

Chief Complaint: Lt. knee pain with sensation of giving way for at least 2 years.

Present Illness:

This 27-year-old male patient is a soccer player. He injured his Lt. knee joint in a match some 2 years ago. There was immediate swellingin the joint and it lasted for a month. Since then, he frequently has a catching sensation in the joint with pain felt. A frequent giving way sensation was also felt. He had an MRI exam. done at Chang-Gung hospital which showed tear of the ACL.

The patient came to our OPD. Physical exams led to the impression of Lt. knee ACL and med. meniscal tear and the patient was admitted to our ward for surgical intervention.

Past History:







7.Betle Nut:-


Family History: Non-contributory

1.DM: Father:- Mother:-

2.Hypertension: Father:- Mother:-

3.Gout: Father:- Mother:-

4.other systemic disease:-

Review of Systems:

General appearance: fever (-), anorexia (-), body weight loss (-)

Head and Neck: headache (-), sorethroat (-), rhinorrhea (-), blurred vision (-)

Chest: chest pain (-), dyspnea (-), cough (-) hemoptysis (-), sputum (-)

Abdomen: vomiting (-), diarrhea (-), flank pain (-), constipation (-), stool incontience (-)

GU/GYN: dysuria (-), hematuria (-), nocturia (-), urinary incontience (-)

Physical Examinations:

Skin:normal tension, not dehydrated

Consciousness:clear, alert

Head: no trauma, no scar.

Pupils: Isocoric, light reflex:+, prompt

Conjunctiva: not pale. Sclera: not icteric.

Neck: Supple, no LN is palpable

Chest: Symmetric expansion, breathing sound is clear

Heart: regular heart beat. No gallop. No bruit. No murmur.

Abdomen; Flat, Solt, liver and spleen are not palpable

no muscle guarding, no rebounding pain, no palpable mass,

bowel sound: acoustic, normoactive

Local findings: R't L't

Genu Varum: - -

Range of motion: 0-145 0-145

P-F Grinding pain: - -

Reticulum Med. - -

Tenderness: Lat. - -

Stress Test: Med.0: - -

30: - -

Lat.0: - -

30: - -

Lachmann - ++

Drawer: Ant. - +++

Post. - -

Pivot Shift: - ?

Joint line tenderness

Med. - +

Lat. - -

McMurray: Med. - +

Lat. - -

Condyle Tenderness:

Med. - -

Lat. - -


Laboratory Data:

Lt. knee MRI: ACL, med. meniscus tear.


Lt. knee anterior cruciate ligament, med. meniscus tear.


Op.: Arthroscope examination, ACL-R, partial meniscectomy, debridement.

Post-op care, rehab.

二.【Knee Injury】

Chief Complaint: Lt. knee pain for more than 18 months.

Present Illness:

This 69-year-old male patient had a motorcycle accident some 18 months ago. His Lt. knee and lower leg were injured and were managed by bonesetters for a period of time. His Lt. knee joint pain has bothered him off and on since then. In recent months the pain has become persistent and has increased in intensity.

The patient came to our OPD. Physical and X-ray exams led to the impression of Lt. knee meniscal tear; MRI exam. showed menisci tear with OA changes of the joint. The patient was admitted to our ward for surgical intervention.

Past History:


2.Hypertension: noted for years, under regular treatment


4.Operation:Cardica cath. due to previous AMI



7.Betle Nut:-


Family History: Non-contributory

1.DM: Father:- Mother:-

2.Hypertension: Father:- Mother:-

3.Gout: Father:- Mother:-

4.other systemic disease:-

Review of Systems:

General appearance: fever (-), anorexia (-), body weight loss (-)

Head and Neck: headache (-), sorethroat (-), rhinorrhea (-), blurred vision (-)

Chest: chest pain (-), dyspnea (-), cough (-) hemoptysis (-), sputum (-)

Abdomen: vomiting (-), diarrhea (-), flank pain (-), constipation (-), stool incontience (-)

GU/GYN: dysuria (-), hematuria (-), nocturia (-), urinary incontience (-)

Physical Examinations:

Skin: normal tension, not dehydrated

Consciousness:clear, alert

Head: no trauma, no scar.

