaining wall; new steps.

Leigh Cottage, Main Road, Brighstone. APPROVED.

P/01240/13. Proposed conservatory (revised plans).

Gaggerhill Cottage, Gaggerhill Lane, Brighstone. APPROVED.

Priors Cottage, Main Road, Brighstone. The Area Compliance Officer had confirmed that the trees forming the front boundary were less than 1.5 metres in height. Therefore no action can be taken in connection with their removal. The owners had confirmed their intention to re-landscape the area and replace much of the vegetation.

Land behind High Rising, Muggleton Lane, Limerstone. The Area Compliance Officer had confirmed that no further action would be taken concerning the barn/chalet as this was used only for storage, therefore no breach of control had been established. The items causing the untidy state of the land had been removed so the case was now closed.

DATE OF POSSIBLE MID-MONTH PLANNING MEETING: Wednesday 26th February at 7.30pm.

POLICE REPORT: Isolated incidents of burglary, other than from a dwelling; criminal damage and ASB had been reported.

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: The Draft Notes of the 5th Februarymeeting were tabled.The Housing Questionnaires had been delivered and were beginning to be collected. The Banners, advertising the Neighbourhood Plan, had been erected. Confirmation of the grant from LOCALITY had been received and would be paid the week beginning 10th February. Confirmation of funds from the IWC had not yet been received. LOCALITY had intimated to the Chairman that there might be additional funds available; more would be known later this month.

REVIEW of the ISLAND PLAN CORE STRATEGY POLICY SP2 Housing: A draft response had been circulated. This was resolved by all Councillors and would be sent to the Planning Dept.

WARNES LANE TOILETS: Flooding.The silt had been cleared and Top Mops had undertaken a Power Wash resulting in the Toilets being open again. The large pool of water by the Ladies Toilets remained as there is no drain at that location. The Chairman said he would contact the Architect again to discuss the problem. In addition, there were loose tiles in the Gents Toilets which needed to be removed for Health and Safety reasons. The Chairman agreed to inspect and remove if he considered it to be necessary.

Wallgate Units. A quotation had been received for these to be covered against damage or breakdown plus an inspection twice annually, for a price of £579 plus VAT. Councillors resolved that these should be covered and the Contract be signed.

NO COLD CALLING ZONE: The idea to make the whole Parish a NCCZ had been advertised in the Newsletter for 2 months and no representations had been made. Councillors resolved that this should proceed.

DELIVERY of SERVICES:No further information had been received re. costs, etc. However, an invitation had been received to meet with the Manager of Public Spaces.

THE BIG TREE PLANT: Confirmation had been received that planting on The Pound was acceptable under the scheme. Mr. Huxley, of Dryad Treework, would contact Natural Enterprise to discuss the type and number of trees required, preferably not elms or oaks. The School to be asked if it wished to partake of the scheme.

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RISK ASSESSMENT and MANAGEMENT (Financial): A Draft had been prepared. Councillors resolved that all possible Financial Risks had been assessed and were being managed adequately.

RISK ASSESSMENTS for FEBRUARY: Grants had been received or were in the process of being received; goods ordered had been received; office equipment and documents were in good order and up-to-date.


Signpost Express – 3 Banners (NP)180.0036.00216.00

Mr. J. Brownscombe – Project Exps. (NP) 1047.17

Drainflow – Toilets140.00

Top Mops – Toilet Cleaning for Jan. 16.09 3.22 19.3

“ “ PowerWash – Toilets120.0024.00144.00

1 & 1 Internet Ltd. – Renewal 29.88 5.98 35.86

IWALC – Affiliation Fee228.71

A K Wigginton – Tap for Cemetery 65.00

Mrs. S. Chorley – 1 & 1 Internet 2013 11.99

IWALC – 3 Delegates attending Winter Conf. 75.00

Mr. K. Taylor – Housing Questionnaires Card (NP) 16.63 3.33 19.96

Banner Bus. Supplies - Envelopes – Parish Council 44.30 8.86 53.16

“ “ “ “ (NP) 11.44 2.29 13.73

Mrs. A. Mariner – Salary Jan.337.00}

“ Exps. “ 80.00}417.00

TO RECEIVE FINANCIAL STATEMENT to 31st JANUARY:This was received. The Clerk apologised for the second page not printing; this to be sent to Councillors via e-mail. The cost of £74.25 for Hall Hire was queried. The Clerk explained it was for the December Meeting in the Seely Hall, Brook, and for the hire of the Scout Hut on 3 days for the Exhibition of Plans for Blanchards.

