Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices on Tuesday 10 May 2016.

Present: Cllrs. A. Vaughan (Chair), S. Boughton, M. Newton, N. Tile, K. Read and A. Aldis.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 April 2016 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Five applications had been received.

COL 16/0864 REGISTERED 12/04/16 Libby Kirkby-Taylor

Proposal: We want to change the position of a waste disposal pipe coming out of an ensuite bathroom in the attic of the house so that a shower can be fitted in the ensuite. This will involve removing the old waste pipe, filling in the existing hole, creating a new.

Location: Prices House, Bethany Street, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9TS

Applicant: Mrs. Louise Bradley

Recommendations: No observations.

COL 16/0884 REGISTERED 18/04/16 Bruce O’Brian

Proposal: Extension and alterations

Location: 20, Elmstead Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9HX

Applicant: Mrs. Julie Thompson

Recommendations: Views of neighbours to be taken into consideration and concern for the loss of permeable land.

Cllr. Vaughan declared an interest.

COL 16/0879 REGISTERED 15/04/16 Chris Harden

Proposal: Alteration to planning approval 160027. Change of materials to approved areas and existing dwelling. Balcony to first floor rear bedroom.

Location: 2 Beech Avenue, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9AR

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Wheatley

Recommendations: Views of neighbours to be taken into consideration especially potential overlooking of neighbouring properties.

COL 16/0994 REGISTERED 29/04/16 Eleanor Moss

Proposal: Extend first floor to provide en-suite to bedroom. Alterations to amend existing staircase and to alter sitting room chimney stack and side windows externally and fireplace internally.

Location: The Orchard, Rectory Hill, Wivenhoe, CO7 9LB

Applicant: Mrs Sue Excell

Recommendations: Views of neighbours to be taken into consideration.

COL 16/0938 REGISTERED 03/05/16 Bruce O’Brian

Proposal: First floor extension over kitchen

Location: Prices House, Bethany Street, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9TS

Applicant: Mr. Ben Bradley

Recommendations: Concern that this is overdevelopment of a property in the Conservation Area and therefore the Conservation Officer should be consulted. Views of neighbours should also be taken into consideration.

COL 16/10/79 REGISTERED 03/05/16 Bruce O’Brian

As above Listed Building


Four decisions had been received, as follows:

COL 16/0471 REGISTERED 29/02/16 Eleanor Moss

Proposal: Revision to Planning Approval 152330 to remove rear window

Location: 38 Bowes Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, Essex, CO7 9RE

Applicant: Mr S Mathias

Recommendations: No observations.

DECISION: Approved with 3 conditions.

COL 16/0466 REGISTERED 26/02/16 Eleanor Moss

Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension to kitchen

Location: 8 The Avenue, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9AH

Applicant: Miss C FitzGerald

Recommendations: No observations apart from loss of permeable land.

Cllr. Vaughan declared an interest.

DECISION: Approved with 4 conditions.

COL 15/1844 REGISTERED 18/08/15 James Ryan

Proposal: Two storey side extension & first floor rear & side extension. Replacement windows to sash & replacement boarding.

Location: 14 Brook Street, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9DS

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Hayworth

Recommendations: The proposal overlooked neighbouring properties and was out of keeping with the Conservation Area. It was important that the views of neighbours be taken into consideration. The plans submitted were insufficient in content.

DECISION: Approved with 11 conditions.

COL 15/2550 REGISTERED 27/11/15 Sue Jackson

Proposal: Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 145776 (variation is to subdivide the ground floor into three units)

Location: Bawley House, Walter Radcliffe Road, Wivenhoe, CO7 9FG

Applicant: Mr J Frank

Recommendations: The original concept for this development has become eroded over the years with this proposal affecting the last commercial space left. The whole Cooks’ development was marketed with the promise of bringing employment, commercial and social benefit to the area and enhancing the community without negative impact and also reflecting a little bit of Wivenhoe’s past. A good restaurant that specialised in fresh local seafood would have supported our local fishermen, and could have brought income into the town from visitors. The residents of the Cooks’ development consists mainly of commuters and working families who had been looking forward to having a restaurant within their midst. The original s106 Agreement secured a visitors’ car park and was leased to the Town Council with the intention of providing much needed income from the commercial units and the restaurant. With the danger of the estate becoming primarily residential the visitors’ car park will be rendered a white elephant. The Town Council does not accept Mr. Frank’s reasons for varying the condition as this has just confirmed their fears from the onset that the concept of commercial units and the restaurant was just a ‘backdoor’ to more residential units.

DECISION: Approved with 2 conditions.

4. SECTION 106 MATTERS. Noted that the s106 reports came out quarterly.


Members discussed the issue of the Community Right to Buy an Asset which was not being used (Localism Act) and the fact that there were some sites in Wivenhoe that would qualify for this. Town Clerk to write to CBC to find out what steps are needed if the Town Council wished to register a site.

6. LAND OPPOSITE MILLFIELDS. Cllr. Read noted that the grass had not been cut and a letter would be sent to Elmstead Parish Council asking them to get the contractor to cut the grass before it got too long.


Date of next meeting Tuesday 31 May 2016.

The meeting ended at 8.20pm