Pupils: Isocoric, light reflex:+, prompt

Conjunctiva: not pale. Sclera: not icteric.

Neck: Supple, no LN is palpable

Chest: Symmetric expansion, breathing sound is clear

Heart: regular heart beat. No gallop. No bruit. No murmur.

Abdomen; Flat, Solt, liver and spleen are not palpable

no muscle guarding, no rebounding pain, no palpable mass,

bowel sound: acoustic, normoactive

Local findings: R't L't

Genu Varum: - -

Range of motion: 0-145 0-145

P-F Grinding pain: - +

Reticulum Med. - -

Tenderness: Lat. - -

Stress Test: Med.0: - -

30: - -

Lat.0: - -

30: - -

Lachmann - -

Drawer: Ant. - -

Post. - -

Pivot Shift: - -

Joint line tenderness

Med. - +

Lat. - +

McMurray: Med. - +

Lat. - ?

Condyle Tenderness:

Med. - +

Lat. - -


Lab. Data:


L't knee MRI without Gadolinium, parameter with sagittal ( PD & T2W & PD fatsuppression ), coronal ( PD & PD fat suppression ) and axial ( PD fatsuppression ) show:


(1)Horizontal tear at lateral meniscal anterior horn,body and posterior horn.

(2)Horizontal tear at medial meniscal body and posterior horn.

(3)Chronic sprain and tendinosis and thickening of MCL.

(4)Intact ACL,PCL,LCL,,iliotibial band,biceps femoris tendon,popliteus tendon,and Pes anserinus.

Impression: Lt. knee menisci tear.


OP: Arthroscope examination, partial meniscectomy, debridement

Post-op care.

三.【Rotator Cuff Tear】

Chief Complaint: Rt. shoulder pain for more than 4 years.

Present Illness:

This 51-year-old female patient has suffered from right shoulder pain for more than 4 years. The pain is much worse during the night and is aggravated when the patient is trying to do overhead activities. Range of motion has insidiously become restricted. Shoulder Index Strength of affected shoulderis much weaker than that of the other one. The patient could not recall any trauma to the affected shoulder. She had MRI exam. done at NCKUH which showed tear of the rotator cuff.

The patient came to our OPD. Physical and X-ray exams led to the impression of shoulder OA, impingement syndrome, and rotator cuff tear. The patient was admitted to our ward for surgical intervention.

Past History:








Personal History:


Family History:


1.DM: Father:- Mother:-

2.Hypertension: Father:- Mother:-

3.Gout: Father:- Mother:-

4.other systemic disease:-

Review of Systems:

General appearance: fever (-), anorexia (-), body weight loss (-)

Head and Neck: headache (-), sorethroat (-), rhinorrhea (-), blurred vision (-)

Chest: chest pain (-), dyspnea (-), cough (-) hemoptysis (-), sputum (-)

Abdomen: vomiting (-), diarrhea (-), flank pain (-), constipation (-), stool incontience (-)

GU/GYN: dysuria (-), hematuria (-), nocturia (-), urinary incontience (-)

menopause (+)

Physical Examinations:

Skin:normal tension, not dehydrated

Consciousness:clear, alert

Head: no trauma, no scar.

Pupils: Isocoric, light reflex:+, prompt

Conjunctiva: not pale. Sclera: not icteric.

Neck: Supple, no LN is palpable

Chest: Symmetric expansion, breathing sound is clear

Heart: regular heart beat. No gallop. No bruit. No murmur.

Abdomen; Flat, Solt, liver and spleen are not palpable

no muscle guarding, no rebounding pain, no palpable mass,

bowel sound: acoustic, normoactive

Local findings: R't L't

Range of motion:

Abduction 0-150 0-180

For. Flexion 0-150 0-180

Ext. Rotation

Side 30 60

Horizontal 0-140 0-180

Int. Rotation L5 T8


Abd. + -

Abd.30 degrees ++ -

Cross-over - -

A-C Tenderness - -

O'Brien's Test - -


Deltoid 5-/5 5/5

Supraspinatus 5-/5 5/5

Ext.Rotator 5-/5 5/5


Laboratory Data:


Rt. Shoulder x-rays: Right subacromion spur formation with OA change.

