Living Hope Bible Church

Short-Term Missions Application

Qualification Checklist (expanded on STM Policy)

□A believer with a commitment to following Jesus Christ.

□A regular attendee of LHBC ( >50% of the time), OR….

□If LHBC is not your home church, in addition to this application, please provide contact information to two references (non-family):

  • (1) A pastor and (2) another church leader.

We will inquire about things such as your:

  • Attendance at church
  • Ministry service in the church
  • Christian testimony / character

□History of serving and workingeffectively with others

□Personal and spiritual maturity sufficient to the proposed trip.

□If under 18, Parental Approval Form

Name: ______Date: ______

Mission Trip: ______

(If Mission Trip is not planned by LHBC, please attach a separate sheet to describe the trip. Please include as much information as possible, including the goal, your specific role and the sending organization/church).

Dates of the trip: ______

Are you under 18? (at the time of the trip) YesNo

If “Yes”, please have your parent complete the Parental Approval Form

1. Please give your testimony of how you became a Christian.


2. Describe your current relationship with Christ and how you foster that relationship (ie- Quiet time, studying the Bible, or read spiritually helpful books…etc.). ______


3. How active are you in personal evangelism? Please describe. ______


4. How long have you been regularly attending at LHBC? ______

5. What would you say are the primary reasons why you want to go on this trip?





6. Other than Sunday Worship, what other fellowship/disciple groups or Sunday School classes are you currently attending? ______



7. Ministry Service: A short-term trip often requires that you are serving in ministryperhaps from 4-10 hours daily. In what ways are you currently serving now at church? (Please list all ministries and ways you help out.) If you are not currently serving in the church, please share why you are not volunteering.






8. Please list any previous mission trips you have been on.

DatesPlaceWhat was your role?






9. Please list any non-missionary related, cross-cultural experience or travel.




10. Please list any specific areas of ministry you would like to be involved in as part of this short-term team. ______



11. What gifts, talents, abilities, or skills do you have that might contribute to this trip?




12. How much previous experience have you had working on a team? Please explain.




13. Are you committed to attend allteam meetings in preparation for this trip?


14. Are there any physical or health concerns you may have for this trip? Please explain.




15. Please describe a situation where you had a conflict with another person and how you resolved the conflict.





16. Have you read LHBC’s statements of faith and do you have any concerns or disagreements? ______

17. Do you agree to submit to the leadership of the team with a good attitude (even if you may disagree)?

18. Acknowledgement of Risk: Traveling internationally, especially to less-developed countries, involves risks. There are inherent risks involved such as crime, accidents, diseases, disasters, and even death. LHBC sponsors trips that are reasonably safe (e.g. politically stable, non-war zones, etc…). LHBC has sponsored many trips over decades of ministry and has experienced God’s protection over all of them. While exercising wisdom, LHBC cannot absolutely guarantee the safety of the team, does not negotiate with terrorists, nor pay ransoms to kidnappers. For more detailed questions related to risk, feel free to ask the Missions Committee.

Signature of Acknowledgement:

Note: The final approval is at the discretion of the Missions Committee. An interview may be required. After acceptance by the Missions Committee, the Team Leader may have specific requirements prior the trip such as take an introductory foreign language class or write an essay on the country and people of interest.

After the Missions trip, to help you reflect on the trip, everyone may be required to fill out a Debriefing Form. You may also be asked by your Team Leader to share with the congregation at a fellowship meeting, Sunday Worship, or other venue about the trip.