Whitehouse Farm Centre, North Whitehouse Farm,

Stannington, Morpeth, Northumberland. NE61 6AW

T: 01670 789998/789571




(Please note the information provided will be treated with the strictest confidence).

Position Applied For: Current/Last Salary: Salary Expectation:


Surname: Forenames:

Previous names: (if any)


Post Code:

Email Address:

Tel No: Home:


(Only if we are able to contact you on this number)


Date of Birth: N.I Number:

(Applicants MUST be 16 years or older in order to apply to work at Whitehouse Farm Centre)

Are there any restrictions that may prohibit you from employment or residency in the UK?

Yes  No  if Yes please give details.

Do you have a current clean UK driving licence? Yes  No 

Driving Endorsements? Yes  No 

(If yes please list what they are & when).

Do you have your own vehicle? Yes  No 

If yes, are you a confident driver? Yes  No 

Have you ever driven any agriculture vehicles? Yes  No 

If the answer is yes to the above, please tell us what type of vehicles?

Have you ever worked for Whitehouse Farm Centre before? Yes  No 

(If yes please give us full details)

Have you ever submitted an application to Whitehouse Farm Centre before? Yes  No  (If yes please give us full details)

Do you know of anyone that is currently employed by Whitehouse Farm Centre? Yes  No 

(If yes please give us full details and what your relationship is with this person).

Are you presently in employment, if so what period of notice is required by your employer?

Are you available to work on a weekly rota which includes Yes  No 

Weekends, School Holidays and all Bank Holidays

Please tick any of the days you unavailable to work:

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday 

Are you a member of any clubs, sports activities, guides or scouts? Yes  No 

(If yes please give us full details and would these limit your availability to work).

Are you a member of any animal organisations? (i.e Abwak, Animal Jobs Direct, Biaza.)

(If yes please give us full details)


Have you been absent from your employment/studies for more than 5 days in the last 12 months?

Yes  No 

If yes, please give details.

Do you suffer from any pre-existing medical conditions? Yes  No 

(i.e. asthma, back related problems, allergies)

(If yes please specify and list all name/s of any medication that you are taking).

If required, are you willing to undergo a medical examination? Yes  No 

If your application is successful you will be required to fill in a medical questionnaire. Are you willing to complete this prior to you starting employment? Yes  No 


(Please start with the most recent, indicating all qualifications and grades).

From: / To: / Name, Address of School, College, University / Qualifications gained or subjects currently studying
From: / To: / Full Name, Address & Contact Number. / Position Held.
Outline main duties. / Reason for leaving/wishing to change employment


(Please start with your most recent employment).

Here at Whitehouse Farm we would like to ask you some further questions relating to your achievements, competencies, skills, attitude and your personnel development, this is to help us with our selection process.

We ask you to answer these truthfully and please be aware there are no right or wrong answers, we are just trying to find out a bit more about you.

What was your reason for applying for this position at Whitehouse Farm Centre?

(Indicate why you would consider yourself as a suitable candidate for this position and what motivated you to apply. If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

Tell us more about your skills, main achievements, experiences, volunteer work that you have undertaken and qualities that you could bring to Whitehouse Farm Centre?

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

What has been your worst job or experience & why?

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

What has been your best job or experience & why?

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

Have you had any till / cash handling experience before? Yes  No 

(If the answer is yes, please give a brief description of your cash handling experience/s)

Have you worked with children/parents before? Yes  No 

(If the answer is yes, please give a brief description of what you have done).

Do you have any experience in drama or public speaking Yes  No 

(If the answer is yes, please give a brief description of what you have done).

Are you happy to dress up/ wear costumes for some special events? Yes  No 

How would you describe yourself in a sentence?

Who or what aspires you in life?

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

Would you describe yourself as being creative? If so how?

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

Tell us 3 things you hate in life. Tell us 3 things you love in life. Tell us 3 things that you are brilliant at?

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

Describe a situation when you received excellent customer service, what impressed you & why?

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

Describe a situation when you received poor customer service, what do you think you could have done differently?

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

Have you ever gone out of your way to help someone, describe the situation, what you did and what was the outcome.

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).

Have you recently worked alongside a team or group of people; describe how you got to know them and how you built a good working relationship with them.

(If necessary, please continue overleaf or on a separate sheet).


The following pages will be detached from your application prior to it being considered as they contain information that is strictly private and confidential.


Position applied for:

Have you ever been Dismissed from employment?

Yes  No 

If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please provide further details of Dismissal below.


Please give the names and contact details of two referees whom we can contact immediately to provide information in support of your application. One of these should be your current employer. If you are not in employment, please supply the name of your most recent employer or an academic referee (e.g. tutor or teacher). Please ensure that your referees are aware of this application and have agreed to act as a referee.

We would ask your permission to contact your Referee/s prior to offer being made? Yes  No 

(If the answer is No can you please give us a brief reason why).

Current/last employment: Previous employment:

Name: Name:

Address: Address:

Postcode: Postcode:

Telephone No: Telephone No:

Email: Email:

Position held in relation to applicant: Position held in relation to applicant:


Our aim is to be an equal opportunities employer and our policy is that job applications and employees receive equal treatment regardless of age, gender, marital status, race, colour, nationality, religion or beliefs. Where any of these cannot be shown to be a requirement of the job applied for, recruitment selection and promotion procedures are monitored to ensure that individuals are selected promoted and considered on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities. In order to assist us in monitoring the Company’s equal opportunities policy and for no other reason, please answer the following questions by ticking the appropriate boxes


In order to ensure we are aware of any particular needs you may have during interview or in employment, please provide us with the following information.

Please state, with dates, any serious illnesses or operation(s) you have had which may affect your ability to do this job.


Do you consider that you have a disability as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 2005?

Yes  No  Prefer not to say 

If so please give brief details of the disability and any adjustments which would need to be made to enable you to carry out the duties listed for the post (continue on a separate sheet if necessary).


Applications from ex-offenders are welcomed and will be considered on their merit. Convictions that are irrelevant to this job will not be taken into account. You are required to disclose any convictions which are not ‘spent’ by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

Have you been convicted of a criminal offence, which is not spent, as defined by the above Act?

Yes  No 

If yes please give details of date(s), offence(s) and sentence(s) passed.

The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act does not apply to certain specified professions: these are mainly medical, legal or accountancy professionals. Neither does it apply to any post which involves contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults. In any of these cases you should state all past convictions below, including any that are spent, giving details of date(s), offence(s) and sentence(s) passed.

If you are applying for a post which involves contact with either children, young people or vulnerable adults, please also confirm that you are not listed on either of the following lists (as appropriate):

I confirm that I am not listed on the children’s barred list. 

I confirm that I am not listed on the adult’s barred list. 

The information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and will be considered only in relation to the job for which you are applying and may be subject to DBS checks.


I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information that I have given in support of my application is correct and understand that any misleading statement or any false or deliberate omission may result in my dismissal.

I hereby do consent to the processing of sensitive personal data as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998 involved in the consideration of this application.

Signed: Date: