Student Government Association Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Begin: 12:31pm

  1. President James Jesmer calls meeting to order and leads in the Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Secretary Emily Buchanan takes attendance – absent: Rachel Ball, Garrett Dailey, Jordan Ethier, Beth Hall, Keisha Marks, Logan Moore, Abigail Ott, Michael Shaw, Amber Snyder, Randi Tinney, Emily Wymer

End: 12:35pm

  1. Secretary Emily Buchanan gives report
  2. Leave Your Mark mural competition flyers have been created
  3. Vice President Makenzie McClure gives report
  4. Donates six boxes (approximately 324 cans) to Soup Opera
  5. “The Good Stuff” food drive for the Nest
  6. Soup drive and ready-to-eat boxed food
  7. Projected date: March 21-28
  8. Thanks from the Board of Governors to James and Daphne Ryan for coming to presidential search student session
  9. Note: students can go to any session that is not noted as “closed”
  10. SGA Advisor Meagan Gibson gives report
  11. Elections coming up – packets are due at the end of February – voting March 7th-8th
  12. Senior campaign is going well
  13. Alumni reception for basketball tournament March 3rd
  14. Good opportunity to target alumni to purchase bricks
  15. Interested in attending: Yi Ting Lin, James Shafer
  16. More information next week
  17. President James Jesmer gives report
  18. Gave out umbrellas for RAK week
  19. 130 bricks sold out of projected 300
  20. Student activities:
  21. Student organization mailboxes have been moved to Colebank
  22. Make-your-own bouquet was a success
  23. Comedy Night next Wednesday 7-9pm
  24. Pet Helpers is coming with puppies to de-stress students March 7th
  25. Student activities committee will be created to help plan events in the future
  26. Interested: Makenzie McClure, Dillon Bradley, Yi Ting Lin
  27. Table for Senior Campaign next week:
  28. Tues 11-2 Alex Vance
  29. Tues 11- 2 Andrew Cook
  30. Wed 12-1 James Shafer
  31. Wed 12-2 Andrew Cook
  32. Wed 11-1 Brianna Love
  33. Facilities committee meeting
  34. Video camera project:
  35. Lock down every building after hours and add one camera at the accessible doorway (opened with key card)
  36. Opinions:
  37. Greek Life has meetings after hours and in weekends
  38. Possibly be able to schedule to have doors unlocked
  39. Architecture, chemistry, and engineering use buildings after hours for class
  40. Use trial building instead of investing all money into buildings
  41. Bad idea

End: 1:00pm

  1. Floor open for discussion:
  2. Library Committee update
  3. John Lympany, Chief Information Officer, addressed concerns about not having a head of the library
  4. Wants library staff member to take over the open position
  5. No time table is set up for this process yet
  6. Tutoring hours will not be changed with the changing Friday hours
  7. Options:
  8. Keep entrance open at all times
  9. Hire student workers for 24/7 hours
  10. Hire professional workers
  11. Athletics
  12. Student Athletic Committee wants to host an event
  13. Volleyball is having a fundraiser at Chipotle
  14. Next Monday 4-8pm – 50% of proceeds go to the team
  15. Honors meeting Tuesday
  16. TKE is raffling off a Steelers jersey next Thursday
  17. Motion to adjourn – passes

Adjourned: 1:15pm