Rt. Shoulder MRI: rotator cuff tear.


Rt. shoulder rotator cuff tear.


Operation: Acromioplasty, bursectomy, synovectomy, rotator cuff repair.

Post-op care and rehab.


Chief Complaint:

The patient is a 76 year-old man with low back painradiating to the left leg for 6-7 months.He visited our OPD.Physical Examination of the lower back showed pain radiating to the left leg with numbness,left leg weakness, dorsiflexion weakenssof the bilateral great toes. SLRT showed (R -/L -). X-ray of spine showed retrolisthesis of L12, L23, and L34 and disc space narrowing at L3-S1.

Claudication < meters

night pain (+ or -)

physical therapy for ( ) months or other treatment

The symptom and sign were worse or off and on or recurrence.

Then he was admitted for further management.

Past History:

1.H/T(+)Tenomin 1#qd, DM(-), Heart disease (-)

2.R't shoulder OA s/p total shoulder replacement on 89-09-08

3.Left shoulder OA s/p total shoulder replacement + tendon release on


4.Bil renal stone s/p ESWL at 奇美醫院

5.BPH s/p TUR-P on 95/08/16

6.Recurrent benign prostatic hyperplsia & bladder neck contracture on


7.Right femoral head AVN s/p T.H.R.(R) on 97-06-05.


Family History: Non-contributory

1.DM: Father:- Mother:-

2.Hypertension: Father:- Mother:-

3.Gout: Father:- Mother:-

4.other systemic disease:-

Review of Systems:

General appearance: fever (-), anorexia (-), body weight loss (-)

Head and Neck: headache (-), sorethroat (-), rhinorrhea (-), blurred vision (-)

Chest: chest pain (-), dyspnea (-), cough (-) hemoptysis (-), sputum (-)

Abdomen: vomiting (-), diarrhea (-), flank pain (-), constipation (-), stool incontience (-)

GU/GYN: dysuria (-), hematuria (-), nocturia (-), urinary incontience (-)

Physical Examinations:

General Appearance:

Cons: clear, JOMAC: fair

ill-looking, not dehydration, not anemia

Head and Neck:

supple, LAP (-), JVE (-), no soreness, no tenderness


symmetric expansion, no tenderness, no subcutaneous emphysema,

breathing sound: clear, no rale, no wheezing


regular heart beat


soft, flat, no tenderness, no muscle guarding,

no rebounding pain, no palpable mass,

bowel sound: normoactive


no suprapubic tenderness, no gross hematuria,

no dysuria, no urinary retension or incontinence

Orthopedic Physical Examination:

Wound:old op scar,right hip

Pain: lower back pain radiation to left leg

Range of Motion:limited of motion due to pain of spine.



sensory: intact

Deformity: Nil

Neurovascular: intact

Neurological examination and specific finding

1 pain and numbness distribution


lower bck pain >or < lower leg radiation pain

2 muscle power

quadriceps r,t l.t

EHL r,t l,t

FHL r,t l.t

3 reflexs

knee r,t l.t

ankle r,t l,t

4 anal tone and spincter function

5 SLRT r,t l,t

6 Other :

Knocking pain

local tenderness

operation scar or skin markings

trunk deformity

muscle wasting or spasm

lower back pain radiation to left leg with numbness few,left leg

weakness,bilateral big toe dorsiflexion function poor,and SLRT test showed

(R -/L -)

Laboratory Data:

L-spine MRI:

1.Degenerative change of L-spine with spurs formation and desiccation of lumbar discs.

2.L2-3:Grade 1 retrolisthesis.

3.L3-4:Posterior herniate disc and hypertrophied bil. ligamentum flavum, causing moderate spinal stenosis.

4.L4-5:Marked disc space narrowing and Rt posterolateral herniated disc, causing compression to the Rt lateral recess.

5.L5-S1:Facet joint spurs formation, causing Rt neural foramen.


Spine stenosis.


1.Arrange operation--Laminectom+Disectomy on

2.Consult CV for evaluation heart function for op risk.

