Flu Sub-project
Concise Summary: Help us pitch this solution! Provide an explanation within 3-4 short sentences. 203
We guide clients to detectthe earliest signs of flu. We train them to maximize intake of cool air and water. Thesesolutions prevent all serious symptoms of flu to cut transmissions and durations of flu by 7 days, and thus, save loss of working/study hours.
WHAT IF - Inspiration: Write one sentence that describes a way that your project dares to ask, "WHAT IF?"
What if drinking water and cool air were used as first aid to effectively cut transmissions of fluandcut loss of working hours?
Problem: What problem is this project trying to address? 450
Uganda’s urban based population of 6,426,013 people in the age bracket of 15-55 years, suffers from lack of flu vaccines and antiviral drugs for treating flu in government hospitals since these drugs are expensive. Flu causes loss of productivity or working hours due to serious symptoms such as; cough, fever, stuffy nose, headache and runny nose, which last for as long as 2 weeks. Lack of protection leaves this group exposed to a flu pandemic. ( There is also limited awareness on availability of flu vaccines in our country)
Solution: What is the proposed solution? Please be specific! 750
We offer clients books and seminars by which they learn to detect the earliest signs of flu like; sneezing, scratchy throat and close contacts with flu victims. We train themto maximize intake of fresh air and drinking water as first aid to cut durations of flu from 12 days to only 3-4 days by preventing all serious symptoms like; stuffy nose, runny nose, headache, fever, body aches and cough. First aid keeps the body relatively cool to keep nasal airways open and prevent nasal discharge. Absence of nasal discharge and cough savesour clients from discomfort to allow them to socialize and work freely. I have applied first aid to effectively cut durations of over 20 incidents of flu in the last 10 years.
Example: Walk us through a specific example(s) of how this solution makes a difference; include its primary activities.
John recognizes that he has the earliest symptoms of flu. He quickly starts drinking 2 ltrs of water per day, and ensures adequate ventilation of the body using light attire, light bedding and open foot wear. First aid protects him against all serious symptoms of flu like; headache, fever, stuffy nose, runny nose and cough. Absence of those symptoms allows him to socialize freely, thus, save working hours, as duration of flu is cut from 12 days to only 4 days. He does not suffer from side effects of antiviral drugs for treating flu like; nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, nor need to pay for such drugs. We offer to sale him a service of flu vaccination and train him on prevention of flu.
Impact: What is the impact of the work to date? Also describe the projected future impact. 900
I applied first aid to effectively shorten durations of over 20 incidents of flu in the last 10 years. Firs aid enabled me to cut durations of flu from 12 days to only 4 days leaving me with over a week of normal productivity levels.Prevention of cough and inhibition of sneezing and fever cuttransmissions of my flu to other people.
This solution will substantially save productivity or working hours56,240 adults within 3 years. First aid also reduces transmissions of flu/colds by inhibiting sneezing, and preventing fever and cough. This benefit will also be applicable in cutting future transmissions of flu pandemics like bird flu or swine. First aid and use of flu vaccinations will alleviates growth of antibiotics resistance by preventing abuse of antibiotics in treating flu, since our book also promotes use of flu vaccination service.
Full impact potential: What are the main spread strategies moving forward?
(Same as Malaria)
Financial Sustainability Plan: What is this solution's plan to ensure this initiative's financial sustainability?450
(Same as Malaria)
Marketplace: Who else is addressing the problem outlined here? How does the proposed project differ from these approaches?600
Drug companies supply flu vaccines and oseltamivir drugs for treating flu. Flu vaccines do not offer 100% protection at all times hence creating need for first aid. Flu vaccines and antiviral drugs are too expensive for most Africans whereas first aid is affordable, since it utilizes freely available fresh air and drinking water. Oseltamivir reduces duration of flu by only one day whereas first aid reduces duration of flu by about 7 days. Oseltamivir have side effects like; nausea, diarrhea and vomiting while first aid is free from such side effects. We shall also promote use of flu vaccines.
Founding Story
(Same as in Malaria Project)
(Same as in Malaria Project)
BI supports the most promising solutions to challenging health problems through its MMH initiative and we (Same as in Malaria Project)
(Same as in Malaria Project)
EXPLANATION OF NEEDS: Please explain your choices in more detail. *600
(Same as in Malaria Project)
(Same as in Malaria Project)
(Same as in Malaria Project)
InfectionIncident in time / Application & adherence to
Aerotherapy (First aid) / Results / Calendar Year / Percentage of infections aborted per annum
May 2011 / Adequateapplication / Aborted / 2011 / 50%
Dec 2011 / Inadequate / Failure
Jun 2012 / Adequateapplication / Aborted / 2012 / 75%
Aug 2012 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Oct 2012 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Dec 2012 / Inadequate / Failure
Feb 2013 / Adequateapplication / Aborted / 2013 / 100%
Mar 2013 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Sep 2013 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Oct 2013 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Nov 2013 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Jan 2014 / Adequateapplication / Aborted / 2014 / 87.5%
Early Feb 2014 / Inadequate/delayed
application / Failure
Early Feb 2014 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Mar 2014 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Jun 2014 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
July 2014 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
September2014 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
October 2014 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
April 10 2015 / Inadequate (poor ventilation & stress) / Failure / 2015 / 67%
May 09 2015 / Inadequate(poor ventilation in bedroom) / Failure
July / Adequateapplication / Aborted
August 4 2015 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
August 19 2015 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
September 7 2015 / Adequateapplication / Aborted
Aborted refers to flu incidents that effectively had their durations cut short from 12 days to about 3-4 days using first aid. Adequate application refers to incidents of flu to which procedures of first aid were effectively and adequately adhered to leading to desirable results. Adequate application of first aid cuts durations of flu from 12 days to only 3-4 days, by preventing all serious symptoms like; stuffy nose, runny nose, headache, fever, body aches and cough. Absence nasal discharge savesa patient from the discomfort of blowing one’s nose frequently. Absence of cough, nasal discharge and other visible symptoms allows a patient to socialize freely. Absence of cough, fever and sneezing cuts the spread of flu.