Student Government Association Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Begin: 12:31pm
- President James Jesmer calls meeting to order and leads in the Pledge of Allegiance
- Secretary Emily Buchanan takes attendance – absent: Rachel Ball, Garrett Dailey, Jordan Ethier, Beth Hall, Keisha Marks, Logan Moore, Abigail Ott, Michael Shaw, Amber Snyder, Randi Tinney, Emily Wymer
End: 12:35pm
- Secretary Emily Buchanan gives report
- Leave Your Mark mural competition flyers have been created
- Vice President Makenzie McClure gives report
- Donates six boxes (approximately 324 cans) to Soup Opera
- “The Good Stuff” food drive for the Nest
- Soup drive and ready-to-eat boxed food
- Projected date: March 21-28
- Thanks from the Board of Governors to James and Daphne Ryan for coming to presidential search student session
- Note: students can go to any session that is not noted as “closed”
- SGA Advisor Meagan Gibson gives report
- Elections coming up – packets are due at the end of February – voting March 7th-8th
- Senior campaign is going well
- Alumni reception for basketball tournament March 3rd
- Good opportunity to target alumni to purchase bricks
- Interested in attending: Yi Ting Lin, James Shafer
- More information next week
- President James Jesmer gives report
- Gave out umbrellas for RAK week
- 130 bricks sold out of projected 300
- Student activities:
- Student organization mailboxes have been moved to Colebank
- Make-your-own bouquet was a success
- Comedy Night next Wednesday 7-9pm
- Pet Helpers is coming with puppies to de-stress students March 7th
- Student activities committee will be created to help plan events in the future
- Interested: Makenzie McClure, Dillon Bradley, Yi Ting Lin
- Table for Senior Campaign next week:
- Tues 11-2 Alex Vance
- Tues 11- 2 Andrew Cook
- Wed 12-1 James Shafer
- Wed 12-2 Andrew Cook
- Wed 11-1 Brianna Love
- Facilities committee meeting
- Video camera project:
- Lock down every building after hours and add one camera at the accessible doorway (opened with key card)
- Opinions:
- Greek Life has meetings after hours and in weekends
- Possibly be able to schedule to have doors unlocked
- Architecture, chemistry, and engineering use buildings after hours for class
- Use trial building instead of investing all money into buildings
- Bad idea
End: 1:00pm
- Floor open for discussion:
- Library Committee update
- John Lympany, Chief Information Officer, addressed concerns about not having a head of the library
- Wants library staff member to take over the open position
- No time table is set up for this process yet
- Tutoring hours will not be changed with the changing Friday hours
- Options:
- Keep entrance open at all times
- Hire student workers for 24/7 hours
- Hire professional workers
- Athletics
- Student Athletic Committee wants to host an event
- Volleyball is having a fundraiser at Chipotle
- Next Monday 4-8pm – 50% of proceeds go to the team
- Honors meeting Tuesday
- TKE is raffling off a Steelers jersey next Thursday
- Motion to adjourn – passes
Adjourned: 1:15pm