五.【Tibia plateau fracture】

Chief Complaint: painful swelling of the left knee due to motor vehicle accident this morning

Present illness:

The 67 y/o man had a motor vehicle accident (汽車從右邊撞上倒地) this morning. He complained of painful disability and swelling of the left knee. He denied loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, abdominal pain, or other associated injury.

He was sent to our ER for evaluation. At ER, the patients presented with left knee pain, swelling with hemoarthrosis, tenderness, limited ROM, distal sensory and motor intact. Radiographs showed a left lateral tibia plateau fracture with hemoarthrosis. So he was admitted for further evaluation and management.

Past history:



3.Heart disease (-)

4.Present medication

5.Operation history

Family history:

H/T(-), DM(-), Heart disease (-), cancer (-)

Review of the system:

General appearance: fever (-), anorexia (-), body weight loss (-)

Head and Neck: headache (-), sorethroat (-), rhinorrhea (-)

Chest: chest pain (-), dyspnea (-), cough (-)

hemoptysis (-), sputum (-)

Abdomen: vomiting (-), diarrhea (-), flank pain (-),

constipation (-), stool incontience (-)

GU: dysuria (-), hematuria (-), nocturia (-),

urinary incontience (-)

Physical examination :

Vital sign--

General Appearance:

Cons: clear, JOMAC: normal

not ill-looking, not dehydration, not anemic

Head and Neck:

supple, LAP (-), JVE (-), no soreness, no tenderness


symmetric expansion, no tenderness, no subcutaneous emphysema,

breathing sound: clear, no rale, no wheezing


regular heart beat


soft, flat, no tenderness, no muscle guarding,

no rebounding pain, no palpable mass,

bowel sound: normoactive


no suprapubic tenderness, no gross hematuria,

no dysuria, no urinary retension or incontinence

Orthopedic Physical Examination:

Wound: abration wound over left nee area

Pain: left knee

Range of Motion: left knee painful limitation


motor: intact

sensory: intact

Deformity: left knee

Neurovascular: intact

Specific Finding: left knee pain and swelling with suprapatellar area hemoarthrosis

and abration wound, left knee stability can't evaluate due to severe pain

Laboratory exam:

Radiogram: left lateral tibia plateau split depression fracture with hemoarthrosis

Biochemistry data--


WBC: 10x3/uL, Hb: g/dL, PLT: 10x3/uL, PT: sec, APTT: sec

Biochemistry and electrolyte:

BUN: mg/dL, cr: mg/dL, GPT: IU/L

Na: meq/L, K: meq/L, Glucose: mg/dL


Left lateral tibia plateau split depression fracture, Schatzker type II

Differential diagnosis:

Plan to treatment:

1.ORIF with buttress plate

2.Prophylactic antibiotic use and analgesic treatment

3.On long leg cast protection for 1 month

4.Ambulation with walker aid with partial weight bearing of the injury limb for 3 months

5.Rehabilitation exercise


Chief Complaint: painful motion and disability of the left knee for years that has been aggravating recently.

Present Illness:

This 65-year-old female patient complained of painful motion of bilateral knees for years. The pain is much worse when the patient is doing sporting activities and is aggravated when she is trying to go up/down stairs.

The patient could walk <50 meters without pain. She gets up from sitting position with great difficulty. Squat is very difficult for the patient.

The patient cameto our OPD 4 years ago. At that time, physical and X-ray exams had led to the impression of bilateral knee joint osteoarthritis, plica syndrome, and meniscal tear. He underwent a bilateral arthroscopic examination and debridement on 10/24/2006. After the discharge, she was kept on regular OPD follow up. In recent one year, the left knee pain became worse. Therefore, she was admitted for surgical intervention.