TO CONSIDER FINAL BUDGET: This had been received. A Councillor considered that projected payments for Trees bordering the stream of £2020 and that of £3067 for the Recreation Ground should be shown. These figures did not affect the Budget Allowances. Taking into account the possibility that Town and Parish Councils might have their Precepts capped for 2015/16; the possible outlay required for the Toilets; no Asset Replacement Contingency Fund and the reduced figure for Reserves, Councillors resolved, by a vote of 5 in favour, 1 against, to increase the predicted figure by 10%, producing a Precept figure of £28315.

Councillors instructed the Clerk to enquire about the procedures for the sale of Parish Council owned land.

TO RECEIVE REPORTS from REPS. ON OUTSIDE BODIES:Flooding. Mrs. Chorley had attended a meeting, comprising all the Agencies and the IW Council, called by Andrew Turner, MP. There were concerns about the responses received by people affected; pumping stations which didn`t work; blocked drains and infilled ditches.

IWALC. Mr. Tolfree`s report had been previously circulated. He was a member of the Sustainability Forum and Brighstone PC had provided a summary of its current and projected actions.

WWLP. Mr. Haviland had attended the last meeting; all the monies had been distributed apart from £5000. The Clerk had written to Peter Fellows thanking him and his colleagues for all their help towards the various projects. Mrs. Chorley said the Notepads, with maps of the village, had been received and she would distribute these to the local businesses. A sample was shown.

Newsletter. Mr. Morgan said a meeting would be held on 17th February.

Grants for Cycling: Grants for Cycle Hire and Infrastructure were available. Mr. Taylor said that as Visit IW Ltd. was promoting cycling in West Wight, he hoped that narrow country roads in Brighstone and Shorwell could be designated as `Quiet Lanes` to provide lower speeds and safer roads for cyclists and pedestrians

12th MARCH 2014. CHAIRMAN. PAGE 3.

IW COUNCILLOR`S REPORT: Funding. The response received from the Deputy Leader was not clear in respect of costs and funding.

Main Road, Brighstone. A section would be closed for 6 days in May/June for resurfacing works.The Chairman to speak to Island Roads to find out how the work would be undertaken in order to cause minimum disruption to businesses. The Clerk was instructed to notify local businesses and organisations through Village Talk and the Newsletter.

NavitusBay. The news that the size of the wind farm footprint would be reduced was welcomed.

AtherfieldBayHoliday Centre. The application had received officer recommendation for approval. Cllr. Seely was talking with local residents.

Roads. The damaged roads and potholes had been reported. The Jet Patcher had returned to the Island and would be used on the smaller roads. If Councillors and residents were not happy with the repairs, to let Cllr. Seely know.

Budget. Most discretionary spending will be cut; redundancies made and many services lost. Cllr. Seely felt the IWC had its priorities wrong and he would be trying to influence decisions over the next few weeks. The budget would be voted on, by IW Councillors., on 26th February.

CORRESPONDENCE: Youth Offer Presentation. Councillors would like a presentation and all relevant youth groups to be invited.

Scout Community Week. Brighstone Beavers would like to be involved by undertaking some tasks in the village. Councillors resolved that they be invited to Litter Pick in the Village Centre, Warnes Lane and in Ashley Way Copse.

Temporary Event Notice. This had been submitted for a licence to sell alcohol by St. Mary`s Church, Brighstone on 28th June between 1900 and 2100 hours for a Summer Concert.

Tidal Energy Briefing. Details taken by Mr. Tolfree.

Brighstone War Memorial Planters. A request had been made, again, for a financial contribution towards these. Councillors felt they could not support this as other Planters are maintained without any financial help.

Green Bag Courier Service. The IW Council said this would cease at the end of March, thus saving £42000 a year. Hard Copies of Planning Applications, if required, would be sent by Royal Mail. Parish and Town Councils would have to send their mail by Royal Mail or by e-mail.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:Flooding. Mr. Les Sheath said flooding in the village centre was caused by stones from Rowdown Lane blocking the drains and ditches in Warnes Laneand Brook having been filled in. He felt that sandbags, placed in Rowdown Lane, would help.

DATE of NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 12th March at 7.30pm in Brighstone School Hall.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and closed the Meeting at 10.15pm.

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