Minutes of a meeting of the Royal Naval Association
Torrevieja Branch September 3rd 2014 held at
Restaurante El Paraiso Urb del Mar
In Attendance
Mike Wright Chairman
Danny Kay Vice Chairman/ membership Secretary
Margaret Forshaw Secretary
John Forshaw Treasurer
Terry Watson P R O
Robin Hargrave Welfare Volunteer
Also Present: 15 Full Members 14 Associate Members
1 Honorary Member.
Apologies received from S & D Conway R Claxton A Macrae-Clifton P & a Deathers G &a Rapley B & J Turrell
C & L Ramscar J Lovewell P Lock B & J Dalton
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed S/mates members and our honorary member
Members stood for the shipmate`s prayer and a period of silence was observed in remembrance of those who had fallen since our last meeting.
Members were asked if everyone had read the minutes, he then asked that they be approved this was proposed by Vic Cluney and seconded by Robin Hargrave they were unanimously approved with no matters arising.
Mike had received a letter from Doug and Rose Lawrence they have sold their house and are going back to England they have asked that their membership cards be sent on to their new address and they will in time join a new branch when settled, if any member would like this address please just ask.
Chairman’s Report: as mike has been away he did not have a report as such as members know he and Ruth are returning to the U K and he will be standing down this will be dealt with at any other business.
Vice Chairman´s Report: Last month Danny said he had received an e-mail from our web master ref lack of use and asked if we wanted to keep it. Tim gives his time free but we were told the cost is going up from €34 to €52.85. A discussion followed and Terry Watson proposed we keep it this was agreed by members. Please remember the minutes are loaded on website every month.
Danny had nothing as membership secretary but in Dick’s absence he has tickets and details for Trafalgar Night. He will take money and menu preferences and all monies Must be paid by the next meeting.
Mike then commended members on keeping the website he said it was well worth it when in England recently he was contacted by an interested party result being that a group of them are now going to join us for Trafalgar Night.
Secretary`s Report: nothing to report but can I ask if you are putting apologies in can you make sure the name is legible. Please ensure the person named is still a current member.
Treasurer`s Report: John gave members a full run down of our finances which are still healthy the voluntary
Anniversary fund now has €100. The books are available for any member to see.
Welfare Report: Pamela informed us our member Chris Stokbaek has been in intensive care in hospital in Denmark she is making good progress and her and Fyn hope to be with us in time for Trafalgar Night.
P R O report: Terry has details of the Codex belex next month there will be 3 coaches going he would like the full list by next meeting.
Any Other Business: Elizabeth McCallum apologized in advance for being unable to attend functions as her and Mac have to go to Madrid for hospital treatment. Mike then thanked the branch for our friendships etc he joined to make friends and has enjoyed his time among us. He urged everyone to continue to support the branch and gave thanks for all our support. Bob Harrison proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of the branch for all Mike`s hard work and time he has given us this was duly given.
Danny on behalf of the branch presented Mike with a salt boat and flower to Ruth who has always supported him at all times. Mike thanked the branch.
Danny asked for a volunteer for Chairman.Paul Edwards stepped forward. Paul is going to be a titular head until the A G M when he will be able to see if him and the job suit each other and give him time to get to know us all better. As a titular head only this eliminates a need for an E G M. Paul was given a welcome and a round of applause.
The next meeting will be here on October 1st at 1700
The meeting was duly closed.