Past History:



3.Heart disease (-)

4.OP history(-)

900312,900625 Rt. chronic paranasal sinusitis

10/24/2006 Both Knee Plica Syndrome, Both Meniscus Tear, Osteoarthritis → Arthroscopic Examination, Partial Meniscectomy, Plica resection, Debridement

Personal History:

Allergy (-), Tobacco (-), Alcohol (-)

Drugs (-)

Family History:

H/T(-), DM(-), Heart disease (-)

Review of Systems:

General appearance: fever (-), anorexia (-), body weight loss (-)

Head and Neck: headache (-), sore throat (-), rhinorrhea (-)

Chest: chest pain (-), dyspnea (-), cough (-)

hemoptysis (-), sputum (-)

Abdomen: vomiting (-), diarrhea (-), flank pain (-),

constipation (-), stool incontience (-)

GU/GYN: dysuria (-), hematuria (-), nocturia (-),

urinary incontience (-)

menopause (+)

Physical Examinations:

General Appearance:

Cons: clear, JOMAC: normal

ill-looking, not dehydration, not anemic

Head and Neck:

supple, LAP (-), JVE (-), no soreness, no tenderness


symmetric expansion, no tenderness, no subcutaneous emphysema,

breathing sound: clear, no rale, no wheezing


regular heart beat


soft, flat, no tenderness, no muscle guarding,

no rebounding pain, no palpable mass,

bowel sound: normoactive


no suprapubic tenderness, no gross hematuria,

no dysuria, no urinary retension or incontinence

Orthopedic Physical Examination:

Wound: bilateral knees op scars

Pain: both knees tenderness, painful motion

Range of Motion:left knee painful limited ROM:10-100



sensory: intact

Deformity: both knees varus deformity

Neurovascular: intact

knee score:42

Laboratory Data:

W.B.C.[7.9 10^3/uL],Hb[13.3 g/dL],Platelet count[172 10^3/uL],P.T.[9.6 Sec],A.P.T.T.[26.6 Sec]

BUN[15 mg/dL],Glucose (Random)[116 mg/dL],Creatinine[0.82 mg/dL]

Na[139.6 mEq/L],K[3.98 mEq/L],S-GOT(AST)[21 IU/L],S-GPT(ALT)[12 IU/L]

x-ray: Osteoarthrosis with medial space loss, osteophyte, genu varum.


Both knees Osteoarthritis


OP: TKR, left

Pre-op evalaution

Arrange rehabilitation program

七.【Wrist fracture】

Chief Complaint: Left wrist pain post traffic accident (or fall) for XXX days.

Present illness:

This 18 year-old male (or female) patienthas suffered from left wrist pain and swelling due to traffic accident (騎機車跌倒) (or fall during walking / fall from heightabout XXXX meters) for 4 days. He visited our LMD for help (or was sent to our ER). Painful disability of left wrist and volar (or dorsal) deformity were noted. The radiograph showed a left Colles fracture, Smith fracture, and Barton's fracture. We suggested operation and discussed surgical risks with the patient and family. They agreed to take the risks, and he was then transferred to our ortho ward for surgical intervention.

Past history:



3.Heart disease (-)

4.present medication

5.operation history

Family history:

H/T(-), DM(-), Heart disease (-)

Review of the system:

General appearance: fever (-), anorexia (-), body weight loss (-)

Head and Neck: headache (-), sorethroat (-), rhinorrhea (-)

Chest: chest pain (-), dyspnea (-), cough (-)

hemoptysis (-), sputum (-)

Abdomen: vomiting (-), diarrhea (-), flank pain (-),

constipation (-), stool incontience (-)

GU: dysuria (-), hematuria (-), nocturia (-),

urinary incontience (-)

Physical examination :

Vital sign--

General Appearance:

Cons: clear, JOMAC: normal

ill-looking, not dehydration, not anemic

Head and Neck:

supple, LAP (-), JVE (-), no soreness, no tenderness


symmetric expansion, no tenderness, no subcutaneous emphysema,

breathing sound: clear, no rale, no wheezing


regular heart beat


soft, flat, no tenderness, no muscle guarding,

no rebounding pain, no palpable mass,

bowel sound: normoactive


no suprapubic tenderness, no gross hematuria,

no dysuria, no urinary retension or incontinence

Orthopedic Physical Examination:

Wound: right ankle abrasion wound

Pain: left wrist

Range of Motion: left wrist painful limitation


motor: intact

sensory: intact

Deformity: left wrist

Neurovascular: intact

Specific Finding: left wrist swelling, left arm weakness

Laboratory exam:

radiogram-- angulation ; traslation; radial shortening and volar tilt,radial